I am in the upper middle class, and received a tiny tax break. Very wealthy people received a very large tax break. The other thing you aren't factoring in is other tax breaks targeted at that particular group. Corporate tax down, higher tax brackets down, didn't address the income cap on social security, etc.
I think I've gone over this before, but the point of the tax cuts wasn't to give people like us a tax break. He's intentionally trying to make corporations and extremely wealthy people even more wealthy, and make the US a more attractive place for big business.
If the goal was to give people like us a tax break, he would increase the top tax brackets and drastically offset middle class tax brackets to make up for lost tax revenue. He didn't do that. They moved it 1% to sell it as a middle class tax cut, but nobody increased their quality of life in a significant way with a 1% tax cut. As someone mentioned above, they got $300 for the entire year. That is $25 a month. The impact of that is he can basically go to Chili's one more time a month, if he doesn't order an appetizer or a cocktail, and leaves a crappy tip.
It's not like it's a big secret who the tax breaks were for... Not sure why it's so hard to just call it what it is. It was a business tax cut, as part of typical GOP ideology of trickle-down economics. Tax the masters of universe less, reduce public services, and hope the enormous concentration of wealth into a few hands trickles down. That is the belief system in a nutshell.