Oklahoma State

Our players need to let Mulkey take care of her opponent. They called two fouls on us when other players tried to help. Let Mulkey block the shot.:facepalm

And all of our players need to practice shooting that 8-10 footer in the lane. I didn't get to watch but the last 7 minutes but I saw about three of those shots passed up for turnovers.:facepalm

Good win!

On one of those, T'ona didn't seem to be close enough to touch her, much less foul her. Maddie only lacked an inch or so being outside the sacred circle.
Big Game for us.
I was finally ready to concede, after our 29% first half. I just thought maybe we don't have any real finishers as Dan Hughes was alluding to? We get great looks a lot of the time, play great defense, and I was sitting there thinking maybe this is all we got? We just got a bunch of talented players, because it takes talent to get those kind of looks and play that kind of defense. But, they just can't make shots and never will. I am so glad we turned that around, and I think this will give us more and more confidence in those moments to keep it going.

I want to first say, while Gabbi and Gioya didn't have spectacular games, they look like they are trying to cut their dribbling waaay down and that is what this team needs. I have been critical of it, and I want to say that is awesome to see. The rhythm was tight today, Just zero finishing until the end.

Also important for this team- We need the ball in Maddies hands on about 80-85% of the possessions. And I think we might of found something we can always go to in tough times, the Maddie-Vivi 2 man game. It was deadly today. Surround that w/ Gabbi, Peyton, and Dungee from the wings, its the best thing we can do. Also, I saw something interesting-- Maddie had some serious swagger in her post-game interview, and I've never seen that from her. I think this is the moment that she doesn't turn back from. I am not saying she goes into Waco and knocks off Baylor yet, but this is a BIG step for her. Well Done Maddie.
On one of those, T'ona didn't seem to be close enough to touch her, much less foul her. Maddie only lacked an inch or so being outside the sacred circle.

I don't disagree, but why take the chance??? She is going to block the shot anyway. Just get ready to pick up the loose ball.

And hopefully, next year Sherri can install some kind of zone defense that doesn't allow the opponent to pull her away from the basket on defense. Her height does her no good when she's 15 feet from the basket.
23% shooting in 1sr half. OSU over 50%.

Congratulations to the girls. Despite their poor start and horrendous shooting , they played hard and persisted. The second half defense was very good, they were over 80% from free throw line. The some key 3s by Maddie and a big 3 from Gabbi put them away.

The press and oSu's difficulty dealing with it was key. It gave us the confidence that our poor shooting had taken away. Simply, the girls fought through a tough outing to come away with the W.
Well, that was interesting. We didn't fare well for three and a half quarters because we had some rather poor shots taken. Maddie needs to be like she was in the fourth. The Maddie/Vivi or Maddie/Nancy game is the key to this team. Peyton can hit wide open threes and an occasional runner, but those threes come off of someone else setting her up, like someone kicking out. Gabbi is better under pressure than TT. Period. I resent any possession that doesn't include Maddie, Vivi, or Nancy.

We had a couple of occasions when Maddie got us to within two (or one), and we got the ball, only to have TT or Peyton began their dribbling into the lane acts and lose the ball without getting off a shot to tie or take the lead. I wish Sherri would instill a rule: TT, Peyton, and Gioya are not allowed to drive if someone is inside (at this point, I don't care if it is a cheerleader). We didn't need to be losing opportunities to take the lead.

Holt---yet another offensive rebounder who goes off on us. She was better than Jensen today. First time in double figures? Really?

They outshot us: 46.2% to 35.0%.
The had more rebounds: 39 to 31.

We did have more threes, free throws, and fewer turnovers.

They led until 2:44, but lost the last 2:44: 9-2.
8-0 Baylor, Texas
6-2 Oklahoma
5-3 Kansas State (lost to Iowa State in Ames, yesterday)
3-4 Texas Tech
3-5 West Virginia
2-6 Oklahoma State, Iowa State
1-6 TCU
0-7 Kansas

Kansas is at TCU battling for the cellar at 6:00.
Well, that was interesting. We didn't fare well for three and a half quarters because we had some rather poor shots taken. Maddie needs to be like she was in the fourth. The Maddie/Vivi or Maddie/Nancy game is the key to this team. Peyton can hit wide open threes and an occasional runner, but those threes come off of someone else setting her up, like someone kicking out. Gabbi is better under pressure than TT. Period. I resent any possession that doesn't include Maddie, Vivi, or Nancy.

