UT to stay in Big 12?


Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
By Chip Brown

In a bombshell development that could bring a halt to seismic changes in college realignment, sources tell Orangebloods.com Texas has been convinced by a plan presented by commissioner Dan Beebe to stay in a 10-member Big 12.

UT officials are expected to announce their decision to remain in the Big 12 as early as Monday.

Such a move would appear to end a courtship between Texas and the Pac-10, which all but seemed solidified as of Friday when Nebraska announced it was heading to the Big Ten and Colorado had a press conference with its new commissioner - Larry Scott of the Pac-10.

But as it became clear over the weekend that Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State appeared ready join the Pac-10 and Texas A&M appeared ready to join the SEC, Beebe was able to obtain assurances that a TV deal could be reached paying each of the 10 remaining members of the Big 12 between $14 million and $17 million.

Under Beebe's plan, schools would also be able to explore their own distribution platforms, including networks.

Texas would not be able to pursue those options in the Pac-10, which is planning to launch a conference network in 2012 and would require schools to turn over all of their inventory.


The big question now is if Texas A&M, which, according to Orangebloods.com, has the votes on its nine-member Board of Regents to join the Southeastern Conference, would reconsider a possible move to the SEC and remain in the Big 12 with its long-time, in-state rival.

The stakes for Beebe to somehow rescue the Big 12 seemed to get exponentially higher on Sunday as Pac-10 commissioner Larry Scott and chief operating officer Kevin Weiberg conducted a tour of Texas A&M, Texas Tech and Texas.

So either Texas A&M will consider Beebe's plan to rescue a 10-member Big 12. Or A&M will most likely end 100 years of tradition with rival Texas by heading to the SEC, likely triggering a exodus west of Texas, OU, Oklahoma State, Texas Tech and possibly Kansas. The Aggies can be seen as the final piece of the puzzle to holding the Big 12 together.

A Big 12 athletic director and two other sources told Orangebloods.com that A&M president R. Bowen Loftin indicated to Scott and Weiberg in a brief meeting in College Station Sunday the Aggies were not interested in joining the Pac-10.

But A&M spokesman Jason Cook refuted that report and said, "Texas A&M continues to evaluate its options. At this point, all options continue to be on the table."

Orangebloods.com was able to confirm with a top source at Texas A&M that despite visits to College Station by SEC commissioner Mike Slive on Saturday and by Scott and Weiberg on Sunday, Aggies athletic director Bill Byrne was out of the state the entire weekend - at a family reunion in Idaho.

"As Bill Byrne and I have said on several occasions, our desire was for the Big 12 Conference to continue," Loftin said in a statement Sunday evening. "With the departure of two universities from the conference last week, the Big 12 is certainly not what it was.

"We are aggressively exploring our options, one of which is for the Big 12 to continue in some form. We have also had extensive discussions with other conferences over the past two days. We continue to evaluate our options in a deliberate manner as we work toward a decision that is in the best long-term interests of Texas A&M."


"My plan is about what's best for the citizens in this part of the country and for the student-athletes and not having this section of the country with all its major institutions connected to conferences that aren't even here. We shouldn't be a fly-over zone," Beebe told Orangebloods.com on Sunday before returning to what he called his "War Room" on no sleep from the previous night.

Friday afternoon Texas announced it would have a regents meeting on Tuesday at 11 a.m. that sources said was to finalize a vote to accept an invitation to the Pac-10.

That vote was expected to begin an exodus west by at least four Big 12 South teams (Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State).


Here's what Beebe has provided to the five Big 12 South schools who have been targeted by the Pac-10, including Texas A&M, who has been in deep conversation about joining the SEC, according to sources.

--Beebe has secured information that enough money could be inked in its next TV negotiation (in 2011) that revenues per school would jump from between $7 million and $10 million in the Big 12 currently to $17 million beginning in 2012, which is what the SEC pays out.

--The 10 remaining Big 12 schools would divide up the more than $20 million in buyout penalties that will have to be paid by Colorado and Nebraska for leaving the league early.

--Individal institutions would be allowed to pursue their own networks, which has been a goal of Texas. If the Longhorns went to the Pac-10, they would have to forgo their own distribution platforms, including a network, because the Pac-16 would seek to have a conference network in which all inventory is shared.

(Consultants have put Texas' ability to generate revenue from its own network at between $3 million and $5 million after a start-up window of about three years.)

--The Big 12 would proceed with 10 teams. Everyone would play everyone in football, providing a nine-game conference schedule.

--The conference championship game would be dumped in the short-term (because the NCAA mandates 12 schools for a football title game).

