Interesting article on


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Nov 10, 2008
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Has anyone esle looked at the Stat artile by Luke Winn on SI where a stat formula rated 2540 returning players? The article explains the formula.

List of players on blog at "cracked sidewalks" apparently a Marquette blog. Interesting to see where they think OU's players stack up.

Iteresting for OSU players as well. If you believe the formula Paige is more important to the team than Olukemi

The first Percent is value added over a generic BSC bench player (if I understand it right) and the second number if it is ther is over a Low D-1 player (maybe not bench I am not for sure). Ther are some problems for sure since some player he included are Freshman such as Guerreo, I would not think you could evenly evaluate him. Plus it has Fitz and Nick as about the same if put on another team and I don't know if I agree with that.

Fire Away!

318 Cameron Clark 6 6 Oklahoma 1.62%

485 Steven Pledger 6 4 Oklahoma 1.10%

680 Tyler Neal 6 7 Oklahoma 0.70%

720 Andrew Fitzgerald 6 8 Oklahoma 0.64%

807 C.J. Washington 6 7 Oklahoma 0.49%

1241 Barry Honore' 6 7 Oklahoma 0.06%

1352 Carl Blair 6 2 Oklahoma 0.00% 1.68%

1647 Nick Thompson 6 9 Oklahoma 0.00% 0.44%

1858 Calvin Newell 6 0 Oklahoma 0.00% 0.16%

130 Keiton Page 5 10 Oklahoma St. 2.55%

131 LeBryan Nash 6 7 Oklahoma St. 0.00%

213 J.P. Olukemi 6 7 Oklahoma St. 2.08%

581 Darrell Williams 6 8 Oklahoma St. 0.89%

704 Cezar Guerrero 6 0 Oklahoma St. 0.00%

791 Reger Dowell 6 0 Oklahoma St. 0.53%

1460 Markel Brown 6 3 Oklahoma St. 0.00% 0.98%

1580 Ray Penn 5 9 Oklahoma St. 0.00% 0.62%

1850 Roger Franklin 6 5 Oklahoma St. 0.00% 0.17%

2196 Jarred Shaw 6 10 Oklahoma St. 0.00% 0.00%