This was what I meant when addressing OU women hosting first round.

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Norm, you are injecting beliefs into constitutionality, which have little to do with beliefs. It is interesting that one of the first cancellations was a convention for the Disciples of Christ who regarded the law as unchristian. But, that doesn't address constitutionality either. You are totally entitled to your beliefs, within the confines of your home. As soon as you establish an enterprise governed by interstate commerce, you have brought yourself under the umbrella of the constitution. Historically, with other topics, the courts have interpreted that your beliefs are limited by the rights of others. Eventually, Hobby Lobby will also discover this.

syb: I'd suggest you review the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Scrybe: I'd suggest you review the civil rights movement, and resulting civil rights legislation.


In truth, this is not a civil rights issue, tango. And even if it was, civil rights legislation did not replace or invalidate the First Amendment.
Hobby Lobby doesn't discriminate against any employee. Each one still has more than 10 birth control methods covered by Hobby Lobby. I would think at least one of those methods should be satisfactory. If not, the employees are free to pay for any other method available.

So if we passed a law that said Anyone with the name "Norm" in their screen name cannot use the Interstate Highways, you would say "That's OK. No discrimination there. I can still use the back roads to get where I need to go."?
Meanwhile, the very loud and nasty members of the vocal minority who like to call themselves "progressive" are, in reality, nothing more than fascists.

Encouraged (supported) by the mainstream media, these people continue their endless attacks and rants against anyone who stands in the way of the real agenda of hate and bigotry. It makes me very sad to see my country being destroyed by these zealots.

Sorry scribe. The fascists are the ones who want to control others by passing laws that discriminate against people different from themselves. The fascists were the ones who held major book burnings to keep ideas they opposed from being in the schools and libraries. That is a fundamental fascist ideology.

Progressives are different. They believe in allowing people (themselves AND others) to live according to their own beliefs in their public discourse - and not in passing laws to keep themselves from being civil and polite to people who do not see everything exactly as they do.
Progressives are different. They believe in allowing people (themselves AND others) to live according to their own beliefs in their public discourse - and not in passing laws to keep themselves from being civil and polite to people who do not see everything exactly as they do.


No, I'm sorry, SOUG. The progressive fascist/far left zealots you are so fond of are actually the ones who are diametrically opposed to every principle you cited above.
Looks like Indiana bowed to the pressure and there is an amendment to their RFRA.

Indiana lawmakers announced a proposed fix to the wording of the state’s controversial religious freedom bill Thursday, clarifying that the legislation does not allow for businesses to discriminate against certain groups. It follows widespread criticism that the law, as written, could be used to refuse service to members of the LGBT community.

The proposed language to be added to the bill would explicitly state that Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is not a legal defense for companies to decline services, goods, public accommodation, employment or housing on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.

“Religious rights and individual rights can exist in harmony,” added Senate President Pro Tem David Long, also a Republican. “Hoosier hospitality is not just a saying, it’s a way of life and I hope people come to understand that.”

The Indiana law attracted the ire of gay activists as well as the business community — including several of the state's biggest corporations — late last week after Republican Gov. Mike Pence signed it into law,
The fact that you chose Aljazeera America as your source for this announcement drips with irony. On the other hand, perhaps it doesn't.

No, I'm sorry, SOUG. The progressive fascist/far left zealots you are so fond of are actually the ones who are diametrically opposed to every principle you cited above.

The British Dictionary disagrees.

British Dictionary definitions for fascism Expand
noun (sometimes capital)
any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc

In truth, this is not a civil rights issue, tango. And even if it was, civil rights legislation did not replace or invalidate the First Amendment.

This is a civil rights matter and those laws have not been invalidated by the First Amendment. Whites used religion in their opposition to civil rights for blacks, such as anti-miscegenation laws.

First you say there has been no discrimination against gays and then you say it's okay to discriminate against gays based upon religious belief.

The fact is that there has to be a balance between an individual's religious belief and the rights of say a gay person guaranteed to her/him under the constitution. No law is making anyone become gay. No law is imposing upon someone's religious beliefs. Believe what you want but if you operate a business then you should not be allowed to discriminate against anyone based upon your religious beliefs. We do not operate businesses in a vaccuum, all on our own, without support from organized government which pays for roads to get to the place of business, police to protect the business,
fire department, and other government entities which we all support with taxes so that we can attempt to have a stable, humanitarian society and country.
There's a good reason you chose the British dictionary over Merriam-Webster, which defines fascism as follows:

1: often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
Discrimination is illegal in this country. Period. Why should a business, operating under the laws of this country, be allowed to segregate themselves and only do business with heterosexuals?

