Do you think we land any of our top three recruits?

Nov 10, 2008
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I am afraid the show will not last with all the big boys recruiting now. I still love Coach and believe we will win some of our future recruits over. I hate to get too hyped about the possibilities of landing some of these guys.
I think one of them. Only because there isn't alot of scramble for other guys that we see.
I am a huge optimist and somewhat of an idealist but I think OU lands two of them.
That will be great. Just feels to me by other reports we may not be in as much as we think. I hope I have terrible comprehension. Which I tested way below in that category.
What if Willie stays and OU lands Jones?

Next year:

TMG pg McD
WW sg Mcd
Cam wg Mcd? (cam has a shot?)
Gallon C Mcd
Jones PF Mcd (he is likely to make it, correct?)

Orlanod Allen
TJ Taylor

That would be an off the chart team for OU, probably the most talented on paper ever. I fully expect Willie to go pro but a good run and desire to win the NCAA could potentially keep him around another year.
I think OU lands two of the three. Again, no inside info, just feels that way.
Cam would have to have a huge SR year (25, 8, 5 type etc lead Sherman to State) to be a McDonald's All American. Jones is pretty much a lock though for the burger game.

Jones is the only guy at this point I have a good feeling about.
I have a really good feeling about Jones, its really telling that the first person he adds on twitter is Coach Capel. No inside knowledge, but it just seems from Lamb's dads conversations that he wants Doron to go to Kentucky, while he seems to want to come play with Tiny. It will be interesting to see who wins that battle?? It would be great to land Barnes, he's doing a really good job of keeping his decision close to the vest. If anyone says he's leaning one way or the other is just speculating. He gives you the feel that he could actually want to go to any of the programs on his list.
Who are the top 3 exactly? Jones, Lamb and Barnes? I still think people are almost completely unaware of what is going on with McCallum and Zeigler...why aren't those guys we are in on too? We are finalists with all of those guys, which is all you could want at this point. Regardless of the outcome, OU is in a better position in recruiting than in any of the previous three seasons and we've been plenty happy with those classes. I'm confident that we'll get one, two, three, four or five of them...which ever ones decide to come to OU.

That said, if we don't it ultimately isn't that big of an issue. I know everyone is on the edge of their seats over these recruits and the potential of landing them, but how about T.J. Taylor and Cameron Clark? Right before his injury, T.J. was up in rivals top 50 and we know Cam is one of the very best players in the class. If he doesn't wind up as a burger boy its just because of his limited/late exposure. The real key for OU's future (as far as I see it) is the way our current incoming class can perform. Five high school players, four who are top 100, 2 who are McDonald's All-Americans. That is the real backbone for the future of the program. I figure we get a total of 17 letter seasons out of that class. They all seem to be quality young men and they all address specific areas on the squad, so we look to be in good shape for a while.

Then you take that talent base and add T.J. Taylor and Cameron Clark and you can already see a very strong group of perimeter players for several years. We are so obsessed with these guys we don't have, probably because its all there has been to talk about for the last couple months. But we are in great shape for the foreseeable future. TMG looks like he's destined to at least be an All-Conference level point guard. Clark is an NBA-level talent on the wing. Pledger is at least going to be a high-level outside shooter with great size and a plus defender. And the guy I think we all are sleeping on the most, Fitzgerald has a very real chance of being the best four-year big man we've had since Eduardo. And none of that even factors in what impact Tiny will potentially have.

Maybe we get one or more of the high level guys we are still in on, maybe we get none. Getting them would be great, and it would certainly raise the profile of the program and the potential for elite seasons. But I am one who personally thinks that Capel is every bit the game coach that he is as a recruiter and OU has enough "star power" committed to the program right now that filling in with athletes and role players is just as significant as loading up on burger boys.

I hope this post makes sense...I know we are wired to make every potential recruit seem like the world depends on the commit, but you don't have three straight nationally ranked classes without gaining some stability in the process. And I know a lot of people think we have to strike now while the image of Blake going number one is fresh with everyone, but just imagine what Capel will be able to sell recruits next year when Willie Warren is an All-American (or potentially another Naismith winner) and goes in the lottery. This program has arrived...lets enjoy it.
Yep, we have two really good players committed already, we have a foundation for the future, we are in on at least 5 great players (that we know of), this team is going to be good for awhile. Plus, I think Goff could be a really nice player who I wouldn't mind landing. Elmo is right, we get so wrapped up in guys we could have that we forget we have a great team for the future now. The thing is, we are good enough now that we don't have to land the big recruit like we need BG and like we need WWIII and like we needed TMG and Tiny. The thing is that outside of these great players Capel has been getting great non-McDAA talent and him and the staff have been doing a great job of developing that talent. Point being, in 17 days we will get to see a great team play and not have to obsess over recruiting as much.

