Stevie Clark - Update

The term thug was used by family pretty regularly back in the 70s and 80s. There probably weren't 2 black families in our town back then. So, because some group decides 20 years later to assign that label to their own group, I can no longer use it or it's considered hateful?

Good grief, some people really suck.
I'm part of the older generation that understands a different usage for the word "thug". But, THUG is the new "N" word in the conservative playbook. It is in the handout out. It is part of the code. Those that it is directed at know it. Those that use it in the context know it.
I had better jump back in and clarify. By conservative, I mean the conservative political class that has a chance to jump in front of a camera or microphone.
thug is 100% behavior related-- so in that regard, black kids are unfortunately labeled unfairly as thugs sometimes, because they dress and listen to the music and do things in ways that the real thugs do in the culture-- if they dont want to be included in that potential unfair labeling then they know what to do IMO

richard sherman acted thuggish because the content wasnt classy, it was a woman reporter, and the tone/delivery imo

and to the poster saying Beiber isnt labeled a thug-- thats due to the fact that a thug has some credibility, in that they could get physical ect---- bieber not being called a thug is even worse IMO because everybody looks at him like a poser trying to be a thug, but we all know deep down hes a disney teenie bopper haha
Another example. I grew up in a generation where certain terms that had been used to describe homosexuality, were used in a way that had NOTHING to do with sexuality at all. Those words took on meanings that were VERY unlike their original meanings. Not an exact "same case" scenario as thug, but similar.
Come on people!! It's not that the kid made "A MISTAKE" it's that he made multiple mistakes. He is a young man that made a mistake, you sit him down and you discuss the behavior and how it is not in his best entrance to repeat that action and of the consiqinces of repeating it. I'm sure this did happen, as he was sent home from Florida. He comes back and repeats the action and then takes to social media to claim a conspearacy plan that the cops were out to get him!!! Suspended. Then he urinates out the window of a moving car, public indecency. He was given ample opportunity to correct his path but continued to show that he was going to continue to be a dark cloud over a team, coaching staff and university. OU has had many cases of kids who have commited similar acts and either straighten up their act and were reinstated or repeated an act and were dismissed. Let's not pretend that the kid was the victim here, he is paying the price for his actions, hopefully he learns from this and grows up and achieves he's potential.
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Surely that wasn't Lucas' idea.

Doubt it. I would like to think that Lucas is smarter than that.

Clearly this young man is getting some bad advice from somewhere, though. Or, maybe he's just acting on his own with no thought about the consequences. That appeared to be the case before.
And if you are going to post "letters of recommendation" on your site, at least make sure the grammar is correct in those letters. Geez.
And if you are going to post "letters of recommendation" on your site, at least make sure the grammar is correct in those letters. Geez.

Oh, my goodness! :facepalm I had not been to the web site until you brought this up. Embarrassing, to say the least. It's also odd that he could only find two friends who were willing to write letters of recommendation.

The site as a whole looks pretty good, appearance wise. But if I had been the designer, I would have left some of the less-impressive bullet points out and focused on the more important personal accomplishments.

I genuinely hope this young man gets his act together and finds what he's looking for, in a school and in life.