Which ref called the foul on Crocker?

Anyone with ESPN360.com can go back and watch the reply. Drag it to the 1 hour and 46 minute mark.

After doing that you will CLEARLY see Crocker come from over his shoulder and rip his right arm, lol. You can see it from both angles. Its a foul, no question about it.
Anyone with ESPN360.com can go back and watch the reply. Drag it to the 1 hour and 46 minute mark.

After doing that you will CLEARLY see Crocker come from over his shoulder and rip his right arm, lol. You can see it from both angles. Its a foul, no question about it.
well it definitely was a foul no disagreement there. i think what started the whole thing is which ref made the call since it wasnt the one closet to the play. and how well did, this other ref that made the call, see the play that he called it on WW.

not sure many are disputing it wasnt a foul.
You really believe that? That he just made up the call for no reason?

No, I don't believe it but it's just as plausible as the scenario ABD paints that the "trailing" official, even though he was 50 feet away and had at least 4 players between him and the play made the correct call.

If you want to be ticky-tack, then yes, that was probably a foul. However, I saw other non-calls going both ways that were more of a foul than that one. It was a good clean strip according to the ref closest to the play, and that's good enough for me.

Come on, that is silly. Maybe he called the foul on the fact that Crocker ALSO, aside from mauling the guy's arm, had his other hand on the player's back? The closest official's view wasn't as good as you make it seem. And the other official's view wasn't nearly that bad.

He didn't call the foul on Crocker, he called it on WW. The review was used so he could figure out just who he was going to pin with the foul.

You guys kill me. You sit here and say it was so obviously a foul to the "trailing" official when he's at halfcourt, 50 feet away, and yet it was so obvious to him he called it on the wrong player. Pull your heads out.

Yet the official who is closest to the action doesn't even make a call "but his view had to have been obstructed".

well it definitely was a foul no disagreement there. i think what started the whole thing is which ref made the call since it wasnt the one closet to the play. and how well did, this other ref that made the call, see the play that he called it on WW.

not sure many are disputing it wasnt a foul.

Exactly. I'm so glad to see somebody here get's it!

Some of you guys need a big-dose of common sense. Heck, let's just go back to 2 officials so they can always make calls from 50 feet away since having the 3rd ref is a waste of time because his view is worthless even though he's the only one that can see exactly what happened.

Yes, that's it, let's go back to the 70's when big 8 officiating was it's worst because they only had 2 refs on the court.

I'll say it again, pull your head out.

I'm not so much disputing it wasn't a foul as the fact the official with the best view of what happened didn't call it a foul. If he has the best view and he doesn't call a foul, then it's not a foul.

And, notice I haven't even mentioned the official who made the call (oh yeah, the "trailing" official) had no view whatsoever but made the call anyway.
And, notice I haven't even mentioned the official who made the call (oh yeah, the "trailing" official) had no view whatsoever but made the call anyway.

You have no idea what the trailing official saw... He probably saw the same thing everyone else could see, which was Tony Crocker coming over Singletarys shoulder and pulling his arm out, lol.
Exactly. I'm so glad to see somebody here get's it!

Some of you guys need a big-dose of common sense. Heck, let's just go back to 2 officials so they can always make calls from 50 feet away since having the 3rd ref is a waste of time because his view is worthless even though he's the only one that can see exactly what happened.

Yes, that's it, let's go back to the 70's when big 8 officiating was it's worst because they only had 2 refs on the court.

I'll say it again, pull your head out.

Anyone with ESPN360.com can go back and watch the reply. Drag it to the 1 hour and 46 minute mark.

After doing that you will CLEARLY see Crocker come from over his shoulder and rip his right arm, lol. You can see it from both angles. Its a foul, no question about it.
I looked at it again.

The ref under the goal had the best view of anyone. I paused it at 1:46:21. Crocker has ripped at the ball, and it is now loose under the goal.

The ref under the goal saw the play and is staring hard into the mob of players. The ref at the top of the screen would be blocked by Crocker and would have no chance at seeing the foul. The ref that did call it is still walking casually not looking like he has any intent on calling a foul. His angle is the second best on the court, but he is near half court when Crocker goes for the ball.

I don't doubt there was a foul. I wish the guy under the goal with the best view of anyone would have called it. Instead, the guy who T'd up Capel is the one who catches the foul. If two guys see it, it's not a big deal. But the one guy who appeared to have a chip on his shoulder is the only one who called it. It makes what was likely the right call, look bad.