Where does that stop? When your skin is a different color? When you aren't 300 lbs? How about if you are a redhead? I know, I don't want to do business with people who are taller than me! You have kids -- take your business elsewhere.

Allow an exception and they never end.

Equal. Equality. This country, and many others, have established those words as a credo to their existence. It is the very foundation of our liberty.

This is a question of equality, decency, OUR LAWS and the very existence by which we should be living by.

This is not about morality or even the right to discriminate. It's about hate.

It hurts no one to have to adhere to our laws related to discrimination and equality. It hurts people when we don't.

Jesus was about forgiveness. He ran with tax collectors, whores, the outcast of society. He judged no one ,but treated them all equally.

God judges. We all face him. Let him deal with sins. Let those of us without sin cast the first stone.

If you support these terrible laws and actions under the Satan-led guise of "choice," you will answer to God. Be thankful he is all forgiving because other wise, I believe, you'd be bound for Hell -- justifiably.
The fact that you chose Aljazeera America as your source for this announcement drips with irony. On the other hand, perhaps it doesn't.

And the fact that you ASSUME something negative about the content of Aljazeera America speaks volumes about your knowledge of this news outlet.

However, you should be able to find the same FACTS (don't believe anyone is saying that what I quoted is not true) at some other place. As for opinions and controversy, I never just use one source. Another source which is quite good for getting facts is "The Christian Science Monitor." One place that is NOT good for facts is Fox News. They just do NOT report the facts, nor is anything fair and balanced. Some of MSNBC programs is its counterpoint but not all, plus, though I believe MSNBC also spins and also leaves out information which prevents a complete picture, no one is as bad as Fox. Studies have shown that people who watch Fox are the most uninformed people in the country.
Discrimination is illegal in this country. Period. Why should a business, operating under the laws of this country, be allowed to segregate themselves and only do business with heterosexuals?

Where does that stop? When your skin is a different color? When you aren't 300 lbs? How about if you are a redhead? I know, I don't want to do business with people who are taller than me! You have kids -- take your business elsewhere.

Allow an exception and they never end.

Equal. Equality. This country, and many others, have established those words as a credo to their existence. It is the very foundation of our liberty.

This is a question of equality, decency, OUR LAWS and the very existence by which we should be living by.

This is not about morality or even the right to discriminate. It's about hate.

It hurts no one to have to adhere to our laws related to discrimination and equality. It hurts people when we don't.

Jesus was about forgiveness. He ran with tax collectors, whores, the outcast of society. He judged no one ,but treated them all equally.

God judges. We all face him. Let him deal with sins. Let those of us without sin cast the first stone.

If you support these terrible laws and actions under the Satan-led guise of "choice," you will answer to God. Be thankful he is all forgiving because other wise, I believe, you'd be bound for Hell -- justifiably.

God judges. We all face him. Let him deal with sins. Let those of us without sin cast the first stone.

On this we agree, Oliver. And I'm sure womenssports and MSProudSooner and Sweetest OU Girl are believers too.
Now, can we not turn this into a political web site.

Believe it or not, I do wish I had not posted it. As for this site, I often write a post in a thread and then delete it just to prevent from adding fire to some ongoing argument. My reason to post was to show the point I meant to make
in a previous thread about Norman and OKC hosting NCAA Tournament games. It seems no one addressed the link on the NCAA not liking the Indiana law nor its postition on gays.
Discrimination is illegal in this country. Period. Why should a business, operating under the laws of this country, be allowed to segregate themselves and only do business with heterosexuals?

Where does that stop? When your skin is a different color? When you aren't 300 lbs? How about if you are a redhead? I know, I don't want to do business with people who are taller than me! You have kids -- take your business elsewhere.

Allow an exception and they never end.

Equal. Equality. This country, and many others, have established those words as a credo to their existence. It is the very foundation of our liberty.

This is a question of equality, decency, OUR LAWS and the very existence by which we should be living by.

This is not about morality or even the right to discriminate. It's about hate.

It hurts no one to have to adhere to our laws related to discrimination and equality. It hurts people when we don't.

Jesus was about forgiveness. He ran with tax collectors, whores, the outcast of society. He judged no one ,but treated them all equally.

God judges. We all face him. Let him deal with sins. Let those of us without sin cast the first stone.

If you support these terrible laws and actions under the Satan-led guise of "choice," you will answer to God. Be thankful he is all forgiving because other wise, I believe, you'd be bound for Hell -- justifiably.

Really? Just...really?

I don't really have time to add more thoughts, but, FWIW, I am quite enjoying this thread. I realize that its a sports board, but sometimes its interesting to do this.
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