
Even on TV, that info was given late. Anyone planning to attend the OU-JMU game tonight would have been on their way, if not already in the stadium.

That's EXACTLY what happened to my bestie. She got to the stadium in the last inning of the FSU/Bama game and when the game was over they told all of the people waiting to go home. Luckily her commute was from Moore, OK, but I can only imagine what some other folks thought about that! So chaotic! Today's game should start at 3pm, however I believe rain is in the forecast. This weather has definitely helped JMU get their pitcher some rest. Hopefully our bats don't go cold after over 24 hrs without play :(
Total cluster by the NCAA. Complete.

On the flip side, JMU got a whole night to sit around and let their exit doors do a little puckering.

A truly professional organization would have contingency plans in place for all possible situations before the tournament even started.
That's EXACTLY what happened to my bestie. She got to the stadium in the last inning of the FSU/Bama game and when the game was over they told all of the people waiting to go home. Luckily her commute was from Moore, OK, but I can only imagine what some other folks thought about that! So chaotic! Today's game should start at 3pm, however I believe rain is in the forecast. This weather has definitely helped JMU get their pitcher some rest. Hopefully our bats don't go cold after over 24 hrs without play :(

As of 2 pm Monday the forecast for rain is 15% for 3 pm-10 pm.
NCAA dropped the ball, but we're still gonna roll the Tide. Can't wait!
FSU is rolling the Tide! Up 8-2 in the top of the 5th.

Interesting tidbit to start this game. Montana Fouts pitched a perfect game over the weekend—no hits, no walks and no runs. The first three FSU at bats in this game logged a hit, a walk and a three run homer in that order.

Funny how the memory of an incredible performance by a pitcher can be erased so quickly.
I thought some here might get a chuckle out of this. This was on ESPN following FSU's win on Sunday over Bam ... er, Maba.

[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I wonder if <a href="">@AlabamaSB</a> has taken this up with <a href="">@espn</a> yet. <a href="">#wcws</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Brett Leveridge (@brettleveridge) <a href="">June 7, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> [/TWEET]
She was safe by at least a foot! Why no replay? Do they not use it?

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Stole at least one run from us in the first inning. Gave them one in the second. I don't know if I have it in me to watch us get worked by this same ump again.
Stole at least one run from us in the first inning. Gave them one in the second. I don't know if I have it in me to watch us get worked by this same ump again.

Is that the same ump who made a similar bad call in the first JMU game?
Glad I kept watching!

Unfortunately that won't be the case tomorrow, as the NCAA **** the bed again and decided to play a championship game at 3 PM EST. What a joke.
I know I'll sound like a typical homer, but I've watched every game but two or three this season, and I can't think of a time (certainly not in the last couple of months) when a bad call went our way -- they've all gone against us. I don't mean a questionable call that could have gone either way -- I'm talking about the clearly missed ones. They happen to us; we never seem to benefit from them.

That said, what a great, great win tonight. Can't wait for tomorrow.
Unfortunately that won't be the case tomorrow, as the NCAA **** the bed again and decided to play a championship game at 3 PM EST. What a joke.
Got to be fallout from moving everything up a day. They've run right into ESPN's NBA playoff doubleheader. Contractually, I bet they cannot move the game over to ESPN2.

Having it mid-afternoon tomorrow is an absolute joke. Goes to show what a short-sighted decision it was to move the "IF" games up a day.
Post game 2 press conferences][/u
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