--The loss of Nebraska and Colorado should have been a loss of about 16 percent to the league's revenue generating capacity. But because Colorado was an underperformer, the league lost only about 8.6 percent of its value with the loss of Nebraska, according to sources with knowledge of the Beebe Plan.


If life could be breathed into the Beebe plan by the Big 12 South, life would re-enter the Big 12 North, where limbo has been the theme for more than a week at Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri and Iowa State as well as at Baylor in the Big 12 South.

It might also stop what appears to be an impending avalanche of college realignment across the country, depending on how conversations between Texas A&M and the SEC might be affected.

Sources say if the Pac-10 is ultimately denied by the Big 12 South schools, Scott would likely extend an invitation to Utah and wrap up the Pac-10's expansion at 12.

The information from Beebe might at least slow down the rocket-like pace of Big 12 schools seeking a new home and possibly draw all the divided parties back to the table.

Hearings are scheduled in the Texas House on Wednesday with invitations to all the Texas universities involved in this break-neck game of musical conferences to get some answers by elected officials.

Texas Rep. Dan Branch, R-Dallas, who will preside over the hearings as chair of the House Higher Education Committee, said it would not be wise to act on any conference movement before Wednesday.

"I think it's great the different conference commissioners are going around and being vigilant about what the market economies are," Branch told Orangebloods.com Sunday night.

"I applaud the universities for being nimble and acting quickly and looking at everything. But I think the leadership would be wise to give their principal officers authority but not to act.

"They need to make sure the people of Texas and their elected representatives have a chance to get their questions asked and answered. There will be time to act after that."

Houston Astros owner Drayton McLane Jr., a prominent Baylor alum, told Orangebloods.com Sunday that officials will live to regret killing off prized tradition in Texas college athletics by moving too quickly.

"The rivalries between Texas, Texas A&M and Baylor have lasted more than 100 years," McLane said. "Those are treasured assets in this state. And to see them broken up and discarded would be a travesty.

"Sometimes we make decisions faster than we should. I would like to encourage the universities to see the issues as they are, the tradition. To wipe out over 100 years of tradition and go start playing on the west or east coast, that just doesn't fit what this state is all about."


So hold on folks. This is about to get interesting. The key in all of this now is Texas A&M will come back to the table and rethink its position on leaving for the Pac-10 and is considering the Beebe proposal.

Texas A&M has been in deep discussions with the SEC and as of Saturday night had enough votes on its Board of Regents to join the SEC (believed to be 6-3).

But the dissenting votes on A&M's regents board are apparently passionate about keeping Texas and A&M together and not breaking up a 100-year rivalry by having the schools head to different leagues.

Sources say SEC commissioner Mike Slive was in College Station Saturday. Sources close to the situation say A&M has an invitation to the SEC if it wants it. The SEC has also been doggedly pursuing Oklahoma.

But with news that Texas is now willing to stay put, the Big 12 just might survive after all. Texas A&M, it's your move.

Stay tuned.
Atta boy Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm keeping the faith, baby, keeping the faith!
TV contract has been renegotiated verbally to the tune of 14-17 million for each Big 12 school. Fantastic! I like it!
That might be enough money to keep teams from leaving in the future, when opportunities arise. I still think that Missouri leaves, if the Big Ten ever offers an invite. Beebe might want to start looking at expansion.
So lets stay together to give Texas their own network?
No thank you.
So lets stay together to give Texas their own network?
No thank you.

Anyone could have their own network. I can see an OU football network can't you? A Jayhawk Basketball network. Not 24-7 but showing their games across the country. Both have HUGE national followings.
Cheno would you sell your soul to keep the Big 12 together?
Cheno would you sell your soul to keep the Big 12 together?

No. What a bad statement.
It's funny that some can't see why people would want to keep the tradition and history of the Big 12 together. The regionality of being able to hop in a car and go see any game you want. The fun of having all the rival schools fans in your backyard.
I guess you and I enjoy different things about sports and what it represents.
To each his own.
There is no way that money can exist for a Big X. Last year Texas got 10 million from the Big 12. Even if you take out the two teams you can't all the money together and double everyone's salary. The money simply doesn't exist for this.
In my opinion Nebraska leaving killed the tradition standpoint, the Big 12 has had shoddy leadership for a few years now and it is being shown the massive amount of power Texas has in this current system. With Nebraska leaving in the north that power base is only going to grow. Why stay in a confernce where in the meeting rooms one team is going to run it in any manner they want to?

