Can you guys explain some Trump things to me?

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He’s an idiot. A puppet. A demented puppet that’s controlled by his handlers, who are increasingly as far left as possible.

That's just crazy... You are just repeating right-wing talking points. Biden is about as "center left" as it gets. He's a moderate Democrat.

Your boy, on the other hand, is far right.

Can't read it because I don't have a subscription, but that's opinion piece. Biden is a moderate. His record shows he is a moderate. His relationship with the GOP while he was in the Senate shows he is a moderate.

The GOP noise machine is doing EVERYTHING in its power to associate Democrat with "leftist"... It's in their terminology, it's in their reporting, etc. It's their best shot to turn people off... But Biden is a known moderate, with 40 years of a moderate record to back that up.

He has had to shift some items to accommodate the Bernie wing of the party, but look at the Senate races for democrats... they are all Biden moderates.

North Carolina - Cal Cunningham
Lt. Colonel in the United States Army. Moderate Democrat from a small town in North Carolina.

Sara Gideon - Maine
Running on a moderate platform. Not in the Bernie wing of the party.

Gary Peters - Michigan
Incumbent Senator... US Navy veteran. A moderate who is ranked as the 4th most bipartisan Senator in in the Senate right now.

Mark Kelly - Arizona
Captain in the US Navy, and former Astronaut. Another moderate running for Senate. Doesn't support Medicare for all. Is on the Biden platform for a public option into Medicare, etc.

John Hickenlooper - Colorado
Well known moderate. Former Governor of Colorado. Not a Medicare-For-All candidate. On the platform of Biden to allow you to choose to buy into Medicare.

Jon Ossoff - Georgia
Another moderate. Doesn't support Medicare-for-All. Doesn't support free education for all. Only supports making trade schools and job training free. This is a moderate position.

These aren't radicals, no matter what Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham are telling you. These are pure down the middle or center left moderates.

AOC, Bernie, and a small contingent of the party make a lot of noise.... and they certainly get all the air time on Fox because they want to paint the party as a socialist movement.

The truth is, the party is running a bunch of moderates this year. Both for Senate seats and for the White House.

This kind of stuff disturbs me.... shows me how effective Hannity, Ingraham, etc really are in scaring people.
Story in full.

"Joe Biden’s announcement that he will revoke permits for the Keystone XL pipeline if elected is more than just bad energy policy. It’s yet another sign that the former vice president will talk to the center but govern from the left.

Blocking the pipeline has been a cause célèbre for environmentalists for more than a decade. Because it ships crude oil produced from Canadian tar sands in Alberta, they argue that it promotes the exploitation of environmentally dangerous fossil fuels. Environmentalists also argue that this encourages climate change by making another source of greenhouse-gas-causing fuel commercially viable. They succeeded in persuading President Barack Obama to block the project in 2015 by denying necessary federal permits, but President Trump reversed that decision after taking office.

Biden, for his part, has campaigned as a more centrist candidate on energy policy. He’s refused to fully support the Green New Deal, acknowledging the need for oil and gas for the time being and opposing a ban on fracking. But his decision to block an energy project already underway clashes with that message. So, too, does his decision to appoint the hard-line progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) to co-chair one of his campaign’s committees on climate policy. It is a prime example of Biden acquiescing to the left to court progressive support.


Throughout his career, Biden has moved to the left as Democratic politics changed. This is most clearly seen in his mutating stances on abortion. He began his Senate career as an abortion opponent, going so far as to vote for a constitutional amendment overturning Roe v. Wade. Today, he staunchly backs Roe. He abandoned his 40-plus-year history of supporting the Hyde Amendment, which prevents Medicaid from paying for most abortions, within days of being challenged on his views last summer.

Health care is another issue for which Biden has tilted leftward. During the Bill Clinton administration, Biden resisted progressive entreaties to back universal health-care coverage. Today, he offers a plan that further extends Obamacare and allows people to opt into Medicare at age 60. It’s difficult to imagine him resisting progressive pressure to expand federal control and subsidies further as his term in office progresses.

