what a shocker! Faux news = lying sacks of dung

Denver - if you're so damn smart then why do you so conveniently just avoid to say anything about Brownback in Kansas and how he has decimated the Kansas economy no matter how many times I have brought it up?

Is it REALLY just so hard for such an intelligent person to admit they are wrong? What are you ... Fonzie? You're wr-wr-wr-wr-wr-ong.

Oh wait, my bad, you guys DID respond. You said "but but but democrats are in charge of other places". Now, Mr Intelligent, please tell me what your logic class professor would call that argument?

I personally do think republicans are idiots. It's an inherent ideological difference and I think they're stupid for believing the other side of it.

I believe in a utility argument and that socialism is preferable to capitalism ... our policies should reflect what's best for the greatest number of people and not promoting of a few people with enough money to buy influence.

I believe republicans are morons for not standing behind Rousseau and social contract theory. I think the idea is beyond their grasp because all they believe in is personal gain. I also find it intolerable that they say and do these things in the guise of "increased morality" or as "christians" when their actions stand in direct contrast to the words of their supposed savior. The fact that they don't even register this as a cognitive dissonance tells me they're just too damn stupid.

So have at me. I dont care. Maybe you're one of the few with any intelligence. Even if that's the case the course of action you have chosen IMO shows that you dont use those mental resources in the best manner.
Denver, you have an exaggerated idea of your own intellect, either that or a very strong inferiority complex. You seem to need to prove something to yourself or others. You don't even know which three I thought were more intelligent than I did you. You just assumed that they were liberals. One wasn't, but his writing has instilled more respect.

You claim to be a lawyer. I thought a lawyer knew better than to ask a question for which he didn't know the answer. I think you erred strongly, and I have seen your writing on this and other boards.

I don't have to prove myself to you. I am who I am, and I know of my accomplishments. I think I have a reasonable grasp of how basically intelligent most people on any board are based upon their writing and their use of information. I'm rather satisfied. You seem to be threatened by the conservative position that liberals look down upon them. Well, it might help if so many didn't reject science. But, it's basically a rejection of ideological extremism.

You have repeatedly insulted the intelligence of other people and claimed you are intellectually superior. I call.

I am actually not threatened by anything about you. You are liar and an instigator. I am simply sick of liberals pompous BS and I call. Put up or shut up.

Everyone knows why you won't do it.
Denver - if you're so damn smart then why do you so conveniently just avoid to say anything about Brownback in Kansas and how he has decimated the Kansas economy no matter how many times I have brought it up?

Is it REALLY just so hard for such an intelligent person to admit they are wrong? What are you ... Fonzie? You're wr-wr-wr-wr-wr-ong.

Oh wait, my bad, you guys DID respond. You said "but but but democrats are in charge of other places". Now, Mr Intelligent, please tell me what your logic class professor would call that argument?

I personally do think republicans are idiots. It's an inherent ideological difference and I think they're stupid for believing the other side of it.

I believe in a utility argument and that socialism is preferable to capitalism ... our policies should reflect what's best for the greatest number of people and not promoting of a few people with enough money to buy influence.

I believe republicans are morons for not standing behind Rousseau and social contract theory. I think the idea is beyond their grasp because all they believe in is personal gain. I also find it intolerable that they say and do these things in the guise of "increased morality" or as "christians" when their actions stand in direct contrast to the words of their supposed savior. The fact that they don't even register this as a cognitive dissonance tells me they're just too damn stupid.

So have at me. I dont care. Maybe you're one of the few with any intelligence. Even if that's the case the course of action you have chosen IMO shows that you dont use those mental resources in the best manner.

I told you I don't know anything about Kansas and that I do not care about Kansas.

Once again you call me and republicans or conservatives morons and stupid. You don't even know my political beliefs. You have never asked. What you have done is made claims about Fox News that simply are not true. I called you on it. Then you called me stupid. I called you on that too.

You respond with stupid, moron, and other insults because I don't agree with your position. What would you call that argument?

Beyond that your belief system has one major problem. That is, you seem certain socialism works. What is the basis for that belief?

