Am I the only one that thinks Kentucky is bull****?

That's still pro players vs pro players. This is pro players vs amateur players. That is the difference.
No, it's amateur players vs. amateur players.

Kentucky is a group of 18-22 year-old amateurs (with all of the projected first rounders except for WCS being 18-19 y/o) beating the crap out of less talented 18-22 year-old amateurs.
Do you see an Anthony Davis this year? That's kind of my point.

An Anthony Davis isn't going to come every year...neither does a Carmelo or Blake or Durant, etc. What defines a star? Someone you build a team around? There are less than a dozen of those in the league.
Ther bigOSU is really just mad that Texas Tech, Tulsa and Okie St are not undefeated. It's going to happen soon right ABD!!!!
As in, for some reason I don't think they've proven much of anything even if they go undefeated and win the championship. It's such a ridiculous collection of size and talent that it discredits what they are doing.

All they have proven is that a team with 7 players expected to get drafted, 4 in the first top 20 picks (3 lottery) can beat teams who probably have zero, or at most, 1, NBA player on their team.

Teams with zero or 1 NBA quality players will never beat a team with 7 NBA quality players. This isn't rocket science.

The question is... with Calipari being a scumbag and them having an overwhelming talent advantage over everyone, does it discredit what they are doing?

I am a little sick of Kentucky having so much talent. I don't know that it diminishes the accomplishments and I really can't fault Calipari for doing a great job recruiting.
Ther bigOSU is really just mad that Texas Tech, Tulsa and Okie St are not undefeated. It's going to happen soon right ABD!!!!

I do have a special place in my heart for the Red Raiders... I want them to be good. I don't know why.
Personally, I think Cal is an insufferable douchebag. But having said that, the guy is a helluva coach. To be able to get all of that talent and ego to play together on the same page while never hearing about any complaining/troublemaking is a tribute to his skill as a coach and a player psychologist.
Calamari is a greasy sack of dung and there are more than a few Kentucky fans who wretch at the fact he is associated with that University. Sadly, some of them also think Adolph Rupp was a great man.
Personally, I think Cal is an insufferable douchebag. But having said that, the guy is a helluva coach. To be able to get all of that talent and ego to play together on the same page while never hearing about any complaining/troublemaking is a tribute to his skill as a coach and a player psychologist.

Or a tribute to his skills with a broom and a rug...
In my view his tenure at Kentucky has been exemplary. It's just not just the talent he brings in but also the off court behavior. His program at Kentucky represents not only talent but hard work and character. Just look at the guys who come through there and follow them in the NBA. Not a bad apple in the bunch. Quality individuals who work hard and do things the right way. You can say Cousins but to me he is just immature and growing out of it.

I could be missing something, but don't recall a single negative story about any of these kids. Worst thing is something about Bledsoe possibly getting paid back in high school by some agent.

He's a great guy who demands hard work and his players love and respect him. What more do you want out of a coach or program than what Kentucky has demonstrated under his tenure?

From what I understand (contact who work for an AD office in the SEC), UK is turned into the SEC for recruiting violations every year by 5 to 6 SEC teams. Nothing has stuck, but some is still under review. Could it be sour grapes, Yes. But that seems like a lot of reports for just sour grapes. It all may be nothing, but with Calipari history it has to be looked into.
MY problem goes beyond this ... I think the whole Kentucky thing is bad for basketball.
So going undefeated b/c they have the most talent makes their accomplishments less worthy or impressive? Isn't the point of bball to win the game? Don't you want to bring in the best players possible? Since when is that looked down upon?

If you want to say what UK is doing is less impressive than another undefeated season of national champtionship team b/c of their talent fine. but that is not what the OP was stating

Yeah, this argument makes no logical sense whatsoever. Their accomplishments are less valuable because they're better than everyone else? Their accomplishments don't matter because he has better players? That doesn't make any sense at all.

