The Civil Willie Warren Discussion Thread

Willie tries to do too much and forces the game at times. That isn't always bad for a player of his skills.

He has a little trouble getting started at times and presses, throwing up some ill-advised treys.

And at times he drives into a mob and loses the ball. But driving to the hoop is how he gets most of his points.

It is a matter of developing more patience and judgment. Fortunatly Crocker has provided a lot of leadership in the last 5 or 6 games and that should take some heat off Willie.

He is probably not ready for the NBA yet both emotionally or in terms of skills development. But will probably still be a lottery pick because of the potential upside.

But it is early in the season and he will have time to get his game more consistent.
I just don't like the attitude. There was one moment where he got fouled and was on the ground. His teammates tried to help him up and he just stayed down. Also, in the first half TMG said something to him and Willie made a face and gestures. Maybe it is just a will to win or maybe it is a piss poor attitude. I can't say for sure.

Yep. Seen him not hustle back after HE thought he got fouled. Saw him not hustle back after a teammate missed, causing him to have to commit a foul. Just general pouting, head down, I'm not going to run back hard type of play when things aren't going his way. Then he scores a few buckets, and he's fine. That is NOT leadership.
How is that impressive? That is what 99% of college players do. That is what they should do. None of those fouls were illegal, or dangerous. None of them were cheap. Willie knows when you go to the rim, you SHOULD end up on the ground. I wish OU defended that way.

99% of guys get to the line 12 times in a game?
Yep. Seen him not hustle back after HE thought he got fouled. Saw him not hustle back after a teammate missed, causing him to have to commit a foul. Just general pouting, head down, I'm not going to run back hard type of play when things aren't going his way. Then he scores a few buckets, and he's fine. That is NOT leadership.

I remember you and a few others saying the same about Blake early on. He seemed to overcome the " perceived attittude".

Willie talked trash to Kobe Bryant during a summer pick up game. Kobe said in LA that he likes Willie because Willie believes that he is the best player on the planet. The perceived attitude probably comes from always being the "man". Capel seems to have done a good job of getting Blake to always be intense on both ends. I believe that he will do the same with Willie.

Xavier Henry is on ESPN being talked about as the best frosh in the country, and the most NBA ready. I saw him take a few plays off today against LaSalle. I personally don't believe that Willie has an attitude that can't be checked. Capel will get him there. He is still maturing...... IMO of course.
I remember you and a few others saying the same about Blake early on. He seemed to overcome the " perceived attittude".

Willie talked trash to Kobe Bryant during a summer pick up game. Kobe said in LA that he likes Willie because Willie believes that he is the best player on the planet. The perceived attitude probably comes from always being the "man". Capel seems to have done a good job of getting Blake to always be intense on both ends. I believe that he will do the same with Willie.

Xavier Henry is on ESPN being talked about as the best frosh in the country, and the most NBA ready. I saw him take a few plays off today against LaSalle. I personally don't believe that Willie has an attitude that can't be checked. Capel will get him there. He is still maturing...... IMO of course.

Fair enough. And for the record, I haven't written Willie Warren off. But Blake started coming around late in his frosh year. Willie is well into his soph year, and we're seeing that type of stuff more than ever from him. That is what disheartens me.
Fair enough. And for the record, I haven't written Willie Warren off. But Blake started coming around late in his frosh year. Willie is well into his soph year, and we're seeing that type of stuff more than ever from him. That is what disheartens me.

True. He has to stop the pouting/shutting down when things get tough.
Willie's not Blake. We need to quit measuring him with that scale. Yeah, he can undoubtedly do alot of things better. Today went a long way for him being more of a complete player. But we have to stop bellyaching every time he has a bad shooting game and he has to be more than just a scorer.
Nothing to debate. When he drives, and gets by his guy, sure there is help sometimes. But he isn't getting guarded any differently then 99% of the other guards in college hoops. That alone should tell you how well he is playing.
Of course it should be. He has been the primary focus of every defense this year. The reason teams are hesitant to double is because of his tremendous passing ability. They are not just going to wildly double team when he penetrates and leave Crocker, TMG, or Cade wide open. When they do, he hits them. If they help uphill, it's a dunk. It's hard to double a guard that can pass and is willing to pass.

For someone to think Willie isn't being "doubled" (as if straight doubling a guard is common practice) because teams aren't perceiving him as a major threat is asinine, and shows a clear lack of understanding, or some sort of grudge or resentment based on emotion.