I believe Capitalism and individual responsibility and accountability lead to the greatest prosperity. I base this on the fact that the United States and other capitalist societies enjoy the greatest standard of living this planet has ever seen.
wait a minute ... so you dont know anything about Kansas and since it doesn't support your BS you decide not to even look at it?

LOL "I'll just bury my head in the sand so blah blah blah" You remember that the next time you claim we don't look at everything.

Yes, I most certainly call republicans and conservatives stupid and morons. Pretty sure I admitted that quite a few times and explained why in great detail above. I find their position untenable.

When you question socialism - are you questioning it as a political philosophy or just as an economic model? Because my issue there is that a country doesn't necessarily declare itself "socialist" and is still run by socialist philosophy or specifically by a socialist party. France, Sweden, India and others. The central point being that legislation is passed benefiting the greatest number and not a few key wealthy persons or companies.

As for economies the same issue exists. Marx was dead on regarding class splits and the growing gap b/w poor and rich. Of course his alternatives weren't exactly a work of art. That said ... the fact that a capitalist economy has flourished doesn't tell the whole story either. Examine dictatorships. Any central focus provided to an economy can lead to substantial growth to a point. Germany's economy steamrolled under Hitler. But that certainly doesn't mean it is fulfilling social policies or that the growth won't eventually subside due to the negative influences of human behavior.

You can't rely upon regulation from consumers showing their disapproval at the check out counter when monopolies exist or those consumers are limited in their spending or the businesses are protected from the effects by benefits from the legislative cronies from whom they have purchased influence. You also can't rely on it when the disparity in financial resources is so vast that ones' effect on the other is like a gnat on an elephant.

You can call it welfarism or whatever you'd like but regulation by the state is a necessity to protect the rest of the public. Health and safety, environment, and labor regs are just a few issues at stake. You also have the extreme disparity between differing cultures and standards of living and cost as economies shift to a world market vice a regional one. Without artificial controls every company turns to 3rd world labor as tech removes the education component and we have workers in many countries starving with no way to do anything unless government programs assist (which you oppose also).

There exist too many variables to address them all. This is why I dont type all this crap out every single time there is a disagreement. It hurts my hands. But an overlying theme is easier to discuss and easier to sell to the public. I believe yours relies on base instincts and lacks intelligence. Mine thinks of more people and stands more in line with democratic thought - or at least utilitarian thought. That's why I find yours stupid. It's myopic. When actors aren't following your philosophy it breaks down and hurts people.
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Denver - if you're so damn smart then why do you so conveniently just avoid to say anything about Brownback in Kansas and how he has decimated the Kansas economy no matter how many times I have brought it up?

Is it REALLY just so hard for such an intelligent person to admit they are wrong? What are you ... Fonzie? You're wr-wr-wr-wr-wr-ong.

Oh wait, my bad, you guys DID respond. You said "but but but democrats are in charge of other places". Now, Mr Intelligent, please tell me what your logic class professor would call that argument?

I personally do think republicans are idiots. It's an inherent ideological difference and I think they're stupid for believing the other side of it.

I believe in a utility argument and that socialism is preferable to capitalism ... our policies should reflect what's best for the greatest number of people and not promoting of a few people with enough money to buy influence.

I believe republicans are morons for not standing behind Rousseau and social contract theory. I think the idea is beyond their grasp because all they believe in is personal gain. I also find it intolerable that they say and do these things in the guise of "increased morality" or as "christians" when their actions stand in direct contrast to the words of their supposed savior. The fact that they don't even register this as a cognitive dissonance tells me they're just too damn stupid.

So have at me. I dont care. Maybe you're one of the few with any intelligence. Even if that's the case the course of action you have chosen IMO shows that you dont use those mental resources in the best manner.

you really do behave like a child.

How old are you?
lol @ betting over test scores. Changing the topic or using the word liberal when getting into details. lol @ this clown.

I didn't take the LSAT obviously. I'm managing director of an investment firm. I did make a 98% on my series 3. Does that mean I understand economics, government and fiscal policy? Of course not none of those things were on the Series 3 and they sure as hell weren't on the LSAT.