The list goes on. In the 1970s, he worked with segregationist Southern Democratic senators to oppose mandatory busing, which Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) memorably skewered him for during the Democratic debate last June. Now, he wants to get rid of restrictions on busing. He was against gay marriage in the 1990s, for it in 2012. He advocated increasing the Social Security retirement age; pushed for making sentences for possessing crack much harsher than those for having cocaine; and supported the Iraq War — all of which he has changed his mind on.


In one sense, this is unremarkable. Politicians with long careers often bend with time and, in this, Biden is no exception. What’s remarkable is that the bending always seems to go to the left, and that he takes his new position with a righteous moralism that acts as a perfume to cover the stench of his convenient conversion.

Genuine centrists should be concerned about this well-established pattern. If they back Biden, will they genuinely get someone committed to prudence and national unity? Or will they get someone whose overriding passion is to be acclaimed by his party no matter he has to say to win the applause?

Trump would do well to focus on this when he starts to define Biden. Biden’s frequent gaffes and misstatements are worrying, but Trump’s own verbal inaccuracies and serial misstatements make him a less than credible critic. Going after Biden as a crazy liberal would also likely backfire. The presumptive Democratic nominee has long practiced the art of trending left but sounding reasonable, keeping just enough room between his latest deepest conviction and those of the left to maintain plausible deniability. These are only two of the reasons why Biden is a difficult foe for Trump, provided he maintains a minimal veneer of competence.


Trump should instead attack Biden for what he is: a weak and vain man who adopts the views of those whose approval he craves. It’s a truer charge than the alternatives and has the added advantage that it will wound Biden’s pride. Like many pliant people, he is convinced he is strong and decisive and is likely to lash out in fury at any insinuation that he is not. An angry Biden makes mistakes, and Trump needs Biden to make mistakes to convince the few wavering voters that they should prefer him despite their misgivings.

Woody Allen’s film “Zelig” starred a man with such a strong a desire to be liked that he would mimic and imitate the views of people around him with uncanny success. Biden’s Zelig-like ideological transformations have landed him within sight of the White House. Don’t be surprised if he falls short once the reality is unmasked.

Read more:


Jonathan Capehart: Biden has four great options for a black female running mate. One is his best.

LaTosha Brown, Tiffany D. Cross, Brittany Packnett Cunningham, Alicia Garza, Sunny Hostin, Angela Rye and Amanda Seales: Biden still needs black women. Here are 3 things he needs to do.

Karen Tumulty: It is far too early for Democrats to panic over Biden

Joe Biden: How the White House coronavirus response presents us with a false choice

Election 2020: What to know
Updated July 24, 2020
More Americans can vote by mail in November than before the pandemic; find out which states have changed rules. Barring a landslide, we may not have a result in the presidential election on Nov. 3. See what elections are coming up and which have moved.

President Trump abruptly canceled the Republican National Convention celebrations scheduled for next month in Jacksonville, Fla. Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has a double-digit lead over President Trump in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll, and the election seems like it will be a referendum on Trump.

The 12 most logical picks for Joe Biden’s vice president, ranked. Who do you think Joe Biden’s VP pick should be?

Sign up: Want to understand what’s happening in the campaign? Sign up for The Trailer and get insights and news from across the country in your inbox three days a week.


Henry Olsen
Henry Olsen is a Washington Post columnist and a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center."

It's a campaign. He wanted the Bernie endorsement. He's a moderate. Most of the Senators running are moderates. The Bernie wing has no major representation.

They are all (Biden and running Senators) getting on the same message:
  • New tax plan that actually makes sense (I suggest all of you read it)
  • Community Colleges and Trade Schools Free
  • Option to buy into Medicare
  • Implement known bipartisan fixes for Obamacare
  • Make peace with Iran and Cuba
  • Make peace with the EU
  • Get into a constructive relationship and competitive relationship with China
  • Strengthen democracy at home and enhance relations with Europe

These are good policies. Solves significant problems at home and abroad.
It's a campaign. He wanted the Bernie endorsement. He's a moderate. Most of the Senators running are moderates. The Bernie wing has no major representation.

