Can you guys explain some Trump things to me?

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But a lot of it is not. I get there are different viewpoints, and that no one is really paying attention to any viewpoint other than their own. Also, no one has changed their views based on anything they have read here. People can change their viewpoints, but it's usually based on WHAT THEY EXPERIENCE PERSONALLY. I understand all of that...but can't figure out why a bunch of grown-ups who actually root for the same college team can be so downright mean and disrespectful to each other. It's actually quite sad.

abd has said that he is shifting blame to the states for what has transpired.
Biden is so demented and confused, they don’t even want him speaking at the DNC. LOL

Biden is so demented and confused, they don’t even want him speaking at the DNC. LOL


Biden will speak, this is poorly worded. Kasich will speak in favor of Biden, not in place of.
Biden rushes off stage before taking any questions. And by “rushes” I mean shuffles like an old man in a nursing home. He looked frail and confused
abd has said that he is shifting blame to the states for what has transpired.

If people on this forum can't admit they have learned anything from the others on the forum, then I feel sorry for them. These kinds of discussions almost always, for me, have a benefit to me. Sometimes they strengthen my own view, sometimes they alter it, sometimes it forces me to go learn more so I can back up my own argument, etc. Either way, its good.

If people aren't even willing to ponder, to be challenged, etc then they will never grow.
As long as the stock market continues to do well, Trump will have many supporters who are close to the center. These same people (I’m one of them) will be weighing the positives of the stock market vs. the negatives of his leadership during the pandemic.

Of course the center does not like how he carries himself, but we also detest the media and their constant manipulation...hence we pay no attention to the negative articles. While I still think it is Biden’s to lose, this is going to be a close race. I’ll make my voting decision after the debates...not convinced either has all his faculties.
As long as the stock market continues to do well, Trump will have many supporters who are close to the center. These same people (I’m one of them) will be weighing the positives of the stock market vs. the negatives of his leadership during the pandemic.

Of course the center does not like how he carries himself, but we also detest the media and their constant manipulation...hence we pay no attention to the negative articles. While I still think it is Biden’s to lose, this is going to be a close race. I’ll make my voting decision after the debates...not convinced either has all his faculties.

Agree that it'll be close. I kind of think Trump has probably done/said too much, and I think Biden probably wins unless he royally messes up between now and election day. About the only thing that could save Trump as this point would be a major rebound in the market. Seems unlikely with COVID hanging out there, but it could happen.
Agree that it'll be close. I kind of think Trump has probably done/said too much, and I think Biden probably wins unless he royally messes up between now and election day. About the only thing that could save Trump as this point would be a major rebound in the market. Seems unlikely with COVID hanging out there, but it could happen.

You and WaymanFan may be right about a Biden win. I’m leaning to a change at the top myself, but that won’t do one thing to affect the way I’ll vote on Election Day.

Still, I think the race is closer than you may realize. Most Trump loyalists are keeping their thoughts to themselves. They see, hear and read stories about the verbal and physical abuse Trump supporters receive when they go public with their banners and their red caps. They’ll get their revenge in the voting booth where no one knows how they really feel right now.

I also think the Dems are making a big mistake by turning Democratic run cities into a war zone. Elderly voters and those in the middle don’t want their towns and cities, regardless of size, to end up like NYC, Seattle, Portland, Atlanta and Minneapolis, where lawless criminals have the freedom to get anything they want through violence and intimidation.

While Trump voters are opposed to rogue police officers like those who victimized George Floyd, they still want the 98 or 99 percent who do their job the right way to be there to protect them when they call 911. Don’t forget, too, that the National Association of Police Organizations threw their support behind President Trump. And, it’s not just law enforcement officers, their support will include family members, neighbors, people they go to church with, not to mention the aforementioned residents of cities who are scared out of their wits right now.

The Dems will make an all out effort to blame the unrest in Democratic cities on Trump. But, people in this county aren’t stupid. They may not like some of the things Trump does or says. Neither do I. But when push comes to shove on Election Day, I think they will go with the best option: Donald J Trump!
You and WaymanFan may be right about a Biden win. I’m leaning to a change at the top myself, but that won’t do one thing to affect the way I’ll vote on Election Day.

Still, I think the race is closer than you may realize. Most Trump loyalists are keeping their thoughts to themselves. They see, hear and read stories about the verbal and physical abuse Trump supporters receive when they go public with their banners and their red caps. They’ll get their revenge in the voting booth where no one knows how they really feel right now.

I also think the Dems are making a big mistake by turning Democratic run cities into a war zone. Elderly voters and those in the middle don’t want their towns and cities, regardless of size, to end up like NYC, Seattle, Portland, Atlanta and Minneapolis, where lawless criminals have the freedom to get anything they want through violence and intimidation.

While Trump voters are opposed to rogue police officers like those who victimized George Floyd, they still want the 98 or 99 percent who do their job the right way to be there to protect them when they call 911. Don’t forget, too, that the National Association of Police Organizations threw their support behind President Trump. And, it’s not just law enforcement officers, their support will include family members, neighbors, people they go to church with, not to mention the aforementioned residents of cities who are scared out of their wits right now.

