
I think you are talking about Sara Nevins of South Florida who Florida and Florida State couldn't beat until they got the umpires to call her jump move as illegal. She was on the national team with Keilani.

Yes, that's who it was. I could remember South Florida but couldn't remember the pitcher's name.
Two errors in the second..

4-1 after two.

I surely hope the Sooners don't think they can coast after the first. Both errors were routine plays.:facepalm
Paige is having a little trouble tonight. Looks like she might need to relax a bit.

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Not consistently getting ahead of the hitter. Got behind the last 5 hitters of the 4th inning.
Paige is having a little trouble tonight. Looks like she might need to relax a bit.

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Early she had a lot of high pitches.....the last inning she had a lot in the dirt.

Not her best night.
Lowary pitches the 7th. Not much help in the field.....two more errors.

OU wins 6-3.
OU's streak of putting up early runs is putting so much pressure on opposing offenses.
It's making them press badly. A real advantage.
Many will probably remember the old saying, "statistics are like a cheap whore, once you throw them down there, you can do about anything you want with them".

CLEARLY inappropriate on any social media page, but on a women's softball link within a women's basketball forum, sorry but this is offensive.
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Yep on scoring position. But I first noticed not being in the shift in the top of the 4th when Fagen led off for Auburn and then when the third hitter Vetch struck out with the passed ball allowing Vetch to reach 1st. We were not in the shift on several other hitter throughout the game but could not see shift status on all batters to try determine when and why.

Could only observe for certain when the CF camera picking up the pitch while picking up Arnold on 3rd base side of 2nd and not in the shift.

Thought it was only used when Lowary was pitching. No?
Failed to use the shift last night when the Baylor lead off hitter switched from lefty to righty in I think the 5th inning.
Man, even when OU wins, a lot of you guys are negative...imagine if they won the title?! The negativity would be through the roof :p
Not sure who-what you are talking to but there were things last night that had me shaking my head....

4 errors in one game???

Not the best night for the defense...and from my point of view, Parker didn't have her best stuff last night.

BUT, I will take the win.:woot
Not sure who-what you are talking to but there were things last night that had me shaking my head....

4 errors in one game???

Not the best night for the defense...and from my point of view, Parker didn't have her best stuff last night.

BUT, I will take the win.:woot

Last night was classic money pitcher Parker at work. She was behind the hitters all night and that was her "B game" at best. But with the money on the line she still does not give up an earned run.

Now we just need PP to bring her "A game" against Washington. We cannot realistically afford to give Washington 3 unearned runs like Baylor got last night and expect a win.
Well, boys and girls, Paige Parker pitched a very good game last night, even if it wasn't up to the high standards some of us demand from our Sooners. One thing that makes Paige so effective is her ability to get batters to swing at pitches out of the strike zone. So, some of those high pitches and pitches in the dirt may have been thrown by design. I don't recall the exact count, but Parker's pitch count in six innings was (I think) quite a bit lower than 100.

As for the errors, yeah, the Sooners need to clean those up if they plan to beat Washington. But, like Patty said postgame, BU puts a lot of pressure on an opponent's defense. And emotions and nerves were evident, as they usually are in a WCWS opener.

I'm not really that concerned about OU's defense; we all know these girls know how to play defense. I'm just hoping we continue to hit the ball like we did last night. We may need to score more than a run or two to defeat UW.
Paige threw 68 pitches. Lowary threw 23. They were just getting warmed up. What was significant is that Baylor didn't really get any good shots off Parker. The hardest hit balls were the line-drive outs to Hatfield, about three of them. Other than that, they were popping it up a lot. Parker only had two Ks, Lowary zero. But, nobody was making good contact. Even some of the slap hits were more effective because they were mi****.