My take on Capel, the team and the fix.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2009
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First off, I don't post much but I read the board daily for information. I enjoy it and I enjoy a lot of the posts I read.

Secondly, I don't have a answer or a 'quick fix' to our problems. I probably have a different perspective than most of you do because I actually coach basketball for a living, albeit at the high school level although I coached college basketball briefly but not at the DI level.

I do have a hard time seeing some posters having nothing but negative things to say about Capel or his team but I can understand their frustrations. I do, however, believe OU is a lot closer to being competitive than most of you realize. There are some decent pieces in place but it is really hard to compete at a high level with OUr lack of size and athletic ability in the paint. The good news is Goff will be here next year and I believe that is a big step in the right direction. I believe Jurick would be a nice addition and would help a lot in that aspect as well. If Capel can add him or someone similar then OU will be MUCH better next year. I already think they will be MUCH improved next year with the additions of Goff and, much more than many sports, can be hugely affected by the addition of ONE really good player....the addition of two could make an ENORMOUS difference.

The only negative I would say as far as Capel is concerned is the issues we have with the roster HAVE to lie directly at his feet. He has gotten in on some MAJOR talent and reeled in some of it. (Willie Warren, Tiny Gallon and TMG) The only issue with that is every one of those guys had question marks and negatives before he even got them. Capel knew in advance that more than one of them considered themselves NBA prospects while they were still in high school and had considered turning pro after one year before they ever stepped on campus. He HAD to know because all you had to do was read or listen to some of their interviews before they arrived. Capel has always seemed to get one or MAYBE two high level kids and then take flyers on some really talented high school kids that were big make-or-break kids that never seemed to pan out. He lost many of those (obviously) to transfers, etc for whatever reason....I don't really blame him directly but a kid who leaves needs to be replaced by QUALITY kids. He has taken a LOT of flyers on big men who never pan is simply my opinion that JUCO big men who don't have great stats at the JUCO level aren't going to come in and give you a lot. Orlando Allen, etc fit that bill......Jurick has decent stats so I withhold judgement on him....I like his rebounding numbers and if he came in and averaged 10 pts and 10 rbs I would consider him a SOLID Big XII guy and I could live with that. I just feel like Capel has passed up on some kids who could have been really solid 4 year guys (like Joh Roberson) in the HOPEFUL pursuit of the bigger fish.....maybe he should scale back on the idea of the McD's AA type kids and go in search of the dozens of really quality players in Texas and Oklahoma, etc that could make OU a GOOD team. Throw in a JUCO here and there that can play. I just feel like if you are going the JUCO route you are probably better off getting a REALLY knowledgable JUCO guy to be one of your assistants...someone who can bring in the JUCO talent because of their contacts at that level. Again, this is all just my opinion.

I'm not so sure why Capel is scouring the world so hard for a PG when we would probably be better off with a really solid scoring SG......unless the plan is to play Osby at the 3 and Cam at the 2.....then it would make sense.

Seriously, I think OU will be MUCH improved next year. I think we are fine with Capel and I am not one of those guys calling for his head. I just hope he learned from the last couple of years and reevaluated his strategy on recruiting a little. I would much rather make a strong living on those really good 'second tier' guys rather than the elite McD-type 'studs'.......winning games will bring those types of players faster than anything else. If you could show those kids we are yearly tournament caliber and on the verge of taking that next step rather than starting from scratch every year then you might get one to supplement at VERY GOOD team and actually make some noise in the tournament.

Just one man's opinion.
First off, I don't post much but I read the board daily for information. I enjoy it and I enjoy a lot of the posts I read.

Secondly, I don't have a answer or a 'quick fix' to our problems. I probably have a different perspective than most of you do because I actually coach basketball for a living, albeit at the high school level although I coached college basketball briefly but not at the DI level.

I do have a hard time seeing some posters having nothing but negative things to say about Capel or his team but I can understand their frustrations. I do, however, believe OU is a lot closer to being competitive than most of you realize. There are some decent pieces in place but it is really hard to compete at a high level with OUr lack of size and athletic ability in the paint. The good news is Goff will be here next year and I believe that is a big step in the right direction. I believe Jurick would be a nice addition and would help a lot in that aspect as well. If Capel can add him or someone similar then OU will be MUCH better next year. I already think they will be MUCH improved next year with the additions of Goff and, much more than many sports, can be hugely affected by the addition of ONE really good player....the addition of two could make an ENORMOUS difference.