The Dems will make an all out effort to blame the unrest in Democratic cities on Trump. But, people in this county aren’t stupid. They may not like some of the things Trump does or says. Neither do I. But when push comes to shove on Election Day, I think they will go with the best option: Donald J Trump!

I'm not so much predicting a Biden victory as I am saying it is his to lose. 2016 was Hillary's to lose...and we know what happened. She couldn't get enough of talking about her plan for illegals to have a path to citizenship. Forget the "dead center", she lost a lot of the "left of center"...those blue collar workers who had no interest in competing with illegals for their jobs.

Ada, you made some very good points about what could cost Biden a victory in 2020. I'll add that he better talk up how important it is to have stability in the police departments around the country...can't even breathe the word "defunding". This race is definitely not over by a longshot.
As long as the stock market continues to do well, Trump will have many supporters who are close to the center. These same people (I’m one of them) will be weighing the positives of the stock market vs. the negatives of his leadership during the pandemic.

Of course the center does not like how he carries himself, but we also detest the media and their constant manipulation...hence we pay no attention to the negative articles. While I still think it is Biden’s to lose, this is going to be a close race. I’ll make my voting decision after the debates...not convinced either has all his faculties.

This is where I am. I don't much care for Trump personally, but the malfeasance of an overwhelming majority of the media hasn't fooled me along with many Americans. They are constantly misrepresenting facts, lying by omission, and playing to false narratives.

For instance (from a foreign policy standpoint).....because of the radical left breathing down his neck, I could see Biden significantly cutting the military, going soft on China while distancing from Israel, and opening up nuclear talks with Iran again. Any of those above are reasons to vote against Biden. And don't even get me started on domestic policy. If you want to "fundamentally transform" this country, then I have a hard time believing that you respect any foundations or principles that have made this country great. Just like you can say you love your children, but you can still be an awful much the same way, you can claim to love your country, but be an awful American.
But when push comes to shove on Election Day, I think they will go with the best option: Donald J Trump!

No they won't.... he has been exposed and the American people will come together to remove this menace from the body politic.

I don't much care for Trump personally, but the malfeasance of an overwhelming majority of the media hasn't fooled me along with many Americans. They are constantly misrepresenting facts, lying by omission, and playing to false narratives.

Which has nothing to do with Biden's policies being significantly better than Trumps, and our standing in the world improving under a Biden government instead of a thug Trump government.

And don't even get me started on domestic policy. If you want to "fundamentally transform" this country, then I have a hard time believing that you respect any foundations or principles that have made this country great.

Biden pandered during the campaign to get Bernie and Warren supporters, but he knows he won't (and can't) pass any of their policies.

  • He will apply the known bipartisan fixes to Obamacare that the GOP neglected at every single American's expense.
  • He will introduce an option for American's to buy into Medicare, not be forced into it.
  • He will make community colleges, job training, and tech schools free. But he won't make all college education free. This is already being done in many places across America. TCC and Tulsa Tech have been free for years, and all it has done is raised Tulsa's standing. I don't notice any Soviet flags flying around Tulsa and people up in arms that TCC and Tulsa Tech have stripped their freedoms away. It's just absurd conservative fear mongering.
  • He will take measures (not strong enough though) to remove corporate money from politics
  • He won't be a total jackass as it relates to issues involving Covid
  • He is known as one of the most bi-partisan senators in modern history, and will work effectively with the GOP

I could see Biden significantly cutting the military

That needs to happen. I'd support bringing it down to 2% of GDP, NATO requirement.

going soft on China

Trump's current path on China is disastrous for America. It has no future. He's basically destroyed parts of American industry and is keeping them afloat with tariff dollars. I understand it's basically a stand-off to work out a trade deal, but he's actually pretty fortunate Covid came along because the world was starting to pivot to China because of Trump. Even the EU was starting a pivot because Trump has been bad for the relationship. Trump continues to attack the EU as well.

Nobody wants to ally with the Trump government though. Maybe Boris Johnson and that moron in Brazil, but that's it.

and opening up nuclear talks with Iran again

Yea, who wants a peace deal with Iran that was supported by the entire free world? That's silly. Let's go back to what we've always done, which is isolate their economy and wage economic warfare until they bend the knee. By the way, we've been doing that since 1979 and the government hasn't collapsed, and they just hate us even more, and cause more problems in the region to get back at us.

Definition of insanity, anyone? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.... ya know?

can't even breathe the word "defunding"

Biden does not support defunding, despite Trump's lies.

Still, I think the race is closer than you may realize. Most Trump loyalists are keeping their thoughts to themselves. They see, hear and read stories about the verbal and physical abuse Trump supporters receive when they go public with their banners and their red caps.

That is certainly possible. Many of his middle class supporters can't display it for fear of retribution from their friends, family, employers, etc. I hope there aren't enough, for the sake of the country.
A timely poll to support what I said earlier about the silent majority who will not reveal how they really feel until Election Day:

—62% of Americans say they have political views they’re afraid to share.

—77% of Conservatives say the same thing.

***Edited to point out why I believe this poll is accurate. Conservative views are attacked so viciously by the liberals on this board, most of us don’t have the will or the staying power to stand our ground. That’s definitely the case with me now that I’m too old and too tired to continue the fight any longer.

That said, you’d be wise not to take our timidity as a complete surrender. We’ll get our revenge on Election Day.
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