Question about Thunder threads...


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
I have posted and responded to threads in this board about the Thunder, and would love to have more talk of the Thunder on this board. I have joined a handful of the Thunder boards around, but have been pretty underwhelmed with them. Anyway, here's what I am curious about:

For the mods: Is it ok to make Thunder posts in the WTMH Board, or would you prefer it somewhere else. Is there a chance of a separate Thunder board at OUHoops, or would that probably not be visited enough to be viable? Just curious...

For everyone: Are there enough Thunder fans here to make this a place for Thunder convo's as well? Are any of you posting on Thunder boards? Any you would recommend? Would you like to see Thunder topics discussed here?

Just curious...
We're probably going to create a board for NBA topics before next season starts.
Just make a board for all other sports talk, have this one for OU basketball related. I guess that would include Blake Griffin/Eduardo Najera and any other future pros OU has.
I wouldn't mind a Thunder board, they are my adopted team second only to the Bulls, and I try to keep up with them.
I would totally be down for a Thunder/NBA board and i'm sure many others here would be too.