What if the bulls traded for Blake

Seymore Cox

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Man, that would be a team. I think they have enough players to make that offer, but don't know logistically or sensibly how it would work. If I wear the Bulls GM, I would definetely use Deng, Thomas,Miller or Hinrich, four guys with some value as a way to entertain whoever has that first pick. They also have that 16th pick which in my opinion has the same value as picks 9-15 in regards of the similarity to the talent that will still be left on the board. Probably won't happen, but imagine Rose, Salmons, Noah, and Blake. They'll probably need to bring in another Guard and Small foward, but if they trade with Sacramento, they'll be able to bring in a young guy like Donte Greene maybe that can help them too. I think Rose and Blake would be deadly, and I hate the bulls.
People don't trade the first pick in the NBA draft. It's just too valuable. But you are right if the Bulls had Blake they would jump into the list of title contenders.

Phoenix really messed up by hiring Terry Porter instead of Vinny Delnegro.
People don't trade the first pick in the NBA draft. It's just too valuable. But you are right if the Bulls had Blake they would jump into the list of title contenders.

Phoenix really messed up by hiring Terry Porter instead of Vinny Delnegro.

Yeah, you're right. I know if I was a GM, I might go Herschel Walker and trade Deng, Thomas, Hinrich, and Miller to free up room for those guys. Now obviously teams aren't going to have the cap space to take all those guys, so it would have to be a three way or four way trade. In the Bulls case, I think they get better through subtraction instead of addition. I think they have to get rid of Gordon. As good as he has been in that series, his liabilities have stood out. He keeps the ball out of their best players hands and overdribble and finishes the dribble with bad shots. Also, the Bulls have two identical players. Noah and Thomas do the same things. Their roles are needed, but they can't play together because neither one provides a post pressence. Bad part about the draft is their's only one legit elite inside scorer. In free agency their will be Boozer, but is he worth 20mil? I would love to be the Bulls GM, because they have alot of pieces that can get them better.
People don't trade the first pick in the NBA draft. It's just too valuable. But you are right if the Bulls had Blake they would jump into the list of title contenders.

Phoenix really messed up by hiring Terry Porter instead of Vinny Delnegro.

Vinny Delnegro is a horrible coach lol. Did you watch this series at all??
Vinny Delnegro is a horrible coach lol. Did you watch this series at all??

Vinny is not a horrible coach he is a rookie coach. I am not sure if he has ever been a head coach on any level. I think he improved throughout the season and he is one more impact player from becoming a great coach.

People give the coach too much credit and too much blame.
Vinny is not a horrible coach he is a rookie coach. I am not sure if he has ever been a head coach on any level. I think he improved throughout the season and he is one more impact player from becoming a great coach.

People give the coach too much credit and too much blame.

hah people like you? how does 1 more impact player make him a great coach? and how many do you need? they have a ton of talented guys on their team.
hah people like you? how does 1 more impact player make him a great coach? and how many do you need? they have a ton of talented guys on their team.

All I am saying is that coaches get too much credit and too much blame. Don't get me wrong I think coaching plays a huge role in sports, but players are the ones who win and lose the games.

If Vinny had Lebron the bulls would win close to 60 games and everyone would think he was a great coach.
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Chicago has a mixed bag of players. they have two undersized Shooting guards who are decent offensively, but horrible defensively. Luol Deng looks like a top 15 NBA player one day and looks like Cedric Ceballos the next day. Noah and Thomas are great energy players, but are not interior threats outside of offensive rebound dunks or catch and dunks off of others penitration. If I were the bulls, I might keep the core group of Rose, Salmons, Noah, and maybe Deng, and go and find a low post scorer rather it be David West, a guy who might be on the block with N.O.'s fire sale, or Paul Milsap.
All I am saying is that coaches get too much credit and too much blame. Don't get me wrong I think coaching plays a huge role in sports, but players are the ones who win and lose the games.

If Vinny had Lebron the bulls would win close to 60 games and everyone would think he was a great coach.

If I had Cp, Kobe, Lebron, Howard and Shaq plus 6 other all stars and win 70 games that doesn't make me a good coach. I don't think Mike Brown is that great and I think del Negro isn't very good.

Now Phil and Pop, those are good coaches. Doc is pretty good as well.
Chicago has a mixed bag of players. they have two undersized Shooting guards who are decent offensively, but horrible defensively. Luol Deng looks like a top 15 NBA player one day and looks like Cedric Ceballos the next day. Noah and Thomas are great energy players, but are not interior threats outside of offensive rebound dunks or catch and dunks off of others penitration. If I were the bulls, I might keep the core group of Rose, Salmons, Noah, and maybe Deng, and go and find a low post scorer rather it be David West, a guy who might be on the block with N.O.'s fire sale, or Paul Milsap.

David West isn't a low post scorer lol. Have you seen his game?? jumpers.
and personally I think that Noah is overrated.
David West isn't a low post scorer lol. Have you seen his game?? jumpers.
and personally I think that Noah is overrated.

Yeah, I know he's a pick and pop mid range guy. But he's a scoring threat as a big.
If I had Cp, Kobe, Lebron, Howard and Shaq plus 6 other all stars and win 70 games that doesn't make me a good coach. I don't think Mike Brown is that great and I think del Negro isn't very good.

Now Phil and Pop, those are good coaches. Doc is pretty good as well.

I agree with everything you are saying, except for the part about Vinny being a terrible coach. I don't think he is a great coach at all but he is a rookie coach. Give him time and a chance to prove himself.
Has to go? If it wasn't for him, the Bulls wouldn't have even been in that Boston series.
Does he share any blame in the losses? In my opinion, he's as much a liability as an asset. Yeah he can get hot and score in bunches, but he overdribbles, doesn't move the ball, and is a liability on defense. He defenitely isn't worth 15 mil.
Does he share any blame in the losses? In my opinion, he's as much a liability as an asset. Yeah he can get hot and score in bunches, but he overdribbles, doesn't move the ball, and is a liability on defense. He defenitely isn't worth 15 mil.

Exactly...if the Bulls want to advance deeper in the Playoffs or win a title, Gordon has to go or he needs to be relegated to coming off the bench. Barkley said the same thing after the series was over, the Bulls right now shoot way too many jumpers and Gordon is not going to look to pass.

Gordon isn't going to voluntarily take less money, so the Bulls need to move him now while his aura is still bright from this first round series.
Gordon wants 13 or 14 million per year, which is obviously way too much. Any team in the NBA could use Gordon but at about 8 million per year and as a 6th man. I am a bulls fan and he is a big defensive liability. If chicago had a player with gordon's offense and Hinrich's defense they would be the second best team in the east.