Apparenty Eddie ain't the only addict in the family

I was under the impression he was forging a lot of the scripts as well. Also, is it confirmed he was using pain-killers as well? I was just curious because I've seen Amphetamines and Benzo's.

I wonder if Eddie was drinking and driving [and taking prescription medications] and Sean was breaking numerous state and federal laws during the period of time that they were lecturing Sampson on too many phone calls? If so, that is odd.
Man, I can't believe Sean Sutton was on that Rush Limbaugh.
I wonder if Eddie was drinking and driving [and taking prescription medications] and Sean was breaking numerous state and federal laws during the period of time that they were lecturing Sampson on too many phone calls? If so, that is odd.
Exactly. See the thread where some OSU clown tries to impugn Sampson and the brings up Eddie Sutton, lol.
Exactly. See the thread where some OSU clown tries to impugn Sampson and the brings up Eddie Sutton, lol.

The whole thing is a ridiculous double standard.

As I said in that thread, in the minds of the OSU fan, the media, and even most of our fanbase its Saint Eddie and Evil Kelvin.

Just doesn't make sense.
Exactly. See the thread where some OSU clown tries to impugn Sampson and the brings up Eddie Sutton, lol.

Oh I did, that clown was CLOWNED.

Kelvin wasn't respected because he "broke the rules" and yet the guys who the entire oSu fanbase rallied around at the time for snitching him out to the NCAA were likely in the middle of breaking numerous state and federal LAWS.

Kelvin even said as much in his testimony to the NCAA....only the Sutton's, only them. Here is some perspective, even our LEAST classy coach according to oSu fans still never threw their guys under the bus, EVER!
Part of the 12 step healing process is asking for forgiveness, if Sean or Eddie were ever serious in their recovery, they would apologize to Kelvin and The University of Oklahoma for their hypocrisy.

Based on what they started, Kelvin had to leave one job, and had a short trigger on another, and got fired almost immediately with a ban from coaching D-1 hoops [hios livelihood].
Part of the 12 step healing process is asking for forgiveness, if Sean or Eddie were ever serious in their recovery, they would apologize to Kelvin and The University of Oklahoma for their hypocrisy.

Based on what they started, Kelvin had to leave one job, and had a short trigger on another, and got fired almost immediately with a ban from coaching D-1 hoops [hios livelihood].

So you are saying the reason Kelvin got fired was because of the Suttons turning him in. The hundreds of phone calls had nothing to do with it?
So you are saying the reason Kelvin got fired was because of the Suttons turning him in. The hundreds of phone calls had nothing to do with it?

If I am screwing your wife and then leave mine claiming infedility on her part, is that being honest? Just like the Bible says, let he without sin cast the first stone.
If I am screwing your wife and then leave mine claiming infedility on her part, is that being honest? Just like the Bible says, let he without sin cast the first stone.

That isn't what the bible is talking about. It is refering to casting judgement on others, not turning in people for breaking rules.

Sampson broke a NCAA rule twice. He got his punishment.

Eddie broke a law. He got his punishment.

Sean broke a law. He will get his punishment.

I am not angry with the people that turned in either Sutton. You are angry with the people who turned in Sampson.
Yeah tell that to the parents of high school kids all across the country who DIE because a friend gave them prescription pain killers at a party. It happens all the time.

Last time I checked when you drink too much you throw up, your heart doesn't stop.

Once again, even in the midst your self-mandated exile, you've proven yourself either a teenager, or a moron.

People die from alcohol poisoning. It happens all the time.
As of right now Scott Appears to be on the right track, maybe Sean can learn from him. I do not like OSU at all, and I will never ever claim to like OSU, however it is sad to see anyone go through these problems. I hope he gets help and gets clean for himself and his family