Shouldn't Nebraska, Colorado and soon to be Texas A&M leaving be enough warning signs that the Big 12 isn't working?
There is no way that money can exist for a Big X. Last year Texas got 10 million from the Big 12. Even if you take out the two teams you can't all the money together and double everyone's salary. The money simply doesn't exist for this.
And I don't see the media draw for ESPN, CBS, NBC, Fox Sports or whoever to shell out enough money for 17 million a year. I really think Bebe is bluffing because he is in hail marry mode.
There is no way that money can exist for a Big X. Last year Texas got 10 million from the Big 12. Even if you take out the two teams you can't all the money together and double everyone's salary. The money simply doesn't exist for this.

With renegotiated TV contracts it works. That is what is being said they already have commitments to get each team 14-17 million.

Shouldn't Nebraska, Colorado and soon to be Texas A&M leaving be enough warning signs that the Big 12 isn't working?
Or they left prematurely because the Big 12 was asleep at the time. The new TV contract doubles the payouts almost.
I'm not really sure how I feel about all of this but one silver lining to this whole mess. If the Big 12 can make that kind of money and stay with 10 teams it just became an even stronger hoops conference.

Nebraska and Colorado were two of the worst hoops programs in the Big 12, getting rid of them alone would make the league stronger but it also would allow us to play a round robin schedule. Every team in the conference would play each other both home and away every season.
I'm not really sure how I feel about all of this but one silver lining to this whole mess. If the Big 12 can make that kind of money and stay with 10 teams it just became an even stronger hoops conference.

Nebraska and Colorado were two of the worst hoops programs in the Big 12, getting rid of them alone would make the league stronger but it also would allow us to play a round robin schedule. Every team in the conference would play each other both home and away every season.

Amen. That would be awesome!!!!
And I don't see the media draw for ESPN, CBS, NBC, Fox Sports or whoever to shell out enough money for 17 million a year. I really think Bebe is bluffing because he is in hail marry mode.

Come on, surely there will be networks falling all over themselves to broadcast Iowa State v. Kansas State and Baylor v. Kansas. That's worth billions.

And relax Cheno, I'm only talking about football :)
No. What a bad statement.
It's funny that some can't see why people would want to keep the tradition and history of the Big 12 together. The regionality of being able to hop in a car and go see any game you want. The fun of having all the rival schools fans in your backyard.
I guess you and I enjoy different things about sports and what it represents.
To each his own.

Would your thoughts be different if KU wasn't on the outside looking-in?

I can see you as an individual perhaps being sincere in that you appreciate the Big 8/12's history and tradition, but the KU fan base in general is only saying they want to "preserve the conference's tradition and rivalries" because their team is on the verge of getting screwed over should the Big 12 dissolve. I was at the Final 4 in '02, and KU fans showed they ultimately could care less about their fellow Big 12 members when they were enthusiastically cheering against OU when OU and Indiana played each other. So now, I can't help but laugh when I see KU fans (not referring specifically to you) pleading that they care so much about the Big 12 and its members, and they want to keep the Big 12 tradition and its members in tact.
What media outlet would be willing to pay that much to a confernce with the bulk of the states being "flyover" country?
This reeks of pure desperation by Bebe to keep his job.

Even if some sports network shells out the big bucks to keep the Big 12 a float what happens if they don't get the returns (ratings) on thier inverstment?
Would your thoughts be different if KU wasn't on the outside looking-in?

I can see you as an individual perhaps being sincere in that you appreciate the Big 8/12's history and tradition, but the KU fan base in general is only saying they want to "preserve the conference's tradition and rivalries" because their team is on the verge of getting screwed over should the Big 12 dissolve. I was at the Final 4 in '02, and KU fans showed they ultimately could care less about their fellow Big 12 members when they were enthusiastically cheering against OU when OU and Indiana played each other. So now, I can't help but laugh when I see KU fans (not referring specifically to you) pleading that they care so much about the Big 12 and its members, and they want to keep the Big 12 tradition and its members in tact.

I'm not a KU fan but I sure would like to see the tradition and rivalrys of the Big 12 continue.
And I don't see the media draw for ESPN, CBS, NBC, Fox Sports or whoever to shell out enough money for 17 million a year. I really think Bebe is bluffing because he is in hail marry mode.

Exactly. I find it odd that Beebe now all of a sudden is guaranteeing $14-17 million. Where was this guaranteed money in contracts before?

I think this is Beebe trying to save his own face as much as anything else.
Anyone could have their own network. I can see an OU football network can't you? A Jayhawk Basketball network. Not 24-7 but showing their games across the country. Both have HUGE national followings.

Huge enough to get people to actually subscribe at a rate that makes it worth the effort?

Almost all of OU's games are already televised. Same with ku basketball. I don't think many people are going to subscribe to anyone's network to watch the leftover games that didn't make it on national TV (I assume all the halfway decent games would be part of the new TV deal... or else it's not worth it for the TV networks to give the Big 12 all that money).