I agree almost completely with Syb -- in principal. I don't know of anyone on this board, however, calling for Sherri to be fired. Most, including you Syb, hope that she has the will to change some things that seem to be causing the program to decline this year.
I have speculated that, after 18 years, she might be ready to retire or moving in that direction. I think if she resists change this off season or next, then she will leave at 20 years.
As I've said, I think it would be horrible for this program to continue to slide and for this woman who has done so much for players, the program, the university and women's basketball to end up getting fired after two, three or four bad years or forced out. That's an ending Sherri absolutely does not deserve.
I think we all worry (because we like the team and the sport) that such a program slide may be developing. Next season will tell us more.
But it is this offseason most of us are talking about, even you and Ms, Syb. It is THIS offseason that may end up dictating the future of this program like no other since the program was cancelled.
Attendance is down. We aren't getting the top players. Last season, the year before that and this season, the team has had some huge hurdles to try to overcome. It's been a bag of mixed results.
I too have run a business, directed employees, hired and fired. Additionally, I hold a C soccer license and have coached girls and women from 7 to 18 over a 12 year period in my life. I understand to a great deal what Sherri is facing when trying to bring consistency out of young women in their late teens and early to mid 20s. (Reminds me of having to deal with a goalie who at 16 was trying to play while hiding a pregnancy).
It is enough to make you pull your swiftly graying hair out.
I have my ideas on things about Sherri, the players and the program, as everyone who has an interest in the program does.
I was at this point with Stoops last year. And then he acted completely out of character, fired a few buddies and one of the most herald OU football alumni ever and brought in new blood and committed to some really difficult changes -- and low and behold, they worked.
I think we all agree Sherri must do the same thing to achieve past levels of greatness and she must do it quickly. I think we all worry too (including you) that she won't do anything. That possibility is really disturbing to almost everyone.
The players are greatly responsible for what has transpired this season. They are not the only ones, however. Sherri is a head coach. It is her responsibility to direct this program and players to great heights, if at all possible. Everyone shares in the blame.
I do disagree with you that you don't see other boards going off on coaches. Tennessee fans were getting pretty fed up with Pat before the announcement leaked out that she was seriously ill. Even then people posted that she should step down immediately.
Mack Brown would certainly disagree with your line of thinking, as would Travis Ford, Lane Kiffin, a half-dozen former NFL coaches last season, on and on and on.
I will add one statement about something that may be playing a part in this team and program. We have discussed this indirectly in our discussions about religion's impact on this program.
Earlier this year, Geno basically said something to the extent that he didn't care about the personal beliefs or behavior of his players as long as they didn't negatively impact the program. He recruited the best players, religious or not, tatted up or not, bad attitude or not. If they conformed to his rules and NCAA rules and didn't get in trouble, practiced and played well, that was great and that was his only concern.
I do think there's too much family in this program right now and not enough business. That's just my opinion based on remarks that have been made to me by a variety of people and what I see on the court and on social media.
Flame away folks. I do enjoy people complaining about some posters and then turning around and doing the very same thing in a later post or a different thread.