OU is the worst team in the Big 12


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Nov 10, 2008
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OU is the worst team in the 12 right now. We won't make the NIT if this recent trend holds form. I can't remember a worse OU team, might have to go back to Dave Bliss days before my time. We are getting hammered by decent but not great teams. We were a top 10-15 program every year under phone call gate. Yes I am calling this season over this is brutal.
It's a rougher year than anyone expected, but I'm still confident it's only an abberation from what'll be the norm.

TMG - 4 years, Fitz - 4 years, Pledger - 4 years, Tiny - 3 years?

Solid group to build around.
I asked this a couple of weeks ago, and most thought it was a crazy question. But There is a legitimate chance of us finishing 11-12 in the League. I can see us going 5-11, 4-12.
I have seen every Big 12 team play except Baylor and Iowa State, and on 12/01/2010 I can not say that OU is better than any of them... I have seen Nebraska and Colorado a few times I am pretty sure OU will lose to both of them on the road. I mean, good OU teams lose there regularly so I don't know how this team will.

TODAY, I dont know how this team finishes better than 9th place. Now, that may change... They may just come alive out of nowhere and look like a different team. But as of today, they would do good to finish 9th in this league.
OU is the worst team in the 12 right now. We won't make the NIT if this recent trend holds form. I can't remember a worse OU team, might have to go back to Dave Bliss days before my time. We are getting hammered by decent but not great teams. We were a top 10-15 program every year under phone call gate. Yes I am calling this season over this is brutal.

Correction. OU is the worst defensive team. Offense is not a problem, except we're forced to take too many threes because we don't have an inside game when Tiny gets in foul trouble.

I have said this privately, but I'll say it openly now. This is the worst defensive team I've seen at OU in more than thirty years. I realize youth and inexperience has a lot to do with it. But, it's not necessarily a lack of effort. These kids simply do not "get it!"

When it became apparent that our man to man wasn't working, I pleaded for more zone. Well, I got what I asked for last night and that didn't work either. Anyone who has ever played a match up zone knows the key to preventing wide open shots from the perimeter is to anticipate where the ball is going and rotate to the obvious gap before the pass is made. If you wait until the ball arrives, it's too late.

Part of the problem is that we're forced to double down on most of the bigs we play, due to our size and our inability to defend straight up without any help at the post positions. That makes us even more vulnerable to wide open threes. But, I don't know if we have much of a choice, considering our lack of quality, experienced post players and Tiny's tendency to get in early foul trouble. I suppose it's fair to lay part of the blame at the coaches' feet. But to be honest, I don't envy them.
When it became apparent that our man to man wasn't working, I pleaded for more zone. Well, I got what I asked for last night and that didn't work either. Anyone who has ever played a match up zone knows the key to preventing wide open shots from the perimeter is to anticipate where the ball is going and rotate to the obvious gap before the pass is made. If you wait until the ball arrives, it's too late.

Yeah, as bad we are in man we may even be worse in the zone. Like you said, our rotation is just laughable and it doesn't take long for teams to break us down.