They are all (Biden and running Senators) getting on the same message:
  • New tax plan that actually makes sense (I suggest all of you read it)
  • Community Colleges and Trade Schools Free
  • Option to buy into Medicare
  • Implement known bipartisan fixes for Obamacare
  • Make peace with Iran and Cuba
  • Make peace with the EU
  • Get into a constructive relationship and competitive relationship with China
  • Strengthen democracy at home and enhance relations with Europe

These are good policies. Solves significant problems at home and abroad.

You're making the point to the wrong person for I did not author these stories as they were all authored by liberal minded writers and as I stated there are a host of other like articles which share the same vision. The statement you disagreed with, presented by "mict085," is shared by a throng of liberal think tanks. Your argument is with them.
It's a campaign. He wanted the Bernie endorsement. He's a moderate. Most of the Senators running are moderates. The Bernie wing has no major representation.

They are all (Biden and running Senators) getting on the same message:
  • New tax plan that actually makes sense (I suggest all of you read it)
  • Community Colleges and Trade Schools Free
  • Option to buy into Medicare
  • Implement known bipartisan fixes for Obamacare
  • Make peace with Iran and Cuba
  • Make peace with the EU
  • Get into a constructive relationship and competitive relationship with China
  • Strengthen democracy at home and enhance relations with Europe

These are good policies. Solves significant problems at home and abroad.

[*]New tax plan that actually makes sense (I suggest all of you read it)

Translation: stick it to the middle class.

[*]Community Colleges and Trade Schools Free

You know as well as I do that nothing is free. In short, more taxes.

[*]Option to buy into Medicare

Oh, goody! Add to the burden of keeping healthcare coverage for the elderly solvent.

[*]Implement known bipartisan fixes for Obamacare

If the Dems win the house and the senate, bipartisan fixes will be obsolete. Remember how well that worked when Obamacare was passed?

[*]Make peace with Iran and Cuba

Obama tried buying peace with Iran and he failed miserably!

[*]Make peace with the EU

I didn’t know we were at war with the EU.

[*]Get into a constructive relationship and competitive relationship with China

Meaning bend over and let them have their way with us? Will they have to furnish their own Vaseline?

[*]Strengthen democracy at home and enhance relations with Europe

Left wing radicals are the biggest threat to democracy at home. For the record, I see you as a left wing liberal. You haven’t reached the radical stage yet.

Europe is the least of our worries. Most of the countries in Europe are our friends
Translation: stick it to the middle class.

Making community colleges, trade schools, job training, etc free is a boon for the middle class. It helps create a middle class. It is FOR the middle class, exclusively. It's also good for employers, who as you know, largely play little to no role in actually training the people they need for their business. If you own a software company, you hire people who already know how to program. The company typically invests very little in that.

Also, if you read the policy, you would see his tax plan doesn't target the middle class at all. The taxes are on income above $400,000 per year, which is definitely not middle class. Also changes corporate tax rate goes from 21% to 28%. Raises the top bracket from 37% to 39%... Etc. But again, it's not targeted at the middle class. It's FOR the middle class, and to help create MORE middle class people.

You know as well as I do that nothing is free. In short, more taxes.

Buying Medicare does not make it free. I bought it. I opted into it. As a result I voluntary raised my tax bill or directly paid for it. We will have to see how they plan to do that. A public option then provides legitimate competition to a market that is essentially a monopoly, and will bring prices down for many people. Also, Medicare has huge bargaining power on RX drug prices, cost of medical procedures, etc. Way more so than ANY private health insurance. That means you could potentially jump into Medicare, ditch your sh!tty and overpriced private coverage, and go on about your life. Save some money, get great coverage, not have to make professional decisions based on what they choose to offer in terms of health, etc. This policy is FOR the middle and lower classes.

Biden's plan also brings in world markets to lower the cost of RX drugs. I can buy drugs from Canada, Japan, etc at a fraction of the price. More competition. Right now the US health system is a rigged monopoly. There isn't even really a good defense for it.

Obama tried buying peace with Iran and he failed miserably!

Obama made peace with Iran and it worked perfectly. The entire free world was on board. The cash he gave them was literally Iran's cash from when we ripped them off. They paid for military equipment that we never delivered. Sometimes when you make a deal, you have to GIVE SOMETHING UP. That's how negotiations work. In this case, what the US had to give up was Iran's own money.

