Am I the only one who is worried


Admin Emeritus
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
about tonight's game? Tech is not a great team by any means. But Crockett and Tolbert are good enough to put up decent numbers and get our bigs in foul trouble. The team as a whole rose to the occasion to play Alabama close in December and beat ISU last month. If our kids go into Lubbock believing this game will be easy, we could see a repeat of last year when the Red Raiders shocked OU with their only conference win of the season.

I'm not predicting a TTU win. I'm just saying that OU has to be ready to play with the same intensity we have seen in every game since the SFA loss to avoid another upset. I can't help but worry that our kids could come out flat after the emotional loss in Stillwater last weekend. Somebody cheer me up with a few words of encouragement.
No need to worry.

Tech is horri-bad.

Seriously... they have like 3 guys on the team who look like guys I used to play pickup ball against at the Colvin Center at OSU.
So, how did that horri-bad team with pick up players beat a very good ISU team?
A little. There was a point about 2-3 weeks ago where I thought this game might be much closer than I'd like. TT is certainly improved, and probably a little better than their record. Their coach has done some nice things. If OU shows up and plays well, we'll be fine. If we don't, TT has the team to make this game much closer than any of us would like.
I am also nervous about it. They played us closer in Norman than I would have liked (we pulled away late). We stunk it up there last year.

We don't have the talent to put it on autopilot. We need to be prepared and play with emotion.

You don't know which Tech team will show up either. You cannot compare other games because their level of play has widely varied throughout the year.
If we play like we've played since Iowa State, we win easy. If we play worse than that, it will be tight and uncomfortable the whole way.
I'm worried. The line is OU -10. I might be tempted to take Tech and the points if were to bet the game.
I share your concerns, Ada. I always believe my Sooners will win, regardless the opponent. And the Red Raiders aren't even close to us on the talent/skill level. But like I posted on another thread, this game and TCU at Fort Worth are the two remaining games that concern me most.

If we lose to Iowa State, Baylor, UT, etc., it will likely be because of a cold shooting night or possibly some unexpected injuries. It won't be because we took any of those teams lightly. However, it is conceivable to me that we might not have our game faces on tonight or later against TCU. I don't think Kruger will allow it…but stranger things have, indeed, happened.
We have a knack for losing in Lubbock to teams worse than us. So, I am a bit worried.
I feel a little better after reading the quotes in this Stephanie Kuzydym article posted in the thread pinned at the top. If the team adopts Hornbeak's promise to "play so hard he might pass out," and buys into what Romero and Coach Kruger are saying, we'll be fine.

The question is, do they really believe that it's important to take it "one game at a time" and focus on the next team on our schedule? I sure hope so!
So, how did that horri-bad team with pick up players beat a very good ISU team?

Because the nature of ISU's style of play (lots and lots of jump shots and 3-pointers) leaves them open for a road upset if their shots aren't falling.

Apropos, they shot 6 of 23 (26%) from 3-point range in that game and 35% overall.

OU's front court makes them much less likely to fall in a big upset.
about tonight's game? Tech is not a great team by any means. But Crockett and Tolbert are good enough to put up decent numbers and get our bigs in foul trouble. The team as a whole rose to the occasion to play Alabama close in December and beat ISU last month. If our kids go into Lubbock believing this game will be easy, we could see a repeat of last year when the Red Raiders shocked OU with their only conference win of the season.

I'm not predicting a TTU win. I'm just saying that OU has to be ready to play with the same intensity we have seen in every game since the SFA loss to avoid another upset. I can't help but worry that our kids could come out flat after the emotional loss in Stillwater last weekend. Somebody cheer me up with a few words of encouragement.

I think that if this group had any quit in them, they would have quit against the aggies. I believe Lon has turned the corner with that problem. I don't know if they will make a high or low percentage of their shots in any of the remaining games. But, I think that they will come to play in everyone of them.
Osby, Pledger, M-Bop, Fitz, Clark would all start for them. We should have no problem.
Im more worried about the Baylor and Iowa State games. They actually have weapons. Tech has nothing. Even Texas should be easy because they cant score.
I worry a little bit about every game because the nightmare scenario is always out there waiting. As in the aforementioned KU-TCU game.

But I'm making a conscious effort not to listen to the spooky voices in my head, to have faith in this team and these coaches not to outright blow a game. ISU's as close as we've come, and the Cyclones played awfully well in that game. But then TCU played awfully well against KU, too.

For us to lose tonight, I think it'd take a similar combination of the Red Raiders playing over their heads and us playing well below our abilities. It could happen, for sure, but I'm trying to go forward with confidence that it won't happen to us tonight.

Fingers crossed.
No need to worry.

Tech is horri-bad.

Seriously... they have like 3 guys on the team who look like guys I used to play pickup ball against at the Colvin Center at OSU.
No. They would abuse you and are a lot better than the wannabe's playing pick up ball at whatever center.
There is no such thing as a game I am not worried about this point.
Especially not a road game.
I'll take a 1 point win.