Going into the national tournament, these were the rankings:
Notice that the teams that were in the final six were ranked #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9. #5 Utah did not make it into the final six. The only teams that have ever won the national title were ranked:
1. Florida
2. Oklahoma
4. Alabama
5. Utah
6. Georgia
#3 LSU and #9 Nebraska made it instead of Utah and UCLA.
Twelve teams made it to the NCAA tournament:
Florida 197.050
Penn State 196.725
Michigan 196.750
Georgia 196.375
LSU 198.325
Stanford 197.725
Utah 197.300
UCLA 196.600
Oklahoma 197.725
Illinois 196.600
Alabama 197.550
Nebraska 196.975
But, once they got to the tournament, the afternoon session had:
Oklahoma 197.500 Georgia 197.300 LSU 197.100 Stanford 196.600 Michigan 196.425
and Illinois 195.800
The evening session had: Alabama 197.650 Florida 197.650 Nebraska 197.100 Utah 197.025 UCLA 197.000 Penn State 194,825
Michigan, Stanford, and Utah who had been so strong in the regionals, did not do well in the preliminary session.
It is basically down to how you do on the two days: preliminary and final six.