Denver is displaying the type of behavior that allows imbeciles to end up in Washington. Tom Delay is the perfect example. The guy was an exterminator. lol He sprayed for bugs and that made him an expert on the US economy and government. lol It's no surprise the Delay, Phil Gramm, W administration ended in a flaming ball of dog poop.
I believe Capitalism and individual responsibility and accountability lead to the greatest prosperity. I base this on the fact that the United States and other capitalist societies enjoy the greatest standard of living this planet has ever seen.

What Denver is saying is he really doesn't have a clue how the United States works. As with all successful nations it's a mix between capitalism and socialism. The U.S. Military is the largest socialist outfit in the world. The University of Oklahoma is socialism as is every other public school. The Medicare system & Social Security are both socialism and work wonderfully. The interstate highway system? Socialism. Airports? Socialism. Sewage systems? Socialism. Police department? Socialism.

As for prosperity, that comes from innovation. Virtually every country in the world has capitalism, they just haven't invented iPhones, google, Facebook, twitter, Tesla, etc. Where does most of that innovation com from? California.

Denver probably believes in the growth fairy too. lol As if economic growth trickles down instead of being driven by demand. The main driver of economic growth in U.S. history has been increased population, add a little inflation and that's how the economy grows.
you really do behave like a child.

How old are you?

wow ... I guess the reason that hurts so much is because I have such respect for what comes out of your piehole. LOL

I guess the true irony is lost on you bounce. That is all you have to say about all that? I mean ... you could fit some very cogent arguments in that I deny the social contract by name-calling which leads to disagreement and severs cooperation between group members. But instead you choose to rebut me calling you ignorant by saying I am a baby. delicious delicious irony.

LSAT? I dont remember. I think it was like 161 or something like that. It got me a scholarship to law school and I graduated summa cum laude while going to school full time, working, running for public office, and working with the senate staffing office at the Capitol.

Before that 10 years in the military as a nuclear engineer and before that I was an intern at Senator Don Nickles office, a state debate and extemp champ, and a college debater/orator for the #1 college program in the country.

As with all successful nations it's a mix between capitalism and socialism. The U.S. Military is the largest socialist outfit in the world. The University of Oklahoma is socialism as is every other public school. The Medicare system & Social Security are both socialism and work wonderfully. The interstate highway system? Socialism. Airports? Socialism. Sewage systems? Socialism. Police department? Socialism.

As for prosperity, that comes from innovation. Virtually every country in the world has capitalism, they just haven't invented iPhones, google, Facebook, twitter, Tesla, etc. Where does most of that innovation com from? California.

Denver probably believes in the growth fairy too. lol As if economic growth trickles down instead of being driven by demand. The main driver of economic growth in U.S. history has been increased population, add a little inflation and that's how the economy grows.

lots of truth in there.
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wow ... I guess the reason that hurts so much is because I have such respect for what comes out of your piehole. LOL

I guess the true irony is lost on you bounce. That is all you have to say about all that? I mean ... you could fit some very cogent arguments in that I deny the social contract by name-calling which leads to disagreement and severs cooperation between group members. But instead you choose to rebut me calling you ignorant by saying I am a baby. delicious delicious irony.

LSAT? I dont remember. I think it was like 161 or something like that. It got me a scholarship to law school and I graduated summa cum laude while going to school full time, working, running for public office, and working with the senate staffing office at the Capitol.

Before that 10 years in the military as a nuclear engineer and before that I was an intern at Senator Don Nickles office, a state debate and extemp champ, and a college debater/orator for the #1 college program in the country.

lots of truth in there.

i've just learned it isn't worth my time to argue over the internet. especially with somebody that resorts to name calling every other post.

also I'll just say I'm highly suspicious of your "credentials" as well. Everybody on the internet is rich and powerful and has a beautiful wife. For somebody as accomplished as you seem to be, you sure lack humility, respectfulness, and the ability to have a mature debate. congrats :shrug:
LSAT? I dont remember. I think it was like 161 or something like that.

