Bubble Watch catch all ..

Wish we had these refs against tech. We would have won by double digits with the calls Richmond is getting.
Ouch. Davidson choked. They should be left out for choking.
Richmond winning should knock out Xavier, buy, Rutgers, or michigan. Or San Francisco. They shouldn’t even be in.
Is there a strength of record stat anywhere for college hoops? That matters more than SOS. With SOS, you still have to try to figure out what the teams with weaker SOS's would have done with our schedule. I believe that is where strength of record can help.
Wow the refs let a lot go for Richmond at the end of that game. The game winning and 1 the kid was throwing his elbow around and he got the call.
i love the a10. always enjoy the spiders. let's beat tcu at home next year so i can enjoy these games.
An open three for a lights out shooter? Take that any day of the week. Two nights ago people were questioning Gibson for driving rather than shooting.

People really questioned that? I thought Gibson made the obvious decision apart from the falling over and losing the ball part.