What's going on with the news thread?


Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone else seeing all of the old news stories scrolling in the marquee?
They should all be up to date, but there haven't been many new ones to post over the last week. The first one you see should be "Clippers' Dunleavy says Griffin injury won't require surgery".
Yeah it is all up to date now. Before it was showing 3 stories about Austin Johnson winning Bix 12 Player of the week and one about Austin being another offensive threat for Oklahoma. It was from when we were ranked 6th. Weird stuff.
Yeah it is all up to date now. Before it was showing 3 stories about Austin Johnson winning Bix 12 Player of the week and one about Austin being another offensive threat for Oklahoma. It was from when we were ranked 6th. Weird stuff.

Did you have the old banner still set (the mesh one)? If so, that may be why...