I thought you were older than that. I don't recall when the scoring changed but you clearly took the LSAT several years after me.
i've just learned it isn't worth my time to argue over the internet. especially with somebody that resorts to name calling every other post.

also I'll just say I'm highly suspicious of your "credentials" as well. Everybody on the internet is rich and powerful and has a beautiful wife. For somebody as accomplished as you seem to be, you sure lack humility, respectfulness, and the ability to have a mature debate. congrats :shrug:

So it wasn't worth your time to argue in the disagreement that you're arguing in already?

Suspicious of my credentials? hmmm.

- you can check oscn.net and see I am a law practitioner in Oklahoma.

- I guess you could call OCU to check my grad status. I dont know if they'll tell you or not.

- Shouldnt be hard to find me on the lists for USS Canopus (AS-34), USS Eisenhower (CVN-69), USS Arkansas (CGN-41) or just look at any of the pages for those ships or navy nukes on facebook. I am on most of those.

- running for office? probably evidence of it still in the internet. there have been 2 ties in the history of Oklahoma public elections. I was one.

- working on the hill? not sure how to prove that. You could call my Uncle Walt Hubble (RAdm - USN retired) in Alexandria, Va. and ask.

- debate? call drew duke at UCO or whatever they call it now. Mr Duke (his dad) has passed away but Drew is still there. Or you could ask Jamie LePlante if he is still Poli Sci prof. at OU. Or you could ask Martin Glendinning
if he is still the Debate/Speech coach at Edmond North. Or you could ask Connie Dudgeon in Colorado Springs. She's in the phone book.

- Didn't know I'd be asked to provide a CV. I never claimed to be rich or famous or powerful or married to a hot wife.
I told you they wouldn't bet. I am stupid but they won't take a simple wager of one individual against all three of the self declared intellectuals.
I told you they wouldn't bet. I am stupid but they won't take a simple wager of one individual against all three of the self declared intellectuals.

I dont understand what the purpose of this would be?

What was your score on the NFQT? The Level 1 NRC Reactor Operator exam?
Can you still draw the charging system for an A1Q core with a D1G secondary steam system?

tell you what ... here's an ORSE question ... using pump laws describe the anticipated jump in reactor power from ahead 1/3 to ahead flank.

or ... describe the excursion in peak centerline temperature (Tcl) as a result of reactor coolant pump shaft sheer and do we show protection for it?

point here is your resolution solves nothing. neither does mine.
So it wasn't worth your time to argue in the disagreement that you're arguing in already?

Suspicious of my credentials? hmmm.

- you can check oscn.net and see I am a law practitioner in Oklahoma.

- I guess you could call OCU to check my grad status. I dont know if they'll tell you or not.

- Shouldnt be hard to find me on the lists for USS Canopus (AS-34), USS Eisenhower (CVN-69), USS Arkansas (CGN-41) or just look at any of the pages for those ships or navy nukes on facebook. I am on most of those.

- running for office? probably evidence of it still in the internet. there have been 2 ties in the history of Oklahoma public elections. I was one.

- working on the hill? not sure how to prove that. You could call my Uncle Walt Hubble (RAdm - USN retired) in Alexandria, Va. and ask.

- debate? call drew duke at UCO or whatever they call it now. Mr Duke (his dad) has passed away but Drew is still there. Or you could ask Jamie LePlante if he is still Poli Sci prof. at OU. Or you could ask Martin Glendinning
if he is still the Debate/Speech coach at Edmond North. Or you could ask Connie Dudgeon in Colorado Springs. She's in the phone book.

- Didn't know I'd be asked to provide a CV. I never claimed to be rich or famous or powerful or married to a hot wife.

You called me stupid and a moron. If I am stupid, I should not have notably better results than you do on the LSAT and MSBE. However, if we published our scores, I would have notably better results.

Bounce, I am positive Coolm is an attorney. He has been very consistent in discussing himself over the years. I would estimate I have known him for at least a decade. I used to respect him.

I see no reason for him to lie about being in the military or running for office. He has accomplished plenty in his life and does not need to lie.
What Denver is saying is he really doesn't have a clue how the United States works. As with all successful nations it's a mix between capitalism and socialism. The U.S. Military is the largest socialist outfit in the world. The University of Oklahoma is socialism as is every other public school. The Medicare system & Social Security are both socialism and work wonderfully. The interstate highway system? Socialism. Airports? Socialism. Sewage systems? Socialism. Police department? Socialism.