If I had a probability rankings it would go.

Unknown recruit

I think it bears watching if we see OU scramble on some other guys. If we see OU focusing alot of effort with a guy like Jelan Kendricks, it's saying that we're not going to get Lamb. I also think OU may have some guys in waiting if they miss on players. KC Ross Miller has been very quiet lately and he may be waiting for schools to miss out so he can get a bigger offer.

I am very happy with our current recruits like you are...I am not concerned about our guards in terms of recruiting because we already have two that I am completely happy with...butI really feel we need a talented post to commit to round the class out
I'd like to see us take a couple of more bigs, that is the one thing that has me a little on edge about this class so far. AS far as recruiting goes, Capel has shown that he generally will get at least one Top 25 player per year, and maybe two. We already have one and are in it with at least three more; if we just get one of them, another hell of a job.
I think once the season has started the recruitment process will be drummed down a little bit, but its almost all we have to talk about right now. I think T.J. will be the icing on the cake for next years class. I really like our chances with him, but even if we don't land him, Lamb, or Barnes. With Tiny coming back (if he does) and the guys we have already committed, we will have a great squad next year. The 2011 class, to me, is more important than the 2010 class.
Here is my take:

I am not near as confident with Lamb or Jones as I was several weeks ago. I really do think that there is a better than not chance that we will strike out on the "big 3". I hate to say that, but its the truth. That was why it was so important to get TJ and Cam. Cameron Clark is a headliner recruit. The kid can flat out ball (go check out his highlight video on our prospect's page).

The Lamb recruitment is troublesome to me because it is obvious that his father is really favoring the more traditional basketball schools (UCONN, UK, and KU). That is going to make it tough for OU to overcome. It reminds me a lot of the Daniel Orton recruitment where the kid likes OU more than the dad. Eventually, I think Coach Capel won't have to deal with this as he continues to build up the program, but it may take a couple of more years to remove the stigmas associated with our program.

As for TJones, I really do think that his mother and he like Washington and Oklahoma the best. What hurts OU in this battle is the fact that Washington is only 3 hours away, so it makes it easy for Terrence's mother to see him play. If the roles were reversed and he were from the midwest, then I think he would be OU bound for sure....

I agree with you guys as far as bigs go. I really want Coach Capel to find a defensive big that can rebound and play with a mean streak.

I hope that OU fans won't think this class is poor if we strike out with Barnes, Lamb, and Jones. I am confident that we will find a big or two to go with two very good guards. T.J. Taylor's ranking would be a lot higher if he had been able to play aau ball. The kid can play. There is a reason that he was number 2 in Texas before the injury....
Here is my take:

I am not near as confident with Lamb or Jones as I was several weeks ago. I really do think that there is a better than not chance that we will strike out on the "big 3". I hate to say that, but its the truth. That was why it was so important to get TJ and Cam. Cameron Clark is a headliner recruit. The kid can flat out ball (go check out his highlight video on our prospect's page).

The Lamb recruitment is troublesome to me because it is obvious that his father is really favoring the more traditional basketball schools (UCONN, UK, and KU). That is going to make it tough for OU to overcome. It reminds me a lot of the Daniel Orton recruitment where the kid likes OU more than the dad. Eventually, I think Coach Capel won't have to deal with this as he continues to build up the program, but it may take a couple of more years to remove the stigmas associated with our program.

As for TJones, I really do think that his mother and he like Washington and Oklahoma the best. What hurts OU in this battle is the fact that Washington is only 3 hours away, so it makes it easy for Terrence's mother to see him play. If the roles were reversed and he were from the midwest, then I think he would be OU bound for sure....

I agree with you guys as far as bigs go. I really want Coach Capel to find a defensive big that can rebound and play with a mean streak.

I hope that OU fans won't think this class is poor if we strike out with Barnes, Lamb, and Jones. I am confident that we will find a big or two to go with two very good guards. T.J. Taylor's ranking would be a lot higher if he had been able to play aau ball. The kid can play. There is a reason that he was number 2 in Texas before the injury....

My thoughts exactly, wouldn't be surprised at all if we struck out on both (I don't even consider Barnes an option, really). The board needs to start warming up to other options...
If I were a betting man I would take the odds that OU whiffs on all over signing two of their top 3. Just doesn't happen that way in high level recruiting.

I think OU's best shot would be with Jones or Lamb but won't get both. Barnes is about 0% for OU right now, I think he's going to Duke.