Identical talent... who wins best of 10 between Sampson and Kruger?


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Oct 31, 2008
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Identical talent... who wins best of 10 games between Sampson and Kruger?
Well, their talent really isn't identical. Lon's a better point guard, but Kelvin sure can play defense. :)
Hmmm pretty tough one. I'd probably lean towards sampson. I think if you give him the roster we had this year, we would have had just as impressive of a season. Defense wins
I'd go with Sampson. Probably 6/10. He would get 7 but he would take the air out the ball being up 15 in the middle of the second half, go weave and chuck up bad 3s as the shot clock expires and proceed to choke the game away. :)

"Best of" series are uneven games, so somebody HAS to win.

It's like when people want to you bet on an over/under proposition, then give you an even number that can hit exactly.
I really liked Sampson more after he left and we had Capel, that being said - Kruger is a much better coach! Kruger would out coach Sampson on a regular basis. The winning team may differ from game to game, but Kruger is a much better coach and communicator!
"Best of" series are uneven games, so somebody HAS to win.

It's like when people want to you bet on an over/under proposition, then give you an even number that can hit exactly.

Gotcha. I didn't read it that way originally - see what you mean now.
depends on the rules ... under the current rules .. kruger and it is not close ..

under the "clutch and grab and scrap" old rules I think Sampson teams have a fighting chance ..
Yeah, sort of like the best 4 of 8. :)

It's basically first team to win 6 games.

Regardless, he got the point, he's just trying to argue. The point was to determine who is the better coach with identical talent, and that was made perfectly clear.
I think Kruger wins. I look at the teams with Lavender, Bookout, Gray, Alexander and Everett and I think Kruger has a way better season with those guys.
In a game with equal talent on both sides, the small edge goes to Sampson.

Between programs over the long term with equal tradition and resources, Kruger has a huge advantage.

I'll pick Kruger over Sampson every day.

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Too close to call. Anybody trying to compare the two and come up with a difference, well, I don't see how it can be done. Pretty equal in terms of coaching and program building IMO. Kruger has the "larger" resume which skews a straight comparison.
Sampson wins 7 imo Maybe 6. Kruger is the better team manager and builds more consistently. And the main problem is Krugers team would be more cohesive imo while sampsons had egos and issues

Sampson i think would have pushed last year's team to the natty. But at the same time, he probably could have ran off cousins.

Conversely, i think Kruger could have done a better job with the drew lavender teams..
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