As for prosperity, that comes from innovation. Virtually every country in the world has capitalism, they just haven't invented iPhones, google, Facebook, twitter, Tesla, etc. Where does most of that innovation com from? California.

Denver probably believes in the growth fairy too. lol As if economic growth trickles down instead of being driven by demand. The main driver of economic growth in U.S. history has been increased population, add a little inflation and that's how the economy grows.

Lot of validity in this. I don't know that "isms" work, whether capitalism or communism or socialism. I also don't think we have ever seen a pure form of any of these in action. What we call capitalism is really financial anarchy. I don't remember Adam Smith as having been acquiescent to fraud and deceit as means of operation. Regulations, which the current free market capitalists decry as socialism, are really nothing more than the rules that we have placed on the operation of capitalism to keep it from operating in a fraudulent manner. I'm sorry, Ayn, but not all businessmen are driven by integrity and the desire to make a better product, and not all government is bad. We need regulations to assure that capitalism exists.

Then, we have to determine what constitutes the system in which this economic system, a mixture of capitalism and social requirements, has value. Let's go back to the Preamble of the Constitution wherein it states the purposes which the founders actually did have in founding a nation.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I put this here because it does state exactly why we formed a union, and it also states something that is overlooked, "promote the general Welfare." This doesn't mean to give a check to the poorest among us. It does refer to the well-being of the people as a whole. We didn't found a nation for others, but for ourselves, our own interests. Theodore Roosevelt insisted that the assets of a nation that are vital to the welfare of a nation be under the control of the people. Would that mean fuel, water, other vital resources?

There is room for discussion. But, what must be understood is that if you walked down the rows of the little white crosses in Arlington, I doubt that any of them died for a corporate share. They died for family, ideals, and principles. They may have died because they couldn't evade the draft. But, they did not die to guarantee the value of a corporate share. In a sense, they have a piece of every share of every corporation founded in this country. They paid for it.

I say this because I question the "right" of a corporation built on the sacrifice of those who have built the nation in which the corporation was born to take its "assets" overseas. What, exactly, were these men fighting for-----a corporate bottom line? Is this what is meant by promoting the general welfare of a nation?

I don't know that we are asking the right questions. I think we have to redefine exactly what we meant by the preamble and what we are dying for. What are the rights of ownership, and what are the responsibilities?

well that took balls lol.

So what do you do now?

Is that really you posting pictures on facebook without your shirt?
I see no reason for him to lie about being in the military or running for office. He has accomplished plenty in his life and does not need to lie.
i'm sure there is a nugget of truth for everything he posted. But i'm guessing it is exaggerated quite a bit.

A debate champ that resorts to name calling in every post to prove his point....yep i'm buying
I have argued this same crap with churchies and conservatives for years. It never changes anyone's mind and all of their answers are the same. I think they're stupid. They think I am stupid. So what? I thought I was pretty thorough discussing my logic, or lack thereof, above.

I am LONG past the days of caring whether someone thinks I am stupid or whatever. Once you die a couple of times after heart attacks and are told you wont live past your intestinal resection then you get to the "final answer ... really not concerned" mode.

I am never going to agree with republicans, conservatives, or anyone else who rails on social programs and fights for the rich. You're never gonna agree with me. I learned to live with that a long time ago. That doesn't prevent me from showing my disgust when I see some more crap that the right has done. I'm gonna say they're stupid and I am gonna say anyone who agrees with them is stupid as well.

You can "not respect me" and I will do the same for you. I had already done that anyway over your horrid support for conservative horsehockey. What little energy I have left these days I spend on Lincoln Blvd by the OBA protesting our ludicrous republican legislators. The ones protesting the other side are among the few on the right I actually DO respect.

As for my past - feel free to research it all you want. I have about 2,000 cases in OSCN but I am not the baseball coach from Slippery Rock or the Doctor from Michigan or the police sargeant from Florida.