The NBA Playoffs/Thunder/Blake Thread

If you look at this photo and the video of the play from another angle it's pretty clear....

You aren't always right bud

It may have caused CP3 to lose it but I've seen one anglfe from the broadcast that showed the ball leaving his hand already when jackson reached in

Watching it live I thaught Paul was going to make a pass and then decided he couldn't and tried to control the ball but was to late. I do think contact from Jackson helped.
Here is the quote I saw this morning (I went to bed and didn't watch his interview)

"You can't foul the 3-point shooter. That's the dumbest thing ever. Even if I didn't foul him."

Paul choked big time in the 4th quarter. 4 turnovers, bad fouls, missed too many wide open jumpers (although he did hit one), etc.

During the interview I saw last night he wouldn't answer, but then again it may depend on when you ask, who was asking may changed how he answered.

If you look at this photo and the video of the play from another angle it's pretty clear....

You aren't always right bud

It may have caused CP3 to lose it but I've seen one anglfe from the broadcast that showed the ball leaving his hand already when jackson reached in

haha, that proves what I said. He is trying to gather a ball moving away from his body (which is what happens when you are dribbling) and he gets held up for a split second. I never said it was the worst hack ever, but it's no different than what happened on the other end.

I don't feel bad for CP3, he gets away with a lot. Just pointing out what happened.
haha, that proves what I said. He is trying to gather a ball moving away from his body (which is what happens when you are dribbling) and he gets held up for a split second. I never said it was the worst hack ever, but it's no different than what happened on the other end.

I don't feel bad for CP3, he gets away with a lot. Just pointing out what happened.

That was a foul, but that's a foul that almost never gets called. Hitting a guy on the elbow on a jumpshot almost always gets called.
I think the only reasonable interpretation of that rule is that the ball must go out of bounds without touching the player who previously had possession. Here's the example from the rulebook:

At 1:23 of the fourth period the officials rule Team A caused the ball to go out-of-bounds but were not reasonably certain. During instant replay review, the officials observe Player B1 having his hand on the ball and Player A1 hitting his hand causing the ball to go out-of-bounds. The officials should confirm the call on the court following the review.

True, since Player B1's hand is considered part of the ball, Player A1
hit the ‘ball' causing it to go out-of-bounds and therefore the ball is
awarded to Team B.

If you read the rule very literally, you could argue that if someone hits your hand, knocking the ball loose, then the ball bounces off your foot and goes out of bounds, it's still your ball. I'm not sure where to draw the line between my hypothetical (which should result it a change of possession) and the play last night, but I think that call could have gone either way. Jackson touched the ball last with his right hand, just not sure if it was as it was knocked loose or after.
And people really think Reggie fould CP3 at the end? Maybe i need to look at it again but looked clean the few times I have watched it

This right here shows you have you blinders on. This more than the officials is why I can't watch this series anymore.

Carry on without me men.

Clippers choked as much as the THunder in game 4, just had a good push from the refs too. It is what it is.
If you read the rule very literally, you could argue that if someone hits your hand, knocking the ball loose, then the ball bounces off your foot and goes out of bounds, it's still your ball. I'm not sure where to draw the line between my hypothetical (which should result it a change of possession) and the play last night, but I think that call could have gone either way. Jackson touched the ball last with his right hand, just not sure if it was as it was knocked loose or after.

I think it did too, but is that video conclusive? That's up for interpretation.
The angles shown weren't that conclusive. They probably should have given LA the ball IMO.

This isn't like OU Oregon 8 years ago when it was clear that OU had the ball on the onside kick.
This right here shows you have you blinders on. This more than the officials is why I can't watch this series anymore.

Carry on without me men.

Clippers choked as much as the THunder in game 4, just had a good push from the refs too. It is what it is.

Were you upset when CP3 blatantly fouled Curry in Round 1?
This right here shows you have you blinders on. This more than the officials is why I can't watch this series anymore.
Why? B/c I said it looked clean the first few times I saw it? I never said reggie didn't reach in or hit his arm.

chill out. calm down. it will be alright
Were you upset when CP3 blatantly fouled Curry in Round 1?

I wouldn't have been mad if they called that one.

Just like if they call this one, that is fine. Just call the reach on the other end.

I thought Paul messed up when he got close enough to reach the guy trying to be a hero. Let him miss the three like he did in Game 4 and rebound.

The clips helped out a lot.
Why? B/c I said it looked clean the first few times I saw it? I never said reggie didn't reach in or hit his arm.

chill out. calm down. it will be alright

I am calm. Just because I said you have blinder doesn't mean I am upset.

You are the one that called players names in past posts, not me.
lol...this right here is blah blah blah.

You accuse me of having blinders on when you do the same thing. Griffin was run blocking thabo

You are right, stand there and don't try to get in rebounding position if the guy hooks your arm. That is a great idea.
i thought you were taking your ball and going home?

You are right, I messed up and came back. Should have never came back.

I have a getter fix that will work for both of us.

Nevermind, ignore button doesn't exist.

Will just agree to disagree on everything in this series.

Leave it at that.
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You are right, Sef doesn't grab him or hook his arm underneath.


Watch perkins on the high ball screen when Westbrook blows by without using the screen. Perk does the same thing except beat hugs so they can't switch and he gets the left handed lay up.

Blake pushed sef all the way to the basket and was probably a foul under normal NBA rules. But how they have been allowing them to play in this years playoffs, its not a foul you can call.

Both teams are constintly using moving screens. they only seem to call it when the ball handler actually makes contact with the person getting screened. Perkins, Griffen, Ibacka, big baby, and jordan would all foul out before halftime if they called every moving screen.

Watch when Blake does pick and rolls, Alot of times he rolls and starts doing another screen before he is even set or does not screen long enough and starts moving right away.. This is technically by defnition a moving screen. But everyone does it.
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Show the definite proof please. I've seen the replays and it doesn't show him palming Westbrook's arm/elbow

Here ya go big boy


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