$400 million is a jack sh!t amount of money... and it was just frozen Iranian money. Sean Hannity and his cronies have totally lied about what this is. IT'S THEIR MONEY!!!

The GOP tactic here is.... do what we have done since 1979, and just make people suffer until they bend the knee. That's the actual plan. It's not working.

By the way.... Trump pulling out of that deal cost us. It caused more violence, more bloodshed, extended the feud, and cost our workers and companies. Boeing immediately signed a $20 billion deal to provide Iran with 100 airplanes. That got cancelled because of Trump. That directly hurts American business. American businesses were going to start investment into the Iranian market, and now its back to an embargo. It's bad policy all the way around.

Guess what planes Iran is going to buy now? Sukhoi Superjet 100's from Russia, and Airbus from Europe. The US is trying to stop Iran from buying from Russia, China, and Europe... but one thing is sure, it won't be Boeing. So Trump threw away $20 billion and *****ed about $400 million. For those of you who don't know math... That is a 4900% value swap in the wrong direction.

I didn’t know we were at war with the EU.

They despise Trump and we are in a tariff war with them.

Meaning bend over and let them have their way with us? Will they have to furnish their own Vaseline?

No, it means do things that will be good for this country. Right now, they are bad. Trump being "tough" doesn't mean it will achieve the right outcome.... and keep in mind, he's been licking Xi's boots because he desperately wants a trade deal. That's all he wants is to boast about a new trade deal.
Also, if you read the policy, you would see his tax plan doesn't target the middle class at all. The taxes are on income above $400,000 per year, which is definitely not middle class. Also changes corporate tax rate goes from 21% to 28%. Raises the top bracket from 37% to 39%... Etc. But again, it's not targeted at the middle class. It's FOR the middle class, and to help create MORE middle class people.

I did read it, and I might agree with you if I thought Biden could be trusted to follow his plan. I’m more concerned about radicals like Bernie, AOC, Warren, Schumer and Schiff, to name just a few, who will in all likelihood be calling the shots.

They all say they’re not going to saddle the middle class with more taxes. But it’s rare for a candidate to keep his promise. Trump was the first in my recent memory who actually did what he said he would do during his campaign.
I did read it, and I might agree with you if I thought Biden could be trusted to follow his plan. I’m more concerned about radicals like Bernie, AOC, Warren, Schumer and Schiff, to name just a few, who will in all likelihood be calling the shots.

They all say they’re not going to saddle the middle class with more taxes. But it’s rare for a candidate to keep his promise. Trump was the first in my recent memory who actually did what he said he would do during his campaign.

I usually try not to argue with you Ada but this is downright hilarious.

Presidents only follow radical policies if they believe in them, Biden does not.
I did read it, and I might agree with you if I thought Biden could be trusted to follow his plan. I’m more concerned about radicals like Bernie, AOC, Warren, Schumer and Schiff, to name just a few, who will in all likelihood be calling the shots.

They all say they’re not going to saddle the middle class with more taxes. But it’s rare for a candidate to keep his promise. Trump was the first in my recent memory who actually did what he said he would do during his campaign.

Like strengthen the economy or bolster the military or bring back manufacturing jobs or make Europe pay more of its share with respect to its own defense or be tougher on China or move the embassy to Jerusalem or redo our trade pacts or reduce taxes or lower drug prices or end the nuke deal with Iran or make us energy independent or a host of other things.
Biden will give tax dollars to illegal immigrants and sell us all out to China. Not to mention giving in to the mob.

I usually try not to argue with you Ada but this is downright hilarious.

Presidents only follow radical policies if they believe in them, Biden does not.

BC, my observation was in response to Biden’s tax policy, nothing more. Trump did indeed promise to cut taxes and that is what he did.

Biden plans to raise taxes. ABD says the middle class will not be affected negatively. I hope he’s right, but I can’t help but be skeptical.
BC, my observation was in response to Biden’s tax policy, nothing more. Trump did indeed promise to cut taxes and that is what he did.

Biden plans to raise taxes. ABD says the middle class will not be affected negatively. I hope he’s right, but I can’t help but be skeptical.

The taxes helped the 1% while increasing our national debt, which Trump said he’d eliminate.
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