OU at Arkansas-Little Rock

People we been seeing this for years now from this staff. The program is at a stand still at best. I have said it many times and have been blasted for it but Sherri C coaching best days are behind her. Some of you sound like the OSU football fans.."Next Year" "team on the rise".
There is a way out. Fire Sherri Coale after this season, which will mercifully end after the first game of the big 12 tournament.

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I watched the last 6-ish minutes. Small sample size maybe but that was BAD. Nobody could hold onto the ball. Everyone was falling all over the place. Nobody could hit a shot (I think I saw 1 made field goal in the last six minutes? Maybe 2.) Maddie looked like Michael Jordan in Space Jam after the looney toons took his powers. That was completely discombobulated basketball, as if the 5 guys on the floor only met 5 minutes before the game started. From everything I’ve read about UALR, they aren’t a good team and we just lost by DOUBLE DIGITS.

For whatever reason, Coach Coale consistently coaches teams who get SO in their heads and lose all confidence. I really wish we wouldn’t have scheduled so many road games early. This team can’t afford to lose their confidence like this. It’s a slippery slope.

I don’t know how much more time I can devote to this team.

And, sadly, the last 6 minutes were the best 6 minutes of our game. I watched from the beginning of the game. The first half was excruciating.
There is a way out. Fire Sherri Coale after this season, which will mercifully end after the first game of the big 12 tournament.

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Lol that’s a bit over the top, and I don’t think it will ever happen... I think Sherri just doesn’t have the body’s or talent to succeed, and that’s because of some of the players we signed, and then the transfer also pushed us behind...

Dungee would surely be starting this year and contributing to the team, Mulkey might have turned the page and played consistent as well. The next Gen class is the 1st time in a long time OU will have signed three players ranked somewhere, I think OU is 2 years away from challenge Baylor and Texas for the top spot in the big 12...
Lol that’s a bit over the top, and I don’t think it will ever happen... I think Sherri just doesn’t have the body’s or talent to succeed, and that’s because of some of the players we signed, and then the transfer also pushed us behind...

Dungee would surely be starting this year and contributing to the team, Mulkey might have turned the page and played consistent as well. The next Gen class is the 1st time in a long time OU will have signed three players ranked somewhere, I think OU is 2 years away from challenge Baylor and Texas for the top spot in the big 12...
Finally, a bit of perspective.
Perspective? She’s had a mediocre program for a decade. Coaches have been fired for a lot yes. Her time has passed.

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