The only negative I would say as far as Capel is concerned is the issues we have with the roster HAVE to lie directly at his feet. He has gotten in on some MAJOR talent and reeled in some of it. (Willie Warren, Tiny Gallon and TMG) The only issue with that is every one of those guys had question marks and negatives before he even got them. Capel knew in advance that more than one of them considered themselves NBA prospects while they were still in high school and had considered turning pro after one year before they ever stepped on campus. He HAD to know because all you had to do was read or listen to some of their interviews before they arrived. Capel has always seemed to get one or MAYBE two high level kids and then take flyers on some really talented high school kids that were big make-or-break kids that never seemed to pan out. He lost many of those (obviously) to transfers, etc for whatever reason....I don't really blame him directly but a kid who leaves needs to be replaced by QUALITY kids. He has taken a LOT of flyers on big men who never pan is simply my opinion that JUCO big men who don't have great stats at the JUCO level aren't going to come in and give you a lot. Orlando Allen, etc fit that bill......Jurick has decent stats so I withhold judgement on him....I like his rebounding numbers and if he came in and averaged 10 pts and 10 rbs I would consider him a SOLID Big XII guy and I could live with that. I just feel like Capel has passed up on some kids who could have been really solid 4 year guys (like Joh Roberson) in the HOPEFUL pursuit of the bigger fish.....maybe he should scale back on the idea of the McD's AA type kids and go in search of the dozens of really quality players in Texas and Oklahoma, etc that could make OU a GOOD team. Throw in a JUCO here and there that can play. I just feel like if you are going the JUCO route you are probably better off getting a REALLY knowledgable JUCO guy to be one of your assistants...someone who can bring in the JUCO talent because of their contacts at that level. Again, this is all just my opinion.

I'm not so sure why Capel is scouring the world so hard for a PG when we would probably be better off with a really solid scoring SG......unless the plan is to play Osby at the 3 and Cam at the 2.....then it would make sense.

Seriously, I think OU will be MUCH improved next year. I think we are fine with Capel and I am not one of those guys calling for his head. I just hope he learned from the last couple of years and reevaluated his strategy on recruiting a little. I would much rather make a strong living on those really good 'second tier' guys rather than the elite McD-type 'studs'.......winning games will bring those types of players faster than anything else. If you could show those kids we are yearly tournament caliber and on the verge of taking that next step rather than starting from scratch every year then you might get one to supplement at VERY GOOD team and actually make some noise in the tournament.

Just one man's opinion.

Good post. I agree with your recruiting philo. I really think thats the direction Jeff is going too. It sucks but thats the nature of the program. Its going to take time and this is a good plan. Again, good post.
In other words.... the Kelvin approach. It would work but you have to be a good coach to be able to pull it off and I don't think Capel has proven to be that.
In other words.... the Kelvin approach. It would work but you have to be a good coach to be able to pull it off and I don't think Capel has proven to be that.

This was my first thought, too.

Our issues go beyond recruiting. Capel may now be on a good recruiting "game plan" (to borrow boca's word) but then the problem of coaching comes into question. So far, he's not been able to coach up his teams, so what makes anyone believe that is going to change?
Good post coach.

I think the 2 things that frustrate me are:

1- After a deep run in the tourney the coach needs to use that as a springboard to reload with quality players.

2- I'm not confident that Jeff is a great Xs and Os coach. You have to be able to pull some upsets unless you have superior players. That is what made this program great. We didn't always have the best players but we played like we believed we were better.

Our last conference win was an upset. How many others has Jeff had in his tenure?
I have said for years and years and years that it's much better to get 3 top 150's or so than 1 top 50 and 2 who won't ever sniff the court....ESPECIALLY given the fact that the top-50 might leave after 1.
Good post coach.

I think the 2 things that frustrate me are:

1- After a deep run in the tourney the coach needs to use that as a springboard to reload with quality players.

2- I'm not confident that Jeff is a great Xs and Os coach. You have to be able to pull some upsets unless you have superior players. That is what made this program great. We didn't always have the best players but we played like we believed we were better.

Our last conference win was an upset. How many others has Jeff had in his tenure?

it did reload with 2 pretty good all american players... sadly they didnt like school or the team concept. Thats put JC behind the 8ball and struggling to stay floating in a deep pool of haters.
In Capel's defense, he couldn't really know Tiny was going to take money (which sent him packing...I firmly believe he would have been back had it not been for that....and I place a part of the blame on Coach O for that as well....he supposedly put that all together.) and he didn't know TMG was going to turn out like he did although there were some warning signs for both. Had those two stayed we wouldn't look quite as bad as we do now.
it did reload with 2 pretty good all american players... sadly they didnt like school or the team concept. Thats put JC behind the 8ball and struggling to stay floating in a deep pool of haters.

