Possible transfers

Tape is going to San Francisco.
Tape is going to San Francisco.

This is an interesting choice to me. Unless he just wants to see minutes and doesn't care where.
Tape is going to San Francisco.

San Francisco??? Nothing about that makes sense, unless Bill Russell is the recruiting coordinator there now.
Tape is going to San Francisco.

I think this answers the question about highly sought after he really was. Columbia, Duke, then UCSF...dude is trying to get an education.
Heard 2 names this morning. Either would be FANTASTIC
Lets get both and then argue who should get the most minutes. Would you like the filet mignon or the lobster tail?

Your analogy is proper, but personal note, I always thought lobster was overrated. It's not THAT good. I actually like shrimp better. I like scallops better than lobster as well.