Does anyone know what the situation is with Mawein. I would have liked to see Rick get some minutes throughout the year, provided Moser thinks he can make a player out of him. That being said, he did look lost and if Moser thought he just couldn't contribute, then you sit him. But, Mawein looked like a good player every time I saw him play. Good hands, looks athletic, good shot etc. Didn't look lost to me.
For those in the know, why didn't mawein play more and what is your thought of his ability to replace Chargious next year. Maybe he just wasn't in the rotation this year. Looked pretty good to me.
I wanted to see more of Mawein, too. I think he is going to be a lot better than most realize. Hope he sticks around.
Big Rick needs to move down a rung in competition. He could probably be decent at oru or somewhere similar.