Edit: I do think he was calling Willie for a foul. He only blew the whistle when he saw Willie come flying out of the mob of players with the ball. When Crocker went for the strip, he didn't stop. He didn't make any intent on making a call until Willie came out with the ball. I don't think he saw Crocker's strip well enough to call a foul. Either way, Crocker fouled and should have gotten called for a foul, so whatever.
You have no idea what the trailing official saw... He probably saw the same thing everyone else could see, which was Tony Crocker coming over Singletarys shoulder and pulling his arm out, lol.

You have no idea either! Geez!

Also, show me where in this thread I said it was not a foul? My gripe is an official 50 feet away should not make that call. Period.
I looked at it again.

The ref under the goal had the best view of anyone. I paused it at 1:46:21. Crocker has ripped at the ball, and it is now loose under the goal.

The ref under the goal saw the play and is staring hard into the mob of players. The ref at the top of the screen would be blocked by Crocker and would have no chance at seeing the foul.
The ref that did call it is still walking casually not looking like he has any intent on calling a foul. His angle is the second best on the court, but he is near half court when Crocker goes for the ball.

I don't doubt there was a foul. I wish the guy under the goal with the best view of anyone would have called it. Instead, the guy who T'd up Capel is the one who catches the foul. If two guys see it, it's not a big deal. But the one guy who appeared to have a chip on his shoulder is the only one who called it. It makes what was likely the right call, look bad.

Edit: I do think he was calling Willie for a foul. He only blew the whistle when he saw Willie come flying out of the mob of players with the ball. When Crocker went for the strip, he didn't stop. He didn't make any intent on making a call until Willie came out with the ball. I don't think he saw Crocker's strip well enough to call a foul. Either way, Crocker fouled and should have gotten called for a foul, so whatever.

There's your proof, ABD.

I swear, some of you are Mark Rodgers reincarnated. Let's not ever say anything bad about the officiating because we don't want to come off as always complaining about it. Who flippin cares? If it was a bad call it was a bad call, and my point still stands the official closest to the play who had the best view did not call a foul, yet the official 50 feet away called the foul on the wrong player.

Some of you need a logic class because you are seriously lacking.
I looked at the closeup replay. Crocker did have his hand on the guy's back and could have had that called there. Once he went for the ball, though, he got all ball.

Hand on the back = foul (called very late)

Strip of the ball was all ball = should not have been called for that.

Edit: Last night I thought it was weird that the ref that called it signalled for a one and one originally, and he changed it to two shots after looking at the replay. I don't know if he forgot or what, but are they allowed to change a one and one to a shooting foul after looking at a replay to make sure they called the right player for a foul?

I'm just wondering. The guy hit the first free throw, so it wouldn't have mattered one way or another, but I thought it was interesting.
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I looked at the closeup replay. Crocker did have his hand on the guy's back and could have had that called there. Once he went for the ball, though, he got all ball.

Hand on the back = foul (called very late)

Strip of the ball was all ball = should not have been called for that.

OK, so Crocker had his hand on his back, and I don't doubt that. Yet, this was so obvious to the "trailing" official that he thought Crocker's sleeve-lined arm was WW's.

That makes a lot of sense.

It's obvious the "trailing" official didn't see anything that happened.
There's your proof, ABD.

All I care about was that it was a foul, which everyone seems to be admitting. You are right, he proved (by watching it again) that it was in fact a foul. How or why it was called doesnt matter, he hacked the crap out of him and it was a foul.

Why are we fighting about a call that everyone here acknowledges is a foul?
I looked at the closeup replay. Crocker did have his hand on the guy's back and could have had that called there. Once he went for the ball, though, he got all ball.

Hand on the back = foul (called very late)

Strip of the ball was all ball = should not have been called for that.

I don't know what you are looking at, but he clearly comes down on Singletarys arm and even pulls it outward.
I don't know what you are looking at, but he clearly comes down on Singletarys arm and even pulls it outward.

After he had already knocked the ball away.

I saw Crock's hand on or near his back on the replay. If that's what the ref was calling, it would have been nice to know that.
ABD, I didn't see a hack.

I saw Crocker have his hand on his back as a foul.

Crocker hit all ball, and the only reason it looked like a rip of the ball was because the Tech player flung his arms in the air after it got punched loose. I don't think Crocker hacked him.
The foul wasn't on the drive or the immediate strip, Crocker's left arm yanks Singletary's out as the ball is being jarred loose.

I find it ironic that Booger is all over the trail official who made the correct call from "50 feet away", but is sparing the official who made the wrong call (i.e. no call) from under the basket. Why? Because the call didn't benefit OU. That's why you have three officials on the floor, the one under the basket made a mistake in judgement, his partner picked him up.

As for the one-and-one vs. two shots scenario, I don't know about that...should have been on the floor from my recollection.