Harrison Barnes a bust?

His high school videos led to unrealistic expectations, possibly same with Terrance Jones.

In the Barnes high school videos, you saw a 6'8 small forward handling the ball like a point guard, behind-the-backs, wicked crossovers that looked like Kevin Durant and then when he drove to the basket he was punching it through with his elbow over the rim. With either hand.

In the few games I watched him in college, never did I see him aggressive. Never did he display the crossover and a dunk when challenged. He did shoot with range but he never appeared ultra confident in his shot. And, he didn't seem to stand out on defense - no multiple steals, no eye-dropping blocked shots, no big hustle plays that turned games around.

I wouldn't say he was a bust but his talent didn't fully manifest itself in college. If you want to compare him to Blake's high school to college transformation then you'll be disappointed in Barnes. Similar coordination and ball-handling skills and elevations on both high schools vids but where it seemed Blake became even more aggressive in college, Barnes became more passive.
He's declared for the Draft and ESPN has him as the 8th rated prospect. Had the NBA allowed high school seniors, he would have been picked #1 overall (assuming John Wall would have been drafted a year earlier). Had he left after his freshman year, he would still have been picked in the top 5. That means he had better go now before he falls out of the lottery.

A bust? Hardly...but definitely a mild disappointment to date.
I think he will do well in the NBA, and maybe an stupid comment, but the NBA seems to be geared more for SF that MCBB. Who is the last great SF #1 draft pick? Durant maybe? Seems like dominant posts [Blake] and dominant PG's [Rose] shine a little more in college. Just an opinion.
I think he will do well in the NBA, and maybe an stupid comment, but the NBA seems to be geared more for SF that MCBB. Who is the last great SF #1 draft pick? Durant maybe? Seems like dominant posts [Blake] and dominant PG's [Rose] shine a little more in college. Just an opinion.

absolutely. i've been saying this for years. a tall, skilled, athletic sf in college bball is little more useful (if at all) than a short, skilled athletic 3rd guard. and there are 20 of the latter for every 1 of the former.
absolutely. i've been saying this for years. a tall, skilled, athletic sf in college bball is little more useful (if at all) than a short, skilled athletic 3rd guard. and there are 20 of the latter for every 1 of the former.

A tall, skilled, athletic small forward in college is a matchup nightmare for most teams for the very reason you're saying they're not that useful.

They're rare. Teams who put too much effort into finding/grooming one will often come to regret it (like NFL teams that reach on quarterbacks every year... always one or two first rounders who have no business going that high). But if you happen across a legit one, they're absolutely useful.

I do agree, though, that in many cases you're better off sacrificing a little size at the 3 for a more skilled player. A lot of people are too worried about traditional positions/roles. That doesn't matter much in college. What matters is talent. Getting the best five guys on the floor, finding a way to make them work together and forcing other teams to adjust to you is often the best path IMO.