Wilson and Spangler could play for me any day. If I were to compare Wilson to someone, it would probably be CJ Washington. I was really impressed with his footwork. I've read alot of negative stuff about Wilson and initially I didn't know who he was when I was watching him. After I asked someone, all the negative stuff I heard didn't make sense. As for Richardson, I'm in the same boat as you. You hear so much about him and frankly I was ready to be blown away. I wasn't. I see why he's a prospect. He's real solid and real sound, but he's not a Cade Davis or Tony Crocker potential player. As for the Clark/Page comparison, I've watched Page since the 6th grade. Watching Clark was like watching page as a Sophomore. Both guys use multiple dribble fake moves to get into the lane, both guys are straight ahead three point shooters, however, Page has much more range. On the 15u squad, Clark could get wherever he wanted to whenever he wanted to. On the 17u squad, he didn't have that luxury. I agree, I think he has the potential to get to atleast 6'ft. If he gets there, he will have more upside. And that says alot, because page is a two time starter and double digit scorer for a two time tourney team.