Allonzo Trier plays for the Oklahoma Storm


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Nov 8, 2008
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The Oklahoma Storm is the OKC area homeschool team.

Now you may be asking why should it matter that Allonzo Trier is playing for the Storm?

Well, he's in 8th grade so he's playing up like Tweety Carter did in high school and he's dropping 20 a game on people.

He was also featured in this new york times article last year.

Crazy stuff how he winds up in OKC after being in Seattle.

Class of 2015 in case anyone was wondering.

The Oklahoma Storm is the OKC area homeschool team.

Now you may be asking why should it matter that Allonzo Trier is playing for the Storm?

Well, he's in 8th grade so he's playing up like Tweety Carter did in high school and he's dropping 20 a game on people.

He was also featured in this new york times article last year.

Crazy stuff how he winds up in OKC after being in Seattle.

Class of 2015 in case anyone was wondering.

Unfortunately, don't count on him staying around long Sam, unless someone has deep pockets and uses them to keep his mama satisfied. He was here in my neck of the woods, working out and playing with Team Texas for a hot minute. But as soon as things didn't go the way mom wanted, she was out - headed to OKC.

The back story to this is ugly. Suffice it to say, I'd be shocked if he's in the area by the time 2015 rolls around. That is, unless someone's going to step up and take care of them for a good while.
looks like he's probably going to be the starting pg for athletes first, so maybe vick is that guy.
We are efforting to interview Allonzo for a Prep Spotlight edition on I talked to several coaches about Allonzo yesterday and each coach said he may be the best pg in the State of Oklahoma in any class. Right now he's 5'10 as an eighth grader. I also have spoke to Allonzo's 6'8 teammate Rex Farmer who absolutely loves him as a teammate.

Great work by Van Shea Iven of Oklahoma High School Express. He's the absolutely best in the business.
Waiting to see this interview... Playing homeschool because why? Travel? Just bumped an article from 2009 about this kid... and that article makes him sound shady! MONEY MONEY... MONEY