
Parker has to learn not to walk the leadoff batter when trying to end a game. Did it twice. It bit us both times.
What's the max number of innings you can pitch in one game? I know Parker is done.
Parker has to learn not to walk the leadoff batter when trying to end a game. Did it twice. It bit us both times.

She had help. Both times she got squeezed by the home plate ump.
Now, Lowary is not getting the calls from this Ump! Guess it's past his bedtime.
Gonna have to call it a night. Hope we pull it out, but we've blown too many opportunities.
Eilesen, you provided great commentary-- good on ya!
These Sooner are NAILS! They didn't quit, they battled and Shay found her pitch to drive in the 17th.
This game belongs to Lowary. Winning after leaving so many runners on is astonishing. Parker seems to always generate drama in innings over numbers 6 and 7 even when she is fresh.
Chamberlin, thy name was Knighten this year.
OU wins 7 to 5 17 innings and a 5 1/2 hour game..... Pack a lunch for tomorrow nights game!!!! Way to go, girls !!!! Proud of you for hangin' in !!!
An amazing game and a win for the ages! Congrats Sooners!