Apparenty Eddie ain't the only addict in the family

Anything interesting being said?

Very good conversation between two guys that are friends and also both friends of Sean's. Doug said he was feeling many different emotions, anger being one of them. He talked about Sean having a really hard time with the plane crash because his best friend, Pat Noyes, was one of the 10. He also said that Holder told him that he encouraged Sean to take steps toward getting his life back in place after they agreed to part ways. Doug ended the talk by saying he was not sure if Sean ever did that.
Very good conversation between two guys that are friends and also both friends of Sean's. Doug said he was feeling many different emotions, anger being one of them. He talked about Sean having a really hard time with the plane crash because his best friend, Pat Noyes, was one of the 10. He also said that Holder told him that he encouraged Sean to take steps toward getting his life back in place after they agreed to part ways. Doug ended the talk by saying he was not sure if Sean ever did that.

I've always felt that most of the problems Eddie had the last few years of his tenure could be directly attributed to the plane crash.
I've always felt that most of the problems Eddie had the last few years of his tenure could be directly attributed to the plane crash.

I feel sympathetic for anyone who is an addict. I feel sympathy for these two guys, but blaming it on the plane crash is a cop out.
I feel sympathetic for anyone who is an addict. I feel sympathy for these two guys, but blaming it on the plane crash is a cop out.

I agree. Nobody get's over this kind of thing by placing blame "out there".
I feel sympathetic for anyone who is an addict. I feel sympathy for these two guys, but blaming it on the plane crash is a cop out.

The plane crash didn't make them addicts. The addictions were probably pre-existing. They used their addictions in an attempt to 'self medicate' and numb themselves after the plane crash.
Felt bad especially for Gottlieb, who had clearly tried to reach out to help Sean, but it sounds like it was just impossible to get through to him. Tough to tell if that was due to his addiction problems or their previous falling out from the end of Eddie's tenure at O-State. Either way, it sounds like people close to Sean had intimated to Doug that Sean had really closed himself off to people.

I wonder if it wouldn't have been better for Sean to leave Stillwater once he got fired at OSU.
The funny thing is seeing Ford and the Character that he has, I'd rather a Sutton be coaching OSU. Those guys have proved to be dopeheads, but They really were high character guys.
Felt bad especially for Gottlieb, who had clearly tried to reach out to help Sean, but it sounds like it was just impossible to get through to him. Tough to tell if that was due to his addiction problems or their previous falling out from the end of Eddie's tenure at O-State. Either way, it sounds like people close to Sean had intimated to Doug that Sean had really closed himself off to people.

I wonder if it wouldn't have been better for Sean to leave Stillwater once he got fired at OSU.

I forgot about that part. Doug said he has sent numerous text messages to Sean during games to just talk basketball. Sean never returned any of them. Doug also said the "Coach" had told him to call Sean because he seemed "down in the dumps". Sean had apparently closed himself off to most of the public.
I forgot about that part. Doug said he has sent numerous text messages to Sean during games to just talk basketball. Sean never returned any of them. Doug also said the "Coach" had told him to call Sean because he seemed "down in the dumps". Sean had apparently closed himself off to most of the public.

Yes, I thought that shed a rather poignant light on why Eddie and Sean had been popping up at games around the Big 12 lately. It seems like Eddie was trying to get him focused on something else.
Yes, I thought that shed a rather poignant light on why Eddie and Sean had been popping up at games around the Big 12 lately. It seems like Eddie was trying to get him focused on something else.

Could not agree more.
I feel sympathetic for anyone who is an addict. I feel sympathy for these two guys, but blaming it on the plane crash is a cop out.

Doug was not blaming it on the crash. He was simply giving his own opinion about Sean's struggle to come to terms with the death of his best friend. He never made the direct correlation between the crash and drug use.
Felt bad especially for Gottlieb, who had clearly tried to reach out to help Sean, but it sounds like it was just impossible to get through to him. Tough to tell if that was due to his addiction problems or their previous falling out from the end of Eddie's tenure at O-State. Either way, it sounds like people close to Sean had intimated to Doug that Sean had really closed himself off to people.

