All of this is true and yet none of it matters.
Should Dayton have been given games within an hour of their home? No. Does it matter? Absolutely not because that's where the game is.
The home crowd is going to be for the underdog anyway which means, obviously, that they're likely to get more calls as a result.
Winning in March is about overcoming adversity -- players not playing well, foul trouble, bad calls, whatever. We have no control over where the tournament committee -- of which our own AD, by the way, was a member -- scheduled our games. The only thing our team controls is how we play.
If we play well, we'll win. If we don't, we won't. It's pretty much that simple. And if we lose, it won't be because the game is in Ohio. It'll be because we didn't take care of the ball, make shots, rebound, defend dribble penetration, or match their energy. Whining about where the game is being played, when the bracket is set up pretty well for us, is establishing an excuse, just in case. It doesn't matter. Our job is to win, regardless of who or where we play. Period.