Coach Cal: Dispute over victories


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Nov 10, 2008
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NCAA upset with Kentucky over victory claim. Sporting News story:


How many college coaching wins does John Calipari have? Depends on who you ask.

The University of Kentucky, Calipari's employer, says Calipari earned his 500th victory when the Wildcats beat Florida at Rupp Arena on Feb. 26. After the game, the school presented the coach with a game ball to commenorate the milestone.

But the NCAA takes issue with UK's math, according Lexington Herald-Leader, and wants the school to publicly acknowledge it was wrong.

The issue revolves around Calipari's tenures at UMass and Memphis. The NCAA vacated UMass' 4-1 record in the 1996 NCAA Tournament after Marcus Camby was ruled ineligible due to contact with a sports agent. And Memphis' entire 2007-2008 season (including 38 wins) was wiped off the record books due to an academic fraud issue.

The Herald-Leader says the chairman of the NCAA's Committee on Infractions sent UK President Lee T. Todd Jr. a five-page letter that called the Feb. 26 commemoration "troubling," "extremely troubling" and "very troubling." The committee wants the school to publicly acknowledge it was wrong in wording that "must be approved by the office of the Committee on Infractions prior to its release."

The letter asked for a response from the school no later than Friday.

If the school does not agree to issue a statement, UK officials could be asked to make an in-person appearance before the committee, the newspaper reports.

Kentucky spokesman Jay Blanton did not have a comment, the Herald-Leader reports.