Apparenty Eddie ain't the only addict in the family

Alright at this point I think we have officially crossed into the policitical realm and should probably just stop.
Indeed, committing fraud and possessing illegal narcotics, if anything, should be glamorized and should certainly be legal. No way does possessing dangerous drugs lead to dangerous behavior. We should just allow addicts to abuse these medications as they see fit, just send them to rehab without any consequences for their illegal actions. If anything, the Doctors should be thrown in jail for prescribing them in the first place.

Umm, no. He committed fraud with that cellphone.

And he's not just "talking to doctors on a cellphone" to get Adderall. That has to be a written Rx. This has forgery written all over it.

He suffers from addiction. There has been nothing to suggest Sean Sutton harmed anyone other than himself (and possibly his family - I am pretty sure they would select rehab over prosecution).

I did not blame the doctors. I simply said he has likely had drugs over prescribed in the past. Given the fact that you it is difficult to obtain perscription drugs without a perscription, that is probably a fair assumption.

If you don't think doctors make that mistake at times you are nuts. Doctors are just like everyone else, they too make mistakes, get duped by patients, etc.

The War on Drugs is as big a failure as prohibition. It is time for society to recognize that and try something else.
He suffers from addiction. There has been nothing to suggest Sean Sutton harmed anyone other than himself (and possibly his family - I am pretty sure they would select rehab over prosecution).
He's already been to rehab, and he is a danger to everyone on the road when he is behind wheel of a lethal weapon. (also known as a car) I'm sure they would select rehab for him, and I'm sure I would point out that Eddie nearly killed someone after being in rehab. At least we can take these people's drivers licenses away, yes?
It's true. I'm wearing my riot gear to class today.

I'm less concerned about the inmates, more concerned about the good taxpayers of Oklahoma who are paying for this mess.
So the way you get rid of addicts is if you legalize them? Nice try, but that won't work either. People are going to cheat a system no matter what it is. Nothing will keep people from getting high, easing their pain or whatever you wanna call it. Having laws against it is the best way to slow it down.
He's already been to rehab, and he is a danger to everyone on the road when he is behind wheel of a lethal weapon. (also known as a car) I'm sure they would select rehab for him, and I'm sure I would point out that Eddie nearly killed someone after being in rehab. At least we can take these people's drivers licenses away, yes?

Driving while intoxicated is a crime and I did not remotely say it shouldn't be. stealing to support an addiction is a crime and should continue to be a crime. He was not arrested for driving while intoxicated.
The War on Drugs is as big a failure as prohibition. It is time for society to recognize that and try something else.
When you set the goal to completely eradicate substance abuse, which isn't even a cogent thought, it's going to fail.

Driving while intoxicated is a crime and I did not remotely say it shouldn't be. stealing to support an addiction is a crime and should continue to be a crime. He was not arrested for driving while intoxicated.
So, you have backtracked some. Initially, all prosecution for addicts was superfluous. Now, if they are just innocent bystanders simply getting scripts filled by overzealous doctors, they aren't or shouldn't be looked at as breaking the law. So, obviously you think Sean is a criminal since he fraudulently used his cellphone to illegally obtain narcotics. Do you really think they just mean he used his cellphone to have a nice little sunday chat with the doctor and then casually ask for some meds? No. What they mean is he forged scripts. People fraudulently call in their own medicines all the time.

utton was arrested Thursday night when he arrived to pick up a shipment of painkillers under another person's name

He was not arrested for driving while intoxicated.
And I'm sure he has never driven while intoxicated. It's too bad we don't just have the DEA do away with controlling these medications (something you would be in favor of, presumably) that way more and more people will have them and get behind the wheel and kill people.
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Why not legalize prostitution see if that works.
What does that mean exactly?

That substance abuse is a human condition. It always has and always will exist. It can only be treated but never stoped.

Did prohibition work? Do you really think there is a difference between alcohol and other drugs? (I recognize the effects and impact on our bodies is different from one substance to the next - I am speaking in a broader sense). One is legal because we say it is but many drugs are less harmful than alcohol, yet they are illegal and alcohol is legal.
Certain drugs are lethal and should even be taken at all. If you legalize all drugs you start seeing people die. If you want to legalize drugs you have to make sure that they are strickly regulated.
One is legal because we say it is but many drugs are less harmful than alcohol, yet they are illegal and alcohol is legal.
Are you the arbiter of what should be legal and not legal? Which drugs of the hundreds of controlled drugs are less harmful than alcohol? By many I think you meant 1 or 2.
My zeal for OU sports stops short of finding joy in the crippling, potentially fatal, addiction of a broken man. I feel sorry for him and his family, and I hope he can find a way to get through this to the other side.
Gottlieb is on with Trabor right now talking about it.
Do you really think there is a difference between alcohol and other drugs?

Yeah tell that to the parents of high school kids all across the country who DIE because a friend gave them prescription pain killers at a party. It happens all the time.

Last time I checked when you drink too much you throw up, your heart doesn't stop.
Yeah tell that to the parents of high school kids all across the country who DIE because a friend gave them prescription pain killers at a party. It happens all the time.

Last time I checked when you drink too much you throw up, your heart doesn't stop.

What are you still doing here?