Sky, my friend, with all due respect to you and a few others who don’t agree with Thebigabd, he does not fit my definition of a troll.
Believe it or not, he’s an OU fan who, like you, believes he’s right about the topics he defends. Nothing wrong with that, except there are a few here who are just as committed to an opposing view. Nothing wrong with that either. Healthy debates and sometimes agreeing to disagree are the lifeblood of a fan board. If everyone agreed on every topic, this would be a dull place.
Ask yourself this question: Why do most of the threads bigabd starts stay on the front page for sometime, often developing into multiple pages? I think it’s because he’s good at coming up with interesting topics that are usually controversial. He’s also good at keeping his threads alive by defending his position.
I’m horrible at starting threads. Most of the threads I start are boring. They get plenty of views but very few responses. Starting threads is a gift. Thebigabd has it. So do you. I urge you to start more threads and steal his thunder. Trust me, he does not have a thread starting monopoly on this board.