I wonder if it wouldn't have been better for Sean to leave Stillwater once he got fired at OSU.

That's incredibly sad - for Sean and Doug.
Like him or not (he was my favorite OSU basketball coach, by the way; because he couldn't beat OU) you have to feel sorry for his wife and kids.

His dad has a substance abuse problem and has had one for years and now so does Sean. Somebody has to break the cycle...I hope Sean's kids can do it.

As of right now Scott Appears to be on the right track, maybe Sean can learn from him. I do not like OSU at all, and I will never ever claim to like OSU, however it is sad to see anyone go through these problems. I hope he gets help and gets clean for himself and his family
For the most part this a very good thread. Rivalries set aside. We are all human beings that need a hand once in a while. It is good to see that hatred has not overridden decency.
Add me to the list of those who find no joy/humor in any of this. My family has been tortured for over 13 yrs because of my wife's cocaine addiction. I know firsthand the devastation that addiction causes to the addict, the kids of an addict, and the entire family.

I pray that he can find the spiritual strength to overcome his addiction. I also pray that his wife and kids are protected from the insensitive idiots who will use this opportunity to bash a rival.
I too am very familiar with addiction and the harm it can cause the individual and the family involved... My thoughts and prayers go out to Sean and his family. Maybe he can find comfort in the fact that there are many people out there with similar addictions and problems, many of whom have been in recovery for years and years.

As far as the little debate in this thread, I think it would be very difficult to argue that alcohol can be or is less destructive than many prescription substances... Alcoholism runs in families and it is nearly impossible to separate alcoholism and drug addiction. They are one in the same. It's not surprising that this would happen to Sean given his father's past struggles. I think it's completely asinine that any doctor would ever prescribe him painkillers and benzo's considering his family's medical history but that is easy to get around if their patients are not entirely honest. Also many doctors are not very well acquainted with addiction and seem entirely too quick to write out scripts.

The drug dealers that create more addicts than anything else are the ones in offices with PHD's hanging on the walls...
What was Sean Sutton doing in Norman... on Griffin day? He wasn't here to check on getting his heating or air-conditioning fixed, was he?
This is a very sad deal, but it can't come as a surprise to most of us. It was pretty obvious he was having these problems back when he was coaching OSU. That the truth has now finally come to light hopefully will be a blessing in disguise for him and his family. Here's hoping he gets a second chance and begins the recovery process.
I wonder if Snitch Jr. has a new appreciation for Eaton's addiction to calories?
I too am very familiar with addiction and the harm it can cause the individual and the family involved... My thoughts and prayers go out to Sean and his family. Maybe he can find comfort in the fact that there are many people out there with similar addictions and problems, many of whom have been in recovery for years and years.

As far as the little debate in this thread, I think it would be very difficult to argue that alcohol can be or is less destructive than many prescription substances... Alcoholism runs in families and it is nearly impossible to separate alcoholism and drug addiction. They are one in the same. It's not surprising that this would happen to Sean given his father's past struggles. I think it's completely asinine that any doctor would ever prescribe him painkillers and benzo's considering his family's medical history but that is easy to get around if their patients are not entirely honest. Also many doctors are not very well acquainted with addiction and seem entirely too quick to write out scripts.

The drug dealers that create more addicts than anything else are the ones in offices with PHD's hanging on the walls...
I was under the impression he was forging a lot of the scripts as well. Also, is it confirmed he was using pain-killers as well? I was just curious because I've seen Amphetamines and Benzo's.

The drug dealers that create more addicts than anything else are the ones in offices with PHD's hanging on the walls...
PhD's can barely even write scripts. They are very limited in what they can even write, and in most states they can't write scripts at all. They are not Doctors.
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