We had a couple of occasions when Maddie got us to within two (or one), and we got the ball, only to have TT or Peyton began their dribbling into the lane acts and lose the ball without getting off a shot to tie or take the lead. I wish Sherri would instill a rule: TT, Peyton, and Gioya are not allowed to drive if someone is inside (at this point, I don't care if it is a cheerleader). We didn't need to be losing opportunities to take the lead.

Holt---yet another offensive rebounder who goes off on us. She was better than Jensen today. First time in double figures? Really?

They outshot us: 46.2% to 35.0%.
The had more rebounds: 39 to 31.

We did have more threes, free throws, and fewer turnovers.

They led until 2:44, but lost the last 2:44: 9-2.

I was screaming at TT through the screen late in that game.... She's a spark, but my god. We just can't have those mistakes

Gabbi and TT just need to figure out, its a bad thing if they score 10-15 pts. Because that means we got less shots for Maddie, Peyton, and Vivi. And the less shots they get, the less likely they ever even get it going or keep it going if they got it- and we can chalk up an automatic loss if that happens. They need to start filling their roles. We need bench points, and others to score- but we don't need everybody forcing things. Three players should have the green light, thats it here..

Gabbi is extremely clutch, she's a worker, and a great player to have. TT can be electric. But in the half court, just get the ball to #23 and setup. That should be our foundation.
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Highly entertaining game. Not for pure basketball, but for great grit and win by playing tough defense. Maddie finally living up to hopes in the second half, after being benched in first half. 3-10 from 2pt, but in the clutch, and on defense, great. T"ona great on defensive end, also good defense by Chelsea Dungee.
Jentry Holt had a great game, career best I think, and did it mostly on all hustle and desire. Hope our ladies see that and it rubs off.
We didn't give up, and kept up tough defense even when offense stank. Hopefully another progression to a better team.
OU scoring in conference:

The last four have been consistent: at Iowa State, Texas Tech, at Texas, OSU.

Edit: you could throw in the Kansas State game after four quarters: 67-67.
Good game girls.....It wasn't pretty, but a win is a win....If it wasn't for defense and our free throw shooting, we wouldn't have won this one. OSU has a good team....Jenkins is good, as usual, and Holt really had a good game. Is she a freshman? If so, she will be a hand full in the years to come. Maddie and Vivi pulled us through....With this team, you never know who will be the hero's. Nancy also did some good things in the paint. Sure glad we won this one....Gotta win on our home court!!!!
If you are OSU and you are shooting the ball well, why do you just keep fouling?

I think I saw more shots rim out in the last 48 hours than in the total conference season.

I believe that is Littell's game plan. Play as rough as you can with OU and slow the game down. I do believe it affected our shooting. He was hoping a lot of fouls would be missed (and there were some). I believe he felt they had no chance at an up and down the court game. I think that's what his plan has been the last few years. Fortunately, today, we survived.
Conference three pointers:

44.00% (11-25) Gabbi
40.54% (15-37) Maddie
37.50% (3-8) Gioya, Derica (both are 3 of 8)
35.55% (16-45) Peyton
28.57% (2-7) TT
23.53% (4-17) Chelsea
00.00% (0-1) LaNesia
51 of 140 for 36.43%
I've been going to the weekend games with my mom, since my dad passed in November. She called my brother after the game to say, "I still can't believe we won...."

I can't either, but I'm still smiling at the outcome. It also spared us having Jentry Holt's game thrown in our faces in the Lawton media. And I'm sure Jenni Carlson would have thrown it in our faces (again) had her beloved Pokettes won for the second straight year in Norman. I liked a stat better that I heard on the postgame show - OU is now 32-6 in Bedlam the last 18 or so years.

It also reminded me that I have still never seen an Aggy win at the Lloyd Noble, at least in person, in my lifetime. And I saw the first five Bedlam men's games ever placed at the LNC.
Really good win. I had them done half way through the third, and then we caught fire and the defense was rocking. Our high/low worked very well when we were consistent with it in the fourth. I was surprised we didn't go to it earlier and tried to get Jensen's fourth foul. Maddie was outstanding, I hope this is her final wake up call for the rest of the season. My favorite five and I thought the best was Maddie, Vivi, Peyton, Chelsi, and Gabbi. Chelsi still makes some freshman mistakes, but I love her toughness and grit. Unbelievable how poorly we shoot on our home floor. A ton of rim outs. This team is playing their best defense right now and I think they will get better. Nancy has got to learn to play no further than eight feet out in the zone, she loses her effectiveness when the opponent can get behind her. She rebounded well today.

