Regarding student interest and support; it takes very little effort to get from the main campus to the LNC if you live in a dorm or a fraternity house. What about the large number of students that live off-campus in Norman area apartments and rent houses? No matter where you live as a student, it takes very little effort to get to the LNC.
It is not Location, Location, Location. It is all about interest and passion for the sport. A building does not create this. There is obvious long-term evidence that that vast majority of OU students just do not care about any “minor sport” and the student passion for football even seems to be on the decline. Go to an OU baseball game sometime and check out the “crowd.” Go to any of the numerous OU sporting events “on campus” at the Fieldhouse and you will observe a sea of empty seats in the tiny Fieldhouse at its “great location.”
I am a long term OU Basketball season ticket holder that puts my butt in the seat, and I enjoy going to the LNC. If you truly enjoy and support OU basketball, you will be THERE, no matter where THERE is.
I like the LNC. I have traveled to most of the other Big-12 venues and I still like the LNC.
And yes, I have been to Allen Fieldhouse. What makes it a great venue is that it is full of 16,000 fans. The building itself is a dump, with the most uncomfortable cramped bleacher seating possible, and where it is almost impossible to keep from getting kneed in the back and elbowed in your side. So what? The fans make the arena a great venue. The venue does not make great fans. Does anyone doubt that Allen Fieldhouse would still be full if it were located in a cow pasture 10 miles out of town with a mud parking lot?