Capel and Blake relationship last season

I have absolutely nothing to gain or lose, unlike Mr. Davis. I do know though had Blake not talked to Coach Capel for a month or that if any kind of head butting went on that was so severe I would have known about it.

As I alluded to in another post on another thread there was a time last season that WW and Coach were on the outs and it started with WW alienating some of his teammates. Now whether that was a month or not or whether that is what Davis is referring to I have no clue. I do know that some writers, Seth Davis particulary, have a habit of taking things out of context. I am interested to see what his response to you is Tony.
Put me in the camp of any player not talking to his coach for a month is a concern. That being said, I think that whether it was BG or WW, a month is likely an exaggerated statement and that not talking is likely not to be taken literally either.

I have no inside source, but Blake does not seem like that type of player, and if Willie were so disgruntled, he could have left last year and been a first round pick. There was a period of time last year where everything seemed off on the team [talk of gf drama or something], but everything came back together.
You are right. I'm sure that was great for the team, however it went down.
I don't have a kid, but I was a kid once. And I never got mad at my parents for a month. And had I tried, my father would have put an end to that very soon. Not a good comparison.
Capel let Willie play it out, and that isn't good. A coach needs to be on speaking terms with the second best player on the team. If you don't think that hurt the team, you are lying to yourself.

Where did I say it didn't hurt the team? It wasn't good....but considering it's been reported WW has had an attitude problem at the different high schools he attended and now both years at call that poor coaching on Capel is silly. And to say Capel didn't talk to him for a month is flat out ridiculous if you believe that. It's never been reported that way and certainly wasn't in the article in this thread. For you to make that jump is weak but considering it's Coach Capel I'm not surprised you went there.

And for you to say kids with attitude problems may not talk or communicate to a parent for a month doesn't happen is equally as silly. Heck kids with attitude problems do that all the time and even run away from home, turn to drugs, all kinds of crazy things. You can't blame it on the parent every time. Some kids just figure it out and a different age. Just because your childhood wasn't that way doesn't mean it wasn't a good comparison. It happens all the time.
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I agree with Cheno, at some point it HAS to be on the player. He can only do so much before the player has to want it. This is most definitely not Capel's fault, he has tried and tried both years. WW alienated the team last year on a few occasions, one time was over a silly girl issue. This year I can't say for sure what the problem is but at some point the blame has to fall on the player.

Also I've known of numerous kids who have not spoken to their parents for years and like Cheno said, ran away, etc. Luckily TU you had parents that cared and you were one that listened and obeyed your parents. Unfortunately there are many out there, parents and children, who don't.
Not good, if true. Capel should be able to smooth that stuff out. For him to not talk to a player for that long is poor coaching.


I didn't take this as Capel didn't talk to him, I took it as Willie wouldn't talk to Capel.

I don't think it was bad coaching, you could see it in Willie's body language last season. I bet I could point out when they were not talking. When Blake came back, there were times that Willie looked pissed that he had to throw the ball in to Blake all the time again. I think Willie wants to be the man and he didn't like have Jeff tell him to throw it to Blake, he is our best player.

I think Jeff talked to Willie all the time, I just don't think Willie responded and would pout by not talking.

That is my take. Could be wrong though.
If Capel and Willie didn't talk for a month last year, they must have had one heck of a makeup session for Willie not to turn pro when he would've been a lottery pick. Odd situation to say the least.
If Capel and Willie didn't talk for a month last year, they must have had one heck of a makeup session for Willie not to turn pro when he would've been a lottery pick. Odd situation to say the least.


I believe that a "month" is what was said, but it was exaggerated as between the guys who knew about it. Also, one thing in print is that you are not able to see the context [whether there was a laugh or something].

Personally, I think WWIII comes out for the rest of the season and plays like gangbusters along with the restof the team.