A lot of people aren't "haters". We are fans of the OU basketball program and want to win.

I don't care if Capel is the coach as long as he wins. He's not doing that as has been pointed out ad-nauseum.
I have said for years and years and years that it's much better to get 3 top 150's or so than 1 top 50 and 2 who won't ever sniff the court....ESPECIALLY given the fact that the top-50 might leave after 1.

I'm of the same thought process on this and always have been. You can make a living off 3 guys in the 25-150 range every year.
In Capel's defense, he couldn't really know Tiny was going to take money (which sent him packing...I firmly believe he would have been back had it not been for that....and I place a part of the blame on Coach O for that as well....he supposedly put that all together.) and he didn't know TMG was going to turn out like he did although there were some warning signs for both. Had those two stayed we wouldn't look quite as bad as we do now.
Probably not much better because TMG didn't really like playing team basketball. I'm not sure why he really started because he wasn't that good in a system even if that's what you can call what Capel has.

The biggest problem I have with Capel is one that we've gone over and over again, we have no system. I don't care at all about recruiting rankings. That's stuff is mostly BS. If you have a good system you can win with decent talent. I think that's probably about what we have right now. Not top level talent, not near as bad as they've looked. But when you basically have a no system your team will look bad.
A lot of people aren't "haters". We are fans of the OU basketball program and want to win.

I don't care if Capel is the coach as long as he wins. He's not doing that as has been pointed out ad-nauseum.

I promise. There is nothing more than I want... For US to win.
I researched some of Jurick's stats.....

through the first three games of the year he had THIRTY blocked we have that many as a TEAM? Don't know the talent level they were playing but those are crazy numbers....I know if went down because through ten games it had gone down to 6 blocks per game but those are still very good numbers.

He also was averaging 15 rpg through 3...those also went down to 10.5 rpg through ten games.....still a good sign that he could give us something we DON'T have right now.....a big, physical presence in the paint. That, in itself, would greatly improve this team. Jurick and Goff together in the post along with Fitz given some minutes would be a nice 3-man rotation.

I'm not going to argue the 'system' debate that has been going on......I didn't really think we did a good job of getting BG the ball when he was here. I think there is far too much 'read and react' and not nearly enough sets and plays to get the ball where we need it in cruch time....BUT, improved athletes and talent will take things a LONG way towards respectability again.
I truly think the only way Capel wins is if he gets great talent. He can't win with anyone except that because his system is basically shoot 3s and go inside to a post guy. We don't have great 3 point shooters, and don't have a dominant post player. The system won't work if we don't have great talent. I would agree right now our talent isn't great, but the system hasn't changed from when we had a freak of a talent that was able to do what he wanted in any system. And we also had good enough outside shooting to counter that great talent getting double and triple teams. We still try and run the same system we had with Blake we just don't have a guy that can score 20 a game inside and we don't have guys that can make 3s on a regular basis. Coach K has had some teams in the past that had similar problems. Not often but I remember a couple of years that they would just shoot and miss 3s and look like they have no system.
I'm not going to argue the 'system' debate that has been going on......I didn't really think we did a good job of getting BG the ball when he was here. I think there is far too much 'read and react' and not nearly enough sets and plays to get the ball where we need it in cruch time....BUT, improved athletes and talent will take things a LONG way towards respectability again.

Isn't that what coaching basketball is all about? Anybody can put 5 guys together and go play on 125th street. Since you have a coaching background would you mind explaining Capel’s system to me? Based on what you have observed would you say Jeff is offense or defense oriented?
My biggest problem is why is a guy that averaged 4 points a game in the SEC going to substantially improve OU? I hope Osby does but I find it hard to believe he is going to make that much difference.

Goff will hopefully make a difference but he is only listed at 6-9 which probably means he is a bit shorter than that. Granted a guy that size can play center in college but I still have fears.

Finally, what is OU going to do in the backcourt? OU cannot defend on the perimeter and is losing Davis.

I truly hope you are correct but I worry.
Great post NC. It would be nice to have more reasoned intelligent posts like yours around here.

The board is overrun with negative whiney complainers with no vision.
the plan right now is to play clark and osby together on the wings ...

our starters IMHO are osby clark goff fitz and a PG ...

that is a big long and athletic lineup