Translation: stick it to the middle class.
Making community colleges, trade schools, job training, etc free is a boon for the middle class. It helps create a middle class. It is FOR the middle class, exclusively. It's also good for employers, who as you know, largely play little to no role in actually training the people they need for their business. If you own a software company, you hire people who already know how to program. The company typically invests very little in that.
Also, if you read the policy, you would see his tax plan doesn't target the middle class at all. The taxes are on income above $400,000 per year, which is definitely not middle class. Also changes corporate tax rate goes from 21% to 28%. Raises the top bracket from 37% to 39%... Etc. But again, it's not targeted at the middle class. It's FOR the middle class, and to help create MORE middle class people.
You know as well as I do that nothing is free. In short, more taxes.
Buying Medicare does not make it free. I bought it. I opted into it. As a result I voluntary raised my tax bill or directly paid for it. We will have to see how they plan to do that. A public option then provides legitimate competition to a market that is essentially a monopoly, and will bring prices down for many people. Also, Medicare has huge bargaining power on RX drug prices, cost of medical procedures, etc. Way more so than ANY private health insurance. That means you could potentially jump into Medicare, ditch your sh!tty and overpriced private coverage, and go on about your life. Save some money, get great coverage, not have to make professional decisions based on what they choose to offer in terms of health, etc. This policy is FOR the middle and lower classes.
Biden's plan also brings in world markets to lower the cost of RX drugs. I can buy drugs from Canada, Japan, etc at a fraction of the price. More competition. Right now the US health system is a rigged monopoly. There isn't even really a good defense for it.
Obama tried buying peace with Iran and he failed miserably!
Obama made peace with Iran and it worked perfectly. The entire free world was on board. The cash he gave them was literally Iran's cash from when we ripped them off. They paid for military equipment that we never delivered. Sometimes when you make a deal, you have to GIVE SOMETHING UP. That's how negotiations work. In this case, what the US had to give up was Iran's own money.
$400 million is a jack sh!t amount of money... and it was just frozen Iranian money. Sean Hannity and his cronies have totally lied about what this is. IT'S THEIR MONEY!!!
The GOP tactic here is.... do what we have done since 1979, and just make people suffer until they bend the knee. That's the actual plan. It's not working.
By the way.... Trump pulling out of that deal cost us. It caused more violence, more bloodshed, extended the feud, and cost our workers and companies. Boeing immediately signed a $20 billion deal to provide Iran with 100 airplanes. That got cancelled because of Trump. That directly hurts American business. American businesses were going to start investment into the Iranian market, and now its back to an embargo. It's bad policy all the way around.
Guess what planes Iran is going to buy now? Sukhoi Superjet 100's from Russia, and Airbus from Europe. The US is trying to stop Iran from buying from Russia, China, and Europe... but one thing is sure, it won't be Boeing. So Trump threw away $20 billion and *****ed about $400 million. For those of you who don't know math... That is a 4900% value swap in the wrong direction.
I didn’t know we were at war with the EU.
They despise Trump and we are in a tariff war with them.
Meaning bend over and let them have their way with us? Will they have to furnish their own Vaseline?
No, it means do things that will be good for this country. Right now, they are bad. Trump being "tough" doesn't mean it will achieve the right outcome.... and keep in mind, he's been licking Xi's boots because he desperately wants a trade deal. That's all he wants is to boast about a new trade deal.