Board Request

Malcolm X

New member
Nov 7, 2008
Reaction score
Can we get a lounge forum?

I love basketball as much as anyone else on here, but seemingly restricting our posts to just that topic is a little overbearing.

I say we take a vote. If someone agrees with me within the first five responses, admins HAVE to implement this. If nobody agrees within those first five, then we ban bocabull. It's a win win no matter what.
I am tempted to disagree with this idea just for the purposes of banning boca.
After we get 5 disagreements can we look back at this subject when boca is banned?
Can we get a lounge forum?

I love basketball as much as anyone else on here, but seemingly restricting our posts to just that topic is a little overbearing.

I say we take a vote. If someone agrees with me within the first five responses, admins HAVE to implement this. If nobody agrees within those first five, then we ban bocabull. It's a win win no matter what.

If those two outcomes are guaranteed, then I heartily vote no on the lounge.
I agree with the lounge. It will keep more people coming here in the offseason.
I am tempted to disagree with this idea just for the purposes of banning boca.
After we get 5 disagreements can we look back at this subject when boca is banned?

Don't get confused sam...lets just keep our eyes on the prize...let's get those 5 votes!
I agree with the lounge. It will keep more people coming here in the offseason.

I agree with that, but just think how much more frequently people would visit the board if boca were banned...seriously...
I am tempted to disagree with this idea just for the purposes of banning boca.
After we get 5 disagreements can we look back at this subject when boca is banned?

We can look back at it in the first created thread in the new lounge forum. How's that sound?
I'm down for the lounge. Seems like a good idea.
The only negative is if boca was banned we would lose his sarcastic sense of humor that brings me laughter (at least I hope it's sarcastic sense of humor he shows)
I agree with the lounge. It will keep more people coming here in the offseason.
Dude, you blew it. We almost got him banned. I would love a lounge forum, but we need to take this one step at a time. Take care of boca, then worry about the lounge.

As long as boca is still on the board, the lounge forum would simply be an opportunity for him to expand his non-stop flaming from basketball into off-topic subjects. As the Germans showed us in WWII, two-front wars are far too difficult.
how could one even think about banning boca? he single-handedly broke the unintentional comedy scale. and watching people respond to his lunacy is even more entertaining.

a lounge forum would be nice but don't i don't think it's needed considering the bickering it's sure to spawn, resulting in more work/moderation being needed. besides, it was hard enough getting an nba forum which was only created because of blake. funny since all of the blake related stuff is posted on the tisdale forum instead of the nba.
how could one even think about banning boca? he single-handedly broke the unintentional comedy scale. and watching people respond to his lunacy is even more entertaining.

a lounge forum would be nice but don't i don't think it's needed considering the bickering it's sure to spawn, resulting in more work/moderation being needed. besides, it was hard enough getting an nba forum which was only created because of blake. funny since all of the blake related stuff is posted on the tisdale forum instead of the nba.


Thank you Debbie Downer...
besides, it was hard enough getting an nba forum which was only created because of blake. funny since all of the blake related stuff is posted on the tisdale forum instead of the nba.

We created the NBA board for a place to put the Thunder/other NBA topics that were beginning to clutter up this board, which is intended to be for just OU and college hoops talk. The Blake stuff is fine here because he's a former OU player.

a lounge forum would be nice but don't i don't think it's needed considering the bickering it's sure to spawn, resulting in more work/moderation being needed.

That's my concern. We have enough bickering/ridiculousness here, so I'm not sure we want to deal with the headaches a Lounge board will create. I've followed the OC board on OUInsider and it seems like a major pain to the mods there. I'm not saying it's not something to consider though. If the other mods here want to step up and deal with it then we might give it a shot.
Make me the lounge mod. I got this jawn on lockdown.

Anyone willing to second my self-nomination?
motion seconded. the right honorable gentlemen from philly shall mod if said board is ever created.

sorry elmo, i was just thinking of ouhoops and all the time and effort he has already put into the board, and how much his work would increase if an OC style board were to exist. but i'm in favor of it just to see how many threads sooner quick could lock in a days time.
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Sorry to pour cold water on this idea. But, from an adminstrative point of view, an off-topics forum can be a total nightmare. As someone with experience in helping to moderate the O'Connell's board, no way would I want to see a similar forum here. I believe most of the mods on OUI would agree with me.
Sorry to pour cold water on this idea. But, from an adminstrative point of view, an off-topics forum can be a total nightmare. As someone with experience in helping to moderate the O'Connell's board, no way would I want to see a similar forum here. I believe most of the mods on OUI would agree with me.

To rebut, are we allowed to post threads that have nothing to do with basketball in the NBA or Tisdale forum then?
I am ok with it... I like talking politics, economics, and discussing news issues with peeps. I doubt it would be like O'Connells, because I have seen other forums with a lounge forum and it hasnt been like O'Connells at all. Perhaps allow a lounge forum with some rules (such as no dirty pics and no religious posting) and you will have something under control.

Maybe a test run? See how it goes? Let Malcolm be the mod.

Also, what is everyones deal with Boca? He seems like a good poster to me, I tend to agree with his views on the NBA.

Just hoops topics. At this point, I'm not sure I want to deal with having to moderate issues that arise from non-hoops topics. Just want to talk basketball.

You dont have to.. Just say no dirty pics, no religion, no name calling, and let Malcolm police it.
motion seconded. the right honorable gentlemen from philly shall mod if said board is ever created.

sorry elmo, i was just thinking of ouhoops and all the time and effort he has already put into the board, and how much his work would increase if an OC style board were to exist. but i'm in favor of it just to see how many threads sooner quick could lock in a days time.

Oh, sweat...

My tongue was in my cheek...