Defense, free throws, and taking care of the ball were the keys today. Looking at the stats, I agree, those 12 extra possessions off of OSU turnovers helped carry us through. Really Proud of the kids toughness today.
We have a couple of strengths.

We have an experienced team and depth and other than the Texas game we have finished strong in a number of games. That is what experience does for you.

We are much better on defense this year. Sherri has finally used her depth to keep a lot of pressure on the other team. That also helps our offense.
Our problems continue to be

We are not a good shooting team. Our half court offense doesn't get us a lot of open shots. Way too many off balanced, bad angle, rushed and ill advised shots. Too much dribbling, weak penetrations and lack of movement away from the ball.

We are still subject to bad runs.

Our rebounding still needs improvement. Once tonight on an OSU shot all but one of our defenders left for the other end and an Aggie got the ball and put it in. We need more people blocking out. We are better than at the first of the year. Maddi, ViVi, Payton and Dungee block out pretty well. TiTi and Gabbi rebound out of position very well.

Having said all that we have a good record. We are not top tier but maybe close to the top of the second tier. Improve our half court offense and rebound better and we could suprise some people.
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Really good win. I had them done half way through the third, and then we caught fire and the defense was rocking. Our high/low worked very well when we were consistent with it in the fourth. I was surprised we didn't go to it earlier and tried to get Jensen's fourth foul. Maddie was outstanding, I hope this is her final wake up call for the rest of the season. My favorite five and I thought the best was Maddie, Vivi, Peyton, Chelsi, and Gabbi. Chelsi still makes some freshman mistakes, but I love her toughness and grit. Unbelievable how poorly we shoot on our home floor. A ton of rim outs. This team is playing their best defense right now and I think they will get better. Nancy has got to learn to play no further than eight feet out in the zone, she loses her effectiveness when the opponent can get behind her. She rebounded well today.

Defense, free throws, and taking care of the ball were the keys today. Looking at the stats, I agree, those 12 extra possessions off of OSU turnovers helped carry us through. Really Proud of the kids toughness today.
I concur.

After re-watching the second half, it is apparent what works well on this team. At the half, we had six field goals: Gabbi and Nancy two each, Maddie and Vivi one each. Peyton was zero for five. The shots weren't really decent attempts for the most part. OSU was led by Holt and Echols. Holt was averaging about two points per game, until last night.

In the third quarter, we got the ball to Vivi. Never mind that Jensen was in the game. Jensen was a very uncharacteristic 2 of 10 from the field. Nancy didn't play a lot, but Jensen couldn't shoot over her. She could reach over the top of power and get all-ball. But, mostly, we became the Vivi and Maddie show.

It also became very obvious that our best five was Peyton (even though she had a poor night), Vivi, Maddie, Chelsea, and Gabbi. Gabbi and Maddie went through all of that ball-handling without any turnovers, nothing to detract from their performances. This unit played great defense. I think they have found that their forte is defense. They just haven't got an offensive flow yet, and they won't until Maddie realizes that she can do this every night. If Maddie is on, the Maddie/Vivi show is good enough. It allows others to simply do what they do without forcing it. Maddie and Vivi can force it---a little. Mainly, they can do things the others can't yet do. Well, Nancy can block shots.

If Nancy were to play the same minutes that Courtney played, she might have a double-double with blocked shots and scoring. When I have seen other 6-9 players, they weren't like Nancy. They had no hands or coordination. Nancy has excellent ability to put her hands accurately on the ball.

I'm getting close to revising my 12-6 to at least 13-5. I think we are a threat to both Baylor and Texas in Norman.
I try to watch as much OUWB as I can, I've only watched a handful of times this year but caught the 2nd half of this game. I was impressed with the fight, the team showed even when they werent making shots.

I thought Mulkey shouldve played more but like I said, I cant watch all the time. She effects so many shots! VPL played well though...
I've been going to the weekend games with my mom, since my dad passed in November. She called my brother after the game to say, "I still can't believe we won...."

I can't either, but I'm still smiling at the outcome. It also spared us having Jentry Holt's game thrown in our faces in the Lawton media. And I'm sure Jenni Carlson would have thrown it in our faces (again) had her beloved Pokettes won for the second straight year in Norman. I liked a stat better that I heard on the postgame show - OU is now 32-6 in Bedlam the last 18 or so years.

It also reminded me that I have still never seen an Aggy win at the Lloyd Noble, at least in person, in my lifetime. And I saw the first five Bedlam men's games ever placed at the LNC.

I think we'll arrange for you to have a permanent seat for attendance at all aggie games!!! :ez-roll: