Uh Oh, Clippers owner

I don't like the league's soft stance on criminal behavior. But I also don't think that justifies not punishing others. I'd rather a little hypocrisy than every one get away with their reprehensible behavior.

While I understand your position it is dangerous. We don't want a society where laws and regulations are arbitrarily enforced. Equal protection and due process are important values.
While I understand your position it is dangerous. We don't want a society where laws and regulations are arbitrarily enforced. Equal protection and due process are important values.

So because the NBA doesn't ban lawbreakers they shouldn't ban pond scum owners?

If I were an NBA fan, I would hope that in 10 years people can look back at this decision and say that it helped give the NBA courage to do the right thing when players and coaches step outside the law.
This banning him for life is the right thing, but sets a tough president.

KG was not banned (or even penalized) for calling Villuniva(sp?) a cancer patient even though he has a condition that causes it and if I remember right is a protected by the ADA. The one time at an NBA game I got to sit even close you could he trash talk that I would not like my kids to hear. I am sure some will say things over the line and maybe even racist( calling each other n word and all). Saying certain words even if its just trash talking on a Basketball court is more public then the situation that Sterling supposedly said his. His just got recorded.

Where do you go with a trash talker saying something over the line?
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So because the NBA doesn't ban lawbreakers they shouldn't ban pond scum owners?

If I were an NBA fan, I would hope that in 10 years people can look back at this decision and say that it helped give the NBA courage to do the right thing when players and coaches step outside the law.

NBA has never really been good at doing the right thing. They have always been completely reactionary to what the public opinon. It has been and is always about the image they want to put forth, that means some players that are stars get away with things that some players will never get away with. Image is the only thing to the NBA higher ups.

I am glad he is banned, but there is a point about some of these players. KG has been caught saying some horrible things in the guise of trash talking but yet he still has a career and as far as public was never punished.
So because the NBA doesn't ban lawbreakers they shouldn't ban pond scum owners?

If I were an NBA fan, I would hope that in 10 years people can look back at this decision and say that it helped give the NBA courage to do the right thing when players and coaches step outside the law.

I didn't say that. I simply adressed sperry's comment.
Does he own an NBA team/franchise?

MrProud, when a barking dog is chasing your car down the street do you stop and have a conversation with the dog? Same thing here. Barking dogs are to be ignored. They will mindlessly bark no matter what.
MrProud, when a barking dog is chasing your car down the street do you stop and have a conversation with the dog? Same thing here. Barking dogs are to be ignored. They will mindlessly bark no matter what.

So it is ok for a black commentator to make insensitive gestures and remarks but not a rich white guy. Got it.

Personally, I find making fun of a handicap person a lot more disgusting than racist words. but to each their own
MrProud, when a barking dog is chasing your car down the street do you stop and have a conversation with the dog? Same thing here. Barking dogs are to be ignored. They will mindlessly bark no matter what.

Some people would smack the dog to teach it not to chase cars. ;)
So it is ok for a black commentator to make insensitive gestures and remarks but not a rich white guy. Got it.

Personally, I find making fun of a handicap person a lot more disgusting than racist words. but to each their own

Yes you have made it quite clear you don't think racism is a big deal. A large majority of the country knows that position is immoral.
Sterling should be gone and he will be.

But the truth of the matter is there is plenty of examples of players and coachs of all races saying and doing things that are equal or almost equal to what Sterling said.

Sterling make major headlines as he is the BOSS ( no need to go after the paper pusher mentality), is supposivly dating a minority and has a history. Plus he is old, rich, and denied his heritage (name change) so he is a target right there.

Again, its been stated by many NBA players KG is realy bad about what he says in trash talking on the floor which is in ear shot of people in the front few rows. I also remember larry bird talked about how he trash talked and now he wishs he would not have said some to the things he did.

Unfortunatly racism and being a general idiot are always going to be out there in one form or fashion. This may have created a precedint that may become hard to deal with.
Sterling should be gone and he will be.

But the truth of the matter is there is plenty of examples of players and coachs of all races saying and doing things that are equal or almost equal to what Sterling said.

Sterling make major headlines as he is the BOSS ( no need to go after the paper pusher mentality), is supposivly dating a minority and has a history. Plus he is old, rich, and denied his heritage (name change) so he is a target right there.

Again, its been stated by many NBA players KG is realy bad about what he says in trash talking on the floor which is in ear shot of people in the front few rows. I also remember larry bird talked about how he trash talked and now he wishs he would not have said some to the things he did.

Unfortunatly racism and being a general idiot are always going to be out there in one form or fashion. This may have created a precedint that may become hard to deal with.

I don't know that I would agree with this. Sterling's comments are worse than most things I have heard.
I don't know that I would agree with this. Sterling's comments are worse than most things I have heard.

I know KG was at one time known for using the N word and called Villuava a cancer patient. Villuava has a condition that is covered by the ADA, so I would say that is pretty bad. But I would not have expected a lifetime ban. That is why my comment that this sets up for a interesting situation when a something similar happens again. But hopefully it never will.
MrProud, when a barking dog is chasing your car down the street do you stop and have a conversation with the dog? Same thing here. Barking dogs are to be ignored. They will mindlessly bark no matter what.


Classic Boca right there.......
Yes you have made it quite clear you don't think racism is a big deal. A large majority of the country knows that position is immoral.

I have a really difficult time using the word racist to describe a white man that dates a half black lady, and tells her he doesn't care how many black men she brings back to his condo to bone. Does that sound racist? You think any KKK members lay down at night next to black wives? You think they tell their wives of any color that they don't mind if they bring home black men?

lol. The actual racists here are the people that blew this up, and ruined the end of this man's life. He is certainly a fool. But the problem with America isn't people like him, it's those that feel any slight wrong against black America has to be met with a nuclear reaction, while the opposite of that, gets swept under the rug on the daily. I could drive a couple miles due north of my place of employment, find the nearest park, sit on a bench, and within and hour or so I imagine I'd hear just about every slur about white guys known to man. But whitey is still the problem. Whitey is holding everybody back. Blame whitey. It's why this country is going down the crapper.
Well. There is another person to place on Ignore.

White males have been having sex with African-American females since slavery. It isn't a sign of respect or equality, but of dominance.
White males have been having sex with African-American females since slavery. It isn't a sign of respect or equality, but of dominance.

You think Sterling is having sex with that girl? No chance. She is nothing but a pretty girl to have by his side. Companionship.

But I disagree with your premise anyways. That is a foolish thing to suggest. This isn't Africa, or the slave fields. If a college educated African American female sleeps with a white dude, the word "dominance" likely belongs nowhere near that encounter.
