Big 12 records before Thunder...
OU 139-69
OSU 123-85
Big 12 records after Thunder...
OU 89-104
OSU 81-111
Ok, while that APPEARS to look legit, this may be a little post hoc ergo propter hoc... my favorite logical fallacy.
This is a conclusion that assumes that if 'A' occurred after 'B' then 'B' must have caused 'A.' Example: I drank bottled water and now I am sick, so the water must have made me sick.
Or, to use here. "OU and OSU were good at basketball before the Thunder, and then after that were not good anymore. Therefore, the Thunder caused OU and OSU to be bad at basketball".
But what else happened around that time?
First of all, it was the end of the Sutton era. Eddie left in 2006, the torch was passed to Sean, who clearly had personal problems, substance abuse issues, etc and then it passed to Travis Ford who immediately went 23-12, 22-11, and 20-13, then things went downhill.
Basically the same thing happened in Norman. The Sampson era ended up in 2006. The exact same time-frame that the Sutton era ended. OU brings in Capel, and everything from there is history.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the programs took a slide right at the same time the best coaches in their programs history left. On top of that, they went a different direction as well. Young coaches who weren't from the area, didn't follow the patterns of success from the previous legends, etc.
I think for both programs, that has extended.
They don't recruit like Sampson and Eddie did... none of them have stressed toughness, defense, etc like Sampson and Eddie did... They have lacked identity which Eddie and Sampson clearly had..
The league itself also changed. The Big 12 turned into a different league, you have to play everyone twice now, the teams are different..
Lots of variables at play. I am not saying the Thunder is not a variable, but I think it has to do a lot more with Sampson and Sutton leaving at that time than it does the Thunder. If I had to rank the variables, I would say:
1.) Sampson and Sutton gone
2.) Bad hires/New, unproven coaches with no connection to the program
3.) Big 12 changed dramatically
4.) Poor recruiting strategy of new OU and OSU coaches
5.) Other league programs simply made better hires than OU and OSU did. OU made a risky hire then the safest possible hire. Both of those carry pros and cons. OSU has made ONLY risky hires.
6.) The Thunder have taken attention, fans, atmosphere, etc away from OU and OSU