That story is an object lesson for us fans in the reality that sometimes a school, a staff and a player just click. Lots of opposing fans might well be gnashing their teeth today, given that Mulkey had no interest in us just weeks ago and she could have signed with virtually anyone she wanted.
But she arrived in Norman and boom, it just felt right to her.
When we lose on a player in similar fashion (see: Shake Milton), it'll be good to recall this signing. I'm as guilty as anyone of taking recruiting losses hard (though I don't follow recruiting nearly as closely as many), but sometimes, as in Mulkey's case, it's nothing your school did wrong. You just have to tip your hat and say, well, s/he found a place that felt like home.
I was intrigued to see that Mulkey cited Sherri's past success with big players, and I have to admit, I was a little surprised. Does Coach Coale have a particular strong history with post players?