Austin Johnson stats


Admin Emeritus
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
Here's something for AJ fans. Austin is 5th in the league in scoring and 2nd in assists. Since the stats below are hard to follow, he's averaging 17.9 ppg, while shooting 40.3% from the field, 55.8% from three, 85.4% from the free throw line, with 3.9 rpg and 5.1 apg in a team high 31.6 minutes per game.

As an aside, he's having the time of his life playing in Switzerland!

Sdent BBC Nyon Statistics - Swiss League
Season: 2009-2010 (Switzerland)

Field Goals Rebounds
# Name Game min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a off def tot ast pf st bs pts
20 Johnson, Austin 9 31.6 40.3% 55.8% 85.4% 0.8 3.1 3.9 5.1 2.7 2.1 0.4 17.9
9 Almanson, Josh 9 29.6 59.7% 34.1% 70.0% 2.0 2.6 4.6 1.9 1.3 2.3 0.4 13.7
12 Holland, Yuanta 9 26.2 59.7% 20.0% 75.8% 1.8 2.9 4.7 2.2 1.8 1.4 0.2 12.7
13 Forbes, Germayne 9 20.4 60.0% 57.1% 91.7% 0.4 2.2 2.7 1.2 1.2 1.3 0.2 11.9
11 Southall, Michael 9 26.2 72.7% 0.0% 60.9% 3.2 5.6 8.8 2.0 1.9 1.6 3.3 10.4
10 Rahier, Julien 7 21.9 60.0% 19.2% 70.0% 0.4 1.4 1.9 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.3 11.0
5 Mafuta, Cedric 9 19.2 56.3% 20.0% 73.3% 0.3 1.6 1.9 2.3 1.1 1.2 0.4 5.9
15 Gorauskas, Douglas 9 15.6 55.2% 14.3% 75.0% 0.9 2.4 3.3 0.2 2.7 0.7 0.0 4.9
7 Petkovic, Miroslav 8 9.6 50.0% 18.2% 100.0% 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.4 0.4 0.3 2.3
14 Paredes, Xavier 7 6.9 28.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6 1.0 1.6 0.0 1.0 0.4 0.1 0.6
8 Amunugama, Simon 1 3.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Season: 2009-2010 (Switzerland)

Section Season Round Date Against Team Result
Switzerland 2009-2010 11/10/2009 SAM Massagno 105-67
Switzerland 2009-2010 11/7/2009 Fribourg 77-93
Switzerland 2009-2010 10/31/2009 Starwings 101-93
Switzerland 2009-2010 10/28/2009 MGS 85-80
Switzerland 2009-2010 10/24/2009 Lausanne 93-74
Switzerland 2009-2010 10/17/2009 Lugano Tigers 66-82
Switzerland 2009-2010 10/10/2009 Geneva Devils 75-62
Switzerland 2009-2010 10/7/2009 Monthey 93-78
Switzerland 2009-2010 10/3/2009 Boncourt 100-74
One of the most underrated Sooners in recent history. Never got the credit he deserved.
I guess his back is holding up well...great to hear!
One of the most underrated Sooners in recent history. Never got the credit he deserved.


Fans seem to need someone to blame. They can be fluid about it, switching from one player to another or to one coach or another, but always there must be a goat, someone without whom -- or so they're convinced -- everything would be hunky-dory.

AJ spent far more time in that doghouse than he ever deserved. Johnny Gilbert did, too, but he won most fans over by the end of his senior year, and now he's recalled with great fondness by most. Here's hoping AJ's standing in the eyes of fans is afforded a similar upgrade, but I'm not holding my breath.
  				Field Goals 		Rebounds 	 
# 	Name 			Game 	min 	fgm-a 	3pm-a 	ftm-a 	off 	def 	tot 	ast 	pf 	st 	bs 	pts
20 	Johnson, Austin 	9 	31.6 	40.3% 	55.8% 	85.4% 	0.8 	3.1 	3.9 	5.1 	2.7 	2.1 	0.4 	17.9
9 	Almanson, Josh 		9 	29.6 	59.7% 	34.1% 	70.0% 	2.0 	2.6 	4.6 	1.9 	1.3 	2.3 	0.4 	13.7
12 	Holland, Yuanta 	9 	26.2 	59.7% 	20.0% 	75.8% 	1.8 	2.9 	4.7 	2.2 	1.8 	1.4 	0.2 	12.7
13 	Forbes, Germayne 	9 	20.4 	60.0% 	57.1% 	91.7% 	0.4 	2.2 	2.7 	1.2 	1.2 	1.3 	0.2 	11.9
11 	Southall, Michael 	9 	26.2 	72.7% 	0.0% 	60.9% 	3.2 	5.6 	8.8 	2.0 	1.9 	1.6 	3.3 	10.4
10 	Rahier, Julien 		7 	21.9 	60.0% 	19.2% 	70.0% 	0.4 	1.4 	1.9 	1.4 	1.3 	1.0 	0.3 	11.0
5 	Mafuta, Cedric 		9 	19.2 	56.3% 	20.0% 	73.3% 	0.3 	1.6 	1.9 	2.3 	1.1 	1.2 	0.4 	5.9
15 	Gorauskas, Douglas 	9 	15.6 	55.2% 	14.3% 	75.0% 	0.9 	2.4 	3.3 	0.2 	2.7 	0.7 	0.0 	4.9
7 	Petkovic, Miroslav 	8 	9.6 	50.0% 	18.2% 	100.0% 	0.1 	0.3 	0.4 	0.6 	1.4 	0.4 	0.3 	2.3
14 	Paredes, Xavier 	7 	6.9 	28.6% 	0.0% 	0.0% 	0.6 	1.0 	1.6 	0.0 	1.0 	0.4 	0.1 	0.6
8 	Amunugama, Simon 	1 	3.0 	0.0% 	0.0% 	0.0% 	0.0 	0.0 	0.0 	1.0 	0.0 	0.0 	0.0 	0.0

The code button is your friend.
I don't know if I call him underrated. He was a solid player and played his role well. Health was always an issue with him, and it probably got him dragged in the mud a bit by some OU fans.
Great to hear that Austin is doing well! Really proud of him. :clap
I still don't understand why people spent his entire career here talking about him like he was a liability. I hope he eventually gets the credit he deserves and ma glad he is tearing it up oversees.
If you are going to play in Europe, it might as well be a place like Switzerland!
The code button is your friend.

I'm sure it is if I knew where to find it. :ez-laugh:

Computers and fancy features on fan boards are easy for you youngsters, but not for older guys like me. I do the best I can with my limitations. ;)
I'm sure it is if I knew where to find it. :ez-laugh:

Computers and fancy features on fan boards are easy for you youngsters, but not for older guys like me. I do the best I can with my limitations. ;)

It's the little # button towards the right on the button bar above the typing area.
I wonder how much cash those guys get playing over there. Obviously nothing like they would in the NBA, but if it's decent and you enjoy playing, why not.
I don't know if I call him underrated. He was a solid player and played his role well. Health was always an issue with him, and it probably got him dragged in the mud a bit by some OU fans.

I think you just did an outstanding job of proving the point. He is gone and yet you still can't really say anything positive about the guy. four year contributor and a senior leader yet you still have to challenge things said about him.
To be young and playing professional basketball in Switzerland. What a life.
Glad to hear that AJ is doing well. He really came up big for the team last year. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!:clap
Excellent. I always liked him as a player. Having to play hurt his first year caused many fans to form the wrong impressions of his ability. I'm not sure his first OU coach did him much good either.