But he isn't getting guarded any differently then 99% of the other guards in college hoops.
Ahh, so now we're attending thebigabd school of aggrandizement. I should have stopped when I saw that posted.
Willie's not Blake. We need to quit measuring him with that scale. Yeah, he can undoubtedly do alot of things better. Today went a long way for him being more of a complete player. But we have to stop bellyaching every time he has a bad shooting game and he has to be more than just a scorer.

I agree.
I say negative things, but there are times where Willie does a really good job getting his teammates involved. And, I agree that comparing him to Blake is unfair. Blake is a once a lifetime talent with a once a lifetime attitude to go with that talent.

And Willie gives a great interview, saying all the "right" things.


Thanks for posting... he is a good interview.
How is that impressive? That is what 99% of college players do. That is what they should do. None of those fouls were illegal, or dangerous. None of them were cheap. Willie knows when you go to the rim, you SHOULD end up on the ground. I wish OU defended that way.

Common that suggests he is average. Willie is not average. Willie is special. He beats his man, gets to the rim, and draws a foul plus makes the shot more often than not.

Why don't you like the guy? He is the best guard to ever play at OU and I will gauranty he is the best guard you are old enough to remember. (Personally I think he is better than Mookie but I could see the debat - you are a kid and did not see Mookie play - no offense, I wish I was a kid).
I didn't read through all the posts, but I will agree with those that are saying the pouting must stop after not getting calls. He has to come to the realization that refs are going to call "their" games, not his. While everybody at home watching can see the foul, sometimes the refs just aren't going to call it. We have read the articles were some refs say they sometimes call a foul or don't call a foul to try and seem impartial. Much like life, you can't sit around and sulk when things don't go as you planned, you have to get back up and get yourself back into the game.
Don't people agree that temperamental and talent are sometimes connected? Give the guy time to grow as a player.

I'm starting to agree with the comparison to Mookie.
Willie can flat out go. It's good to see him playing well.
Expectations to start the season too high (likely also an issue of Willie reading his press clippings). Willie is one of the top 10 players in the country without question. He is a scorer not a shooter.

Willie still has some maturity issues, does some things on the court (again body language) that need to continue to be worked on. However as shown in the past couple games he is starting to understand his role on this team and how big a part he plays.

At the end of the season as our super freshman grow we ll go as far as Willie can take us. Willie isnt Blake, but he's a damn good player and its great to see him continue to grow not only as a player but a person before our eyes.

He is 6'2 1/2 (joke)
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I'm late posting to this thread but will give some random thoughts.....
  • He has a great body. From all my years of refereeing I think people underestimate bulk and strength more than any physical attribute ...... and Willie has that
  • His outside shot has been off this year and that has frustrated him. Remember Texas on the road last year and the KU game? Willie carried those games with his sharp shooting.
  • He still has a lot of work to do with his handles ..... particularly as a PG
  • He is a good passer when playing the point
  • It's difficult to double a perimeter player .... they can trap, but it's not the same as defenders doubling Blake in the post last year.
  • Willie's fallback when his outside shot isn't falling and our offense is stagnant is to take the ball to the hole. He's strong enough to do it almost at will.
  • The other teams have scouting reports and they collapse and sometimes strip him of the ball when he takes it to the glass ...... they know his tendencies. Give them credit.
  • That ability to go the hole will really help him in the NBA
  • Going to the line 12 times is a lot. You're not going to get a lot more calls than than from the referees especially when he initiates a lot of the contact.
  • I think a lot of the attitude comes from being disgusted with himself .... not the referees or teammates.
  • We would be in deep trouble without him. Somebody needs to take over when the going gets tough. He and TMG do that best in crunch time.
  • I like that he shows some emotion but he does sometimes pout.
  • The one time I talked to him last year I thought he was about 6'2". It's tough to take it over someone 7'3" unless you out-muscle them.
How is that impressive? That is what 99% of college players do. That is what they should do. None of those fouls were illegal, or dangerous. None of them were cheap. Willie knows when you go to the rim, you SHOULD end up on the ground. I wish OU defended that way.

Sorry but saying 99% of college players drive the lane and get fouled to the ground is just wrong. In fact you said you wish OU defended that way so if they don't defend that way then no way 99% college players do, it just doesn't happen.

I remember posters saying last year we didn't goto the hole nearly enough. Now WW is doing and its not impressive? To me it is because he can go in with those bigs and most of the time get a shot off and a foul. Today the officiating was horrible and inconsistent but WW took this team on his back today and impressed me!
He is the best guard to ever play at OU and I will gauranty he is the best guard you are old enough to remember.


What are you basing the "best" on? There is no way that is a true statement. I can think of a handful of guards I'd take over Willie, all which played since I've been old enough to follow OU basketball. And don't you mention the NBA, or his potential draft position, b/c that means NOTHING about how good he's been in college.