Nine of Kay Kay's twelve boards are offensive rebounds.
Vivi misses FT, hits second.
Tejada misses, Reb jones, Woods hits
Gioya hits from eight
Martin fouled by Vivi, hits first FT, Vivi back in, hits second
LaNesia is fouled, has one and one, hits FT, 6:29 hits second.
Tejada misses three, they get it, foul Ortiz, Tejada hits first, and second
Little fouls tejada as she turns it over.
Wesemann misses three, Little reb 5:48
Sharane misses three, Lewis reb
Held ball, but KS ball
Woods misses, reb Woods, travels
Martin fouls Sharane, misses FT, tipped otuoff KS
Little hits eher eighth three 65-53
Lewis hits
Little loses it off her foot
lewis misses, Gabbi reb
Gabbi offensive foul
media timeout 3:39