Bubble Watch catch all ..

Lunardi still has OU out in his bracket that just released.

Lunardi will likely have us out in his final bracket. He’s always had us on outside looking in and on his rankings SMU is really the only team we could logically flip with at this point. We have to hope Lunardi is at least one team off this year.
Lunardi still has OU out in his bracket that just released.

he has us 3rd team out but rutgers and xavier, smu in .. also i think VT needs a win vs duke tonight or they are done ...

i think OU is in pretty good shape
Memphis doing their best to hand it to SMU. Maybe I’m just scarred after seeing us lose every close game we played, but I don’t feel good about how this game is going to turn out.
The fact that I’m nervous as this Memphis-SMU game winds down is probably a pretty pathetic insight to me personally.
Tennessee losing likely chinches a 1 seed for baylor (outside chance for duke ) that never hurts OU chances ..

You mean if Tennessee losses to ATM? The negative side of this is that ATM has probably clinched a spot now. Was hoping they would lose in the first round of their tourney.

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A&M has to win their tournament to make it IMO.

Hope you are right but that is 2 big back-to-back wins and I think they have won 7 or 8 in a row.

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You mean if Tennessee losses to ATM? The negative side of this is that ATM has probably clinched a spot now. Was hoping they would lose in the first round of their tourney.

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sorry meant tennessee winning .. kentucky losing ..

kentucky was a 1 seed if they won out
add me to the pathetic list then as well lol

Here’s what some of my friends don’t get. They are like “why do you care so much, do you think we can make a run if we get in?”

No, actually I really don’t. I also don’t care. I desperately want to see our name on that bracket tomorrow. Pretty convinced that the die hard level sports fans are really just hardcore competitors that need an outlet. Also there is an addictive element to it. Literally addicted to the adrenaline from sports and the lack of control. Like a heroin addict but sometimes the entire world supply of heroin dries up— that’s what we find out tomorrow night. I’ll stop now.
Here’s what some of my friends don’t get. They are like “why do you care so much, do you think we can make a run if we get in?”

No, actually I really don’t. I also don’t care. I desperately want to see our name on that bracket tomorrow. Pretty convinced that the die hard level sports fans are really just hardcore competitors that need an outlet. Also there is an addictive element to it. Literally addicted to the adrenaline from sports and the lack of control. Like a heroin addict but sometimes the entire world supply of heroin dries up— that’s what we find out tomorrow night. I’ll stop now.

well said
for the record that might have knocked SMU out memphis wins and they were already in so good for OU
Well the Fighting Tigers of Memphis State came through. Now we need the Coach K ego tour to put it to VT and the day won’t have turned out all that poorly aside from the Aggies beating Arky.

Also, I’ve been laughing to avoid crying when I see some of the fouls called against Texas Tech today. Jalen Hill must be wondering what the heck is going on.
OK, SMU loses, that’s good. It’s possible this is all moot and committee either has us in or out regardless, but considering we don’t know, this can’t hurt at all. Pretty much all projections have us within a few spots of SMU— losing to Memphis isn’t a bad loss per se, but it will hurt them more than us losing to Tech did. And their conf tourney win was over Tulsa. I imagine in many brackets SMU will now slide behind us.

The only other one tonight now is Va Tech. The loss won’t hurt them at all. All depends on if the committee has them in already or not. If they don’t, then losing should keep them out. Go Duke (gross).

And after that I’m pretty sure it’s just rooting against Richmond tomorrow— and that would only matter if we are literally the last team in and they stole our spot.
OK, SMU loses, that’s good. It’s possible this is all moot and committee either has us in or out regardless, but considering we don’t know, this can’t hurt at all. Pretty much all projections have us within a few spots of SMU— losing to Memphis isn’t a bad loss per se, but it will hurt them more than us losing to Tech did. And their conf tourney win was over Tulsa. I imagine in many brackets SMU will now slide behind us.

The only other one tonight now is Va Tech. The loss won’t hurt them at all. All depends on if the committee has them in already or not. If they don’t, then losing should keep them out. Go Duke (gross).

And after that I’m pretty sure it’s just rooting against Richmond tomorrow— and that would only matter if we are literally the last team in and they stole our spot.

I think you’re right … unless the committee doesn’t have A&M locked yet. I’d guess they are in but remember, it no longer matters that they have been hot down the stretch. If the committee thinks their body of work falls short, it doesn’t matter that they have won 7 in a row.
I think you’re right … unless the committee doesn’t have A&M locked yet. I’d guess they are in but remember, it no longer matters that they have been hot down the stretch. If the committee thinks their body of work falls short, it doesn’t matter that they have won 7 in a row.

Correct, I am just of them belief that they are in after their win today already. I also think that you can’t totally eliminate human nature from the process. We are probably all at least a tad biased by what we’ve seen most recently. I realize “last 10” is no longer a metric, but it’s also probably hard to totally take out of your personal mental process.
I don’t think it matters at all. They are in.

You’re right. I guess I don’t understand why they are such a shoo in? Their net is going to be upper 50s if they lose this.