Apparenty Eddie ain't the only addict in the family

Remember all those times, he "had the flu" according to the tv announcers. Or the time, he almost fainted during that Texas game. Guess we know what that was all about.

Sad, sad situation
He looked really rough in some of those games, sweating a lot, pale in the face, etc. Feel really sorry for the guy and his family.

I think the Sutton jokes could be saved for another time and place.
This is a sad story, and that mug shot pic looks of a broken man. I find nothing funny in this story. I feel for his wife and kids.......

Yes, I completely agree. I admit was fully ready to enjoy the schadenfreude of this story but I must say that mug shot snapped some sense into me. That looks like a shattered man who knows his career is over.
No doubt in my mind why Holder terminated his contract.

Wasn't just wins and losses.
It is never a good thing to enjoy the pain of other people. It is pretty foreign to our own culture and history. It appears that we don't even have a word for it like the Germans do "schadenfreude". I will pray for him and his family.

For everyone who dreams of winning the lottery and quitting their job, there are numerous other examples that an abundance of cash and free time is often destructive to people and their families.

Does anyone else long for the good old days when the Pokes did just enough goofy, silly things to make their mocking easy and fun?
Say it aint so, Ratboy! :(


OMG, SMH!!! Sean and Eddie both on Sizzurp.
yeah, but the rumor was drinking. I didn't realize it was sizzurp.

The dude passed out on the bench against Texans once.

And heck! Maybe he refined his taste as he muh-tured.
Does anyone else long for the good old days when the Pokes did just enough goofy, silly things to make their mocking easy and fun?

Yes. But now it is a cross between the Wire and Dallas up there...its crazy. Seriously, Oklahomans need to urge a legislative investigation to figure out what is going on up there. It is that bad.
Yes. But now it is a cross between the Wire and Dallas up there...its crazy. Seriously, Oklahomans need to urge a legislative investigation to figure out what is going on up there. It is that bad.

It's true. I'm wearing my riot gear to class today.
This doesn't bother me in the slightest and I don't even think it should be a crime. If society is worried about this man's use of prescription drugs, society should help him with rehap not try to send him to prison. He used a freaking cell phone talking to doctors in an effort to get pain killers, presumably because they have been overprescribed in the past and he has developed an addiction. BFD.
So you're okay with people obtaining large quantities of prescription drugs fraudluently and then selling them on the street? I'm not saying that's what Sean did, but that's the reason the laws are in place.
This doesn't bother me in the slightest and I don't even think it should be a crime. If society is worried about this man's use of prescription drugs, society should help him with rehap not try to send him to prison. He used a freaking cell phone talking to doctors in an effort to get pain killers, presumably because they have been overprescribed in the past and he has developed an addiction. BFD.

Yeah prescription drugs never killed anyone. Except Elvis.
This doesn't bother me in the slightest and I don't even think it should be a crime. If society is worried about this man's use of prescription drugs, society should help him with rehap not try to send him to prison. He used a freaking cell phone talking to doctors in an effort to get pain killers, presumably because they have been overprescribed in the past and he has developed an addiction. BFD.

I do not agree with everything in this post, but I do think as a society we need to, in general, deal with drug abuse more as a health issue and less as a criminal issue. I really don't know the specifics of this case, though, and we are bordering on getting into politics here, so probably time for me to bow out...
This doesn't bother me in the slightest and I don't even think it should be a crime. If society is worried about this man's use of prescription drugs, society should help him with rehap not try to send him to prison. He used a freaking cell phone talking to doctors in an effort to get pain killers, presumably because they have been overprescribed in the past and he has developed an addiction. BFD.
Indeed, committing fraud and possessing illegal narcotics, if anything, should be glamorized and should certainly be legal. No way does possessing dangerous drugs lead to dangerous behavior. We should just allow addicts to abuse these medications as they see fit, just send them to rehab without any consequences for their illegal actions. If anything, the Doctors should be thrown in jail for prescribing them in the first place.

He used a freaking cell phone talking to doctors in an effort to get pain killers
Umm, no. He committed fraud with that cellphone.

And he's not just "talking to doctors on a cellphone" to get Adderall. That has to be a written Rx. This has forgery written all over it.
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So you're okay with people obtaining large quantities of prescription drugs fraudluently and then selling them on the street? I'm not saying that's what Sean did, but that's the reason the laws are in place.

Yep. I am fine with all drugs being legalized and 100% of the funds being wasted on criminal prosecution being used for rehabilitation and education. You cannot stop substance abuse. Criminalizing does nothing positive. We tried it with prohibition. We have tried this war on drugs for 30 years and it does not work. Things are much worse today than they were 30 years ago.

In fact, my policy would be revenue positive because we would tax drug sales with sales tax and capture income taxes on the profits that were realized. Our current policy is a complete failure. Furthermore anytime the Democrats and Republicans agree on something I am 100% positive it is a bad idea.
"In addition to the controlled substance charge, Woodward said a charge of using a communication device (a cell phone) to commit a felony would also be filed."

How ironic that one of his illegal activities was the use of a cell phone.