Like Kentucky. Don't like Kentucky. Respect what they're doing or don't. But if they go 40-0, it's a tremendous they will have earned.
Your love of Calipari and Kentucky is truly disgusting. Pretty ignorant that you're fine with how Kentucky is winning games. They will be on probation sooner than later. Book it.

You must have accidentally deleted all your evidence to support all the additional benefits these UK players are getting.
Do you see an Anthony Davis this year? That's kind of my point.

Look at Duke. They've got a guy who's not quite Anthony Davis defensively, but he's fantastic. Look at Ohio St. They've got a guy who's a tremendous guard and will be special in the NBA.

Why should we expect a top-5 NBA MVP guy to be a freshman in college every year? There are only, by definition, 5 in the NBA and those guys have entered the league over the course of 10-12 years.
They are a glorified AAU team. It's more a problem with college basketball being so diluted now. These guys used to go to different schools and be the man now they have no problems sharing the spotlight for a season. Calipari is a good coach because he has found a way to get his guys to buy into that idea.
Yeah, this argument makes no logical sense whatsoever. Their accomplishments are less valuable because they're better than everyone else? Their accomplishments don't matter because he has better players? That doesn't make any sense at all.

Like Kentucky. Don't like Kentucky. Respect what they're doing or don't. But if they go 40-0, it's a tremendous they will have earned.

I don't think its a tremendous accomplishment at all.... The guy assembled a bunch of superstars and is beating a bunch of amateurs. There is nothing tremendous about that.

The average height of their team would be second only to the Portland Trailblazers in the NBA. Seriously, Kentucky is the second biggest team in the NBA. They are .40 inches away from being bigger than any team in the NBA.

Their starters go 6'6'', 6'6'', 6'10'', 6'10'', 7'0''... On top of having more talent, more athletic ability, etc than everyone else... They are much bigger than everyone else....

Take West Virginia... a good team.

Juwan Staten-- 6'1''
Devin Williams-- 6'9''
Jevon Carter--6'2''
Jon Holton--6'7''
Daxter Miles-- 6'3''
Gary Browne-- 6'1''
Jaysean Paige-- 6'1''

These are pretty much your run of the mill college teams... OU's biggest guy is 6'7''. OSU's biggest guy is 6'7''. It's pretty typical in college basketball.

I mean, his job is to recruit the best players he can and win. I am not saying Calipari should be sending people away who want to play for him. I am saying that at some point it's so absurd that it gets discredited. That's not their fault. They are doing what they should be doing... I am saying their accomplishments are turning into a "who cares" type of a thing because of how ridiculous they are.

It's not like we are the only people talking about this....
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I don't think its a tremendous accomplishment at all.... The guy assembled a bunch of superstars and is beating a bunch of amateurs. There is nothing tremendous about that.

The average height of their team would be second only to the Portland Trailblazers in the NBA. Seriously, Kentucky is the second biggest team in the NBA. They are .40 inches away from being bigger than any team in the NBA.

Their starters go 6'6'', 6'6'', 6'10'', 6'10'', 7'0''... On top of having more talent, more athletic ability, etc than everyone else... They are much bigger than everyone else....

Take West Virginia... a good team.

Juwan Staten-- 6'1''
Devin Williams-- 6'9''
Jevon Carter--6'2''
Jon Holton--6'7''
Daxter Miles-- 6'3''
Gary Browne-- 6'1''
Jaysean Paige-- 6'1''

These are pretty much your run of the mill college teams... OU's biggest guy is 6'7''. OSU's biggest guy is 6'7''. It's pretty typical in college basketball.

I mean, his job is to recruit the best players he can and win. I am not saying Calipari should be sending people away who want to play for him. I am saying that at some point it's so absurd that it gets discredited. That's not their fault. They are doing what they should be doing... I am saying their accomplishments are turning into a "who cares" type of a thing because of how ridiculous they are.

It's not like we are the only people talking about this....

But isn't that a function of the NBA saying you have to be 1 year removed from high school to go pro. All Kentucky is doing is playing within the rules created by an outside source on the ncaa.
just because some rules are out there doesn't mean they are good or effective