Having now studied the tape of the game twice, it is quite apparent that there is no comparison between OU and OSU. The best athletes on OSU appeared inept against the people guarding them. The only players who were at all impressive were Jensen and Jones, and only because we simply weren't doing the job on interior defense or rebounding. The couldn't shoot. They couldn't move well. Probably about ten of their points were off of purely lucky bounces that bounced off the backboard for a three or bounced straight up, only to fall down through the rim.
I thought we took a big lead in both halves, only to back off and relax. When we were active, OSU couldn't do a thing about it. I think we only played about ten minutes out of the forty.
I thought we took a big lead in both halves, only to back off and relax. When we were active, OSU couldn't do a thing about it. I think we